This section >nL-ludes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Aesignments of Mortgages and Satlstlea
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions Leases. Auction Sales. Voluntary Auction sIlls. Advertised Legal Sales Foreclosurr Suite.
^n^^^^^\^^''Z?st^r.l^'\'l.l'')^^-^^^^^ ^^^i^?' Satisfied Mechanics' Liens. Attachments. ChattelMortgages Affecting
Sfilu nH Rp^^^JmFp Arfn.«R«^r^ f;, ^^^ ^"'k^'?!/ and AlteratiOHs in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Wills Hnd Real Estate Appraisals m the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York N. Y., as second class matter.
Vol. CIV. No. 1
NEW YORK, JULY 5, 1919
JUNE 26, 27. 28, 30 & JUL,Y 1.
Barclay St, 131 (1:128-24), ns, SO.8 w
Washing-ton, 32.3x100.3x23.11x100.5, 5-sty
bk storage; Jeanette Jaburg, 332 Park av,
Newark, NJ, to Engel Co, 123 Barclay;
mtg $29,000 & ALij June26; June27'19; A
$2^,000-34,000 (R S $45). O C & 100
Broome st, :i-^-4 (2:352-34), ns, 25.1 e
Essex, 40x75x40.5x75, ti-sty bk tnt & strs;
Jos D Goldstein Realties, Inc, 149 Bway,
to Big Pour Realty Corpn, 37-9 Liberty;
mtg $42,400 & AL.; June26; Julyl'19; A
$25,000-44,000 (R S $5), O C & 100
Carmine st, 50 (2:527-57), ss, 75 e Bed¬
ford, 25x80, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Rosalie
Meyers, widow, 230 "W 105, to Everett
Realties, Inc, 42 Bway; mtg $17,500 & AL-;
June25; June27'19; A$12,000-23,500 (R S
$1.10). O C & 100
Cathedral Pkway, 15-& on map 21 (6:-
1594-2t>), ns, 566.S e Lenox av, 66.8x100, 5-
sty bk tnt; Saml A Cassell, 43 E 112, to
Cassell Holding- Co, 1695 Mad av; mtg
$91,000 & AL; June26; June30'19; A$44,-
000-96,000 (R S $23.50). O C & 100
Cathedral PJtway, 21; see Cathedral
Pkway, 15-9.
Cedar «t, !>2-104; see Bway, 111-3.
Clinton »t, S«-S (2:348-43-44), es, 175 s
Riving'ton, 50x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs &
5-sty. bk stable: 86 & SS Clinton St, Inc,
at 261 Bway. to Jos Fass, 78 Clinton; mtg
$33,000 & a PM mtg $17,000; June30; July
1'19; A$52.000-68,000 (R S $27). O C & 100
East Broadway, lOO (l:2S2-57), ns, 185.2
w Pike, runs n65.7xw25xs65.5xe25 to beg,
7-sty bk loft & str bidg; Francis S Mc-
Avoy, ret to S Mitchell Rainey, 426 Allen
St, Hudson, Columbia Co, NY; all RT&I of
Emil & Leah Keibstein; mtg $30,000;
PORECLOS June25; June27; June30^19; A
$19,500-35,000 (R S $8). S,000
Fletcher st, 15; see Maiden la, 123.
Front st, 103 (1:35-22), ses, at nes Jones
la, 20,11x71.6x19.2x71.5, 4-sty bk office &
str bids; Adolph C Israel, 993 Park av, to
A C Israel Co, 103 Front; B&S; AL; June
30'19; A$30,000-39,000 (R S $27,95), nom
Goerck Mt, 3l (2:327-59), ws, 125 n
Broome. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos
E Hurwitz, of Bronx, to Harris Levy, 1366
St Nicholas av; AT; QG; Junel2'16; June
28*19; A$5.000-15.000. nom
Goerek st- 31; Harris Levy, 1366 St Nich¬
olas av. to Jas J MoUoy, 32S 9 av; AT;
Junel2*16; June2S'19. nom
Goerck at, 31; Jas J Molloy to L Wied-
erman Iron Works, Inc, 600 Grand; B&S &
CaG; AL; JunelO'lO; June28'19 (R S
$13.50). O C & 100
Gouverneur st, 48; see Monroe, 215-7.
Grand st, 4-6; see Varick, SO-92.
