This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and
e Bxtensiona. Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales. Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens. Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages AfCectng:
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts. New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
W1118 and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York. N. Y., as second class matter.
Vol. CIV. No. 6
JUL.y 28,' 2d, 30, 31, AUG. 1 & 2.
Beckmau st, 41-3; see William, 166.
Burling: jsl, 5 (1:75-10), ea, abt 60 n
Water, 20x62x19x62, 4-sty stn loft & str
bldg; Edith C Smith & ano to Sigmund
Spingarn. 254 W 76; Augl; Aug2"19: Ajn.-
500-16,000 (R S $18-50), noni
Canal st, 34>1 (1:231-1), ns, 56 w Bway,
2U4x—x21x4-1.4, 2-sty bk str; Fredk T
Barry, 54 W 96, &, ano, EXRS Mary L, Van
Ness to Mary K Marshall, 30 W 54