Grove st. 27 (2:588-76), nws, 250.2 sw
Eleecker, 22x100, 3-stv & b bk dwg; Edw
H Herzog- et al to Alentaur Realty Co. 27
William; Junel9; June2Sa9; A$9,000-10.500
(R S $4). O C & 100
Jone»^ la, nes, at ses Front; see Front.
Liberty st, SI (l;66-2), nes, 44.5 nw
William, 21,9xS7.iO to Maiden la (No 60)
x22.1x82.11, 4-sty bk ofEice bidg; Fanny R
G Ely. of Lyme, Conn, & Alfred E Mar¬
ling, NY, to Federal Reserve Bank of ,N Y.
120 Bway; B&S & CaG; mtg $110,000; June
17; June27'19; A$130.000-140,000 (R S $90).
Maiden la, CO; see Liberty. 21.
Maiden la. 133 (1:70-1-3), nwc Water
f.Nos 156-8), runs w20.7xn54.llxw20.10xn
27.1 to ss Fletcher (No 15) xe43.6 to ws
Water xsSl.7 to beg, 4-3ty bk tnt & str &
1-3 cS: l-5-5ty bk office &; str bldg; Archi¬
bald M Maclav to Rose & Wobbe. a corpn,
158 Water; mtg $35,000 & AL; Junel7;
Julyri9; A$51,500-59,500 (R S $45),
O C & 100
Monroe st. 215-7 (1:266-1). nee Gouver¬
neur (No 48). 101.6x22.8x101.6x27. 6-sty bk
tnt & strs; Sol Silberblatt to Katie Cohen.
36 E 119; AL; Jan22'15; June30'19; A$22,-
000-45»500. nom
Park 111, 13:5 (1:128-41), ss, 79.11 w Wash¬
ington, 23.5x82-8x23x82,4, 5-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Jeanette Jaburg, 332 Park av,
Newark, NJ, to Engel Co, 123 Barclay;
mtg $35,000 & AL; June26; June27'19; A
$21,000-27,000 (R S $45). O C & 100
Pearl sit. 154-02; see Wall, 78-SO.
Rlvinfe-ton st, 308-12 (2:329-75-77), ns,
2o.l e Lewis, 55.10x100x55.9x100, 2-6-sty bk
tnts & strs; Irving Trust Co to Rivington
Operators, Inc, 32 Liberty; mtg $55,000 &
AL; June24; June30'19; A$22,000-54,000 (R
S 50g). nom
St Mark^ pi, 13, or Sth st (2:464-53), ns,
204 e 3 av, 26x112.10, 5-sty stn tnt; Mary
E Schall, of East Orange, NJ, & ano, EXRS
&c of Otillia M Mayer & ano, to Albt
Gordon, 111 1 av; June28; Julyl'19; A$18,-
000-33.000 (R S $21.50). 211.500
Sprinj^ st, 130 (llO) (2:485-16), ss, 63.6
e Greene, 14.3x51, 2-3ty bk tnt & str; Nina
de Leon Henriques, 260 W 72. to John H
Philips, 426 W 125; AL; June30: Julyl'19;
A$4,500-5,000 (R S $5). nom
Thames st, 1-11; see Bway, 111-3.
Thames st, 2-10; see Bway, 111-3.
Trinity pi* 01-3; see Bway, 111-3.
Trinity pi. 101; see Bway, 111-3.
University pi. 1 (2:548-1), nee Waverly
pi. 42.10x74.6, 4-sty bk bldg; A$40,000-42,-
000; also WAVERi^Y PL, 27 (2:548-22), ns,
33.6 w Greene, 3C.6 x 100.8, 4-sty & b
bk dwg; A$24,000-29,000; also WAVERLY
PL, 29 (2:548-23), ns, 67 w Greene, 33.Sx
100.S, 4-sty & b bk dwg; A$24.000-29,000;
No 1 University Place. Inc. at 52 Bway, to
U P W Realty Corpn. 234i Bway; mtg
$98,000; June30; Julyl'19 (R S $15). nom
Variek st» SO-O:: <2:477-l-10 & 33-34), sec
Watts (Nos 63-7). runs e65xs— to ns
Grand (.Nos 4-6). xw65 to Varick xn— to
beg, 3-sty bk tnt & vacant; Rector etc of
Trinity Church, 187 Fulton, to Alfred
Gregory, 24 Mountain av, Maplewood, NJ;
June23; June28'19; A$72,000-72.500 (R S
$112.50). O C & 100
Vesey st, 41 (1:85-14), ss, abt 120 w
Church, 32.6x80.6x32.6x80.10; also VESEY
ST, 43 (1:85). ss. abt 285 e West Bway,
35xS2, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Ellen A
Calianan. widow, to Frank Pindyck, 32
De Koven ct, Eklyn, & David Pindyck, 52
Will; mtg $107,000 & AL; Junei7; June
26'19; A$105,000-125,000 (R S $2.50). nom
Vesey st, 43; see Vesey, 41,
AVall St. 7S-80 (1:39-4-7), nes. at ses
Pearl (Nos 154-62), runs n76.1 xne 47xse
Xs0.4xw0.10xsl7.3xe6.8xsl0.9xw20 xs 53.5 to
ns Wall xw4S.ll to beg, 12-9ty bk office
bldg & 2-5-sty bk storage bldgs; 76 5th
Av, Inc, to City Real Estate Co, 176 Bway;
B&S; mtg $365,000 & AL; MayO; June27'19;
A$266,000-485,000. nom
"Washiiti-ton pi, 110 (2:592-11), sws, 1S2
nw 6 av, 18x71, 2-3ty & b bk dwg; Ethel-
bert A Rusden, Sr, Individ & ADMR &
heir Liilie J Rusden, to Clara Sulzer, 118
Washington pi; B&S; June21: June2S^19;
A$S.000-9.500 (R S $8.50). S.50<f
Washingrtun sq W, 37 (2:552-26), ws, 55
n 4th. 27.6x116, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Jas C
Connell. ref. to Albt Frankel, 2520 Pal¬
metto st, Ridgewood, LL plff; FORECLOS
tax lien May27; JuneSO; Julyl'19: A$31.^
000-39.000 (R S $6). 5,00»,61
"Water «t. 156-8; see Maiden la, 133,
AVnter st, 399 (1:250-33), ss, 73.9 e Cath¬
erine si, 20x72.9. 2-sty fr bk ft stable;
Maria L Vanderpoel, of Summit. NJ, to
Michl J Campbell. 25 Roosevelt; PM; mtg
$4,000; June3; Junefi'19; A$$4,500-$5.000 (R
S $5) (corrects error In issue Junel4.
when lot number & assessed value were
omitted). nom
Water st, 40O (1:250-45), ns, 92,2 e
Catherine si. 16.8x57.11x16,8x60.1, 3-stv bk
loft bldg; Maria Pavia, of Bklyn. to Emi¬
lia S Cardinale. 226 Hudson; mtg $3,000 &
AL; May31; June26U9; A$3,000-3,500. nom
Watts «t. o:i-7; see Varick. SO-92.
Waverly pi, 27-9; see University p!. 1.
Waverly pi, ue:c Univer,sity plj see Uni¬
versity pi, 1.
1ST st, SI E (2:428-9), ss, 120.7 e 1 av,
runs S42.6xe2.9xs4,2xe9xn7.2xe7,4 xn 11.1 &
28.11 to st XW17.6 to beg, 3-'Sty bk tnt &
str; A$4,500-5,500; also 1ST ST, ^3 E (2:-
428-10), ss, 138.1 e l av, runs <& 11.1
xe22.2xn3.2xnel3.4xn2;^.S to st xwl7.9 to
beg, 3-sty bk tnt & str; A$4,500-5,50U;
Warwick Corpn, 516 Sutter av, Bklyn. to
Barney Ershowsky, 95 E 1; mtg $10,000 &
AL ik PM mtg $1,500; JunelG; June27"19
(R S $1). - O G & 100
1ST st, 83 E; see 1st, SI E.
3D yt, 195 E (2:399-40), ns, 103 w Av B,
24x96.2, 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-'Sty bk
rear tnt; Courtlandt Nicoll, ref, to Edith
D N Collins, 645 St Marks av. Bklyn. plff;
FUREOLOS JunelO; June26; June27"19- A
$11,500-16,000 (H S $18). 1^,0(10
9TH Kt,^S0C-2 E; see Av D, 124-6.
IITH st, 4;-lS-4^ \^% see Av A, 173,
IITH St. 1M3 W (2:614-40), ns, 125 e 4th,
18.9x100x19.5x100.1, 3-sty & b bk dwg;
Julius Lippman, 212 W 14. to Chas W
Knight, 243 W 11; mtg $6,500; June30;
Julyl'iy; A$8,500-10,000 (R S $8.50).
O C & 100
13TH st, 610 E (2:395-11), ss. 143 e Av
B, 25x103.3, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Leon M
& Selig Lesser, 205 Henry. EXRS Geo
Lesser, to Abr Dariff, 312 Henrv; PM
mtgs $24,000 & AL; June25: Jun\^27'19;
A$S.000-25,000 (R S $5.40). ^7.000
15TH st, 330 W (3:738-60), ss, 400 w S
av, 18.8x81, 5-sty bk tnt; Albt D Mar-
stadt, of Bklyn, to Anna M Goldey, 145
W 12; mtg $11,500 & AL; June26; June
27-19; A$7,300-17,000 (R S $6). O C & lOO
17TH St. 10 E (3:844-33). ss, 250 w Union
sq W, 25x92, S-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Manboro Realty Corpn to Barclay Holding
Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg $65,000 *& AL; June
25; June26'19; A$40,000-75,000 (R S $1).
O C & 100
17TH at, 435 W (3:715-15), ns, 412.6 w 9
av, 37.6x*j2, vacant; Orrin H Drew of Has-'
brouok Heights, NJ. to David Milligan,
639 Palisade av. Jtrsey City, NJ; mtg ^7,-
000; Mar21; June28'19; A$14,5"00-]4.500 (R
5 *^)' O C & 100
19a^H «t, 300^4 W; see S av, 171-5.
£31> st, 135-7 E; also 24TH ST, 140-2 E:
also LEXINGTON AV. 25-7; also 71ST ST,
119 E; also 28TH ST. lllE; Katharine C
Johnston, late of Bklyn (by will) directs
her EXRS to sell above & pay over net
proceeds to Roman Catholic Church of the
Sacred Hearts' of Jesus and Mary on De-
graw st, near Hicks st, Bklyn; Lexington
av. 973, to Prank Knapp. 954 Lex -tv. NY-
Union st, 196. Bklyn, to Mary A C^rran:);
the EXRS'under said will are Title Guar
6 T Co, 175 Remsen st. Bklyn. & Arnold
D Ajello, 206 Carroll st, Bklyn; NovlSn7:
June24*19. will
24TH St. 140-2 E; see 23d, 135-7 E
24TH «t, 229 E (3:905-18), ns, 229.6 w
2 av, 19.5x98.9, 1 & 3-sty bk hall; Brick¬
layers Benevolent & Protective Union of
City N Y to Dyckman Stores Corpn, 1G2 W
72: June25; June26"19; A$S,200-8,700 (R S
?S). S,00O
i:4TH st, 229 E (3:905-18), ns, 229.(! w 2
av, 19.5x98.8. 1 & 3'Sty bk hall; Dyckman
Stores Corpn. 162 W 72, to J M Horton Ice
Cream Co. 205 E 24; June26; June2S"19- A
$8,200-8,700. nom
2;>TH St. 417^23 W (3:723-20), ns. 225 w
9 av, 100x98.9, 1-sty bk garage; Anna F
Day (Hencken), of Wilmington, Del. to
Henry Hencken, 332 W 2S; QC: June30'
Julyri9; A$4S.500-58,500 (R S 50c). nom
20TH st, 302 W (3:749-47). sS, 62.6 w 8
av, lSxS8.2, 3-sty bk loft bldg; Abr Wine-
burgh to Adele R Wineburgh. both at 401
West End av; mtg $10,000; June30'19; A
$8,000-12,000 (R S $10). O C & 100
2STH st. 111 E; see 23d. 135-7 E.
39TH st, 348-nO-W (3:762-66-07), SS, 100.1
e 9 av, runs s47xw.0%xs51.9xe50xn9S.9 to
st xw49.ll to beg, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs
& 2-4-sty bk rear tnts; Henry Harburger,
41S Central Park W, et al, to Mary E
Lewis, 172 Sterling pi, Bklyn; mtg $37,000
Junes; June27'19; A$30,000-49,000 (R S
$15). nom
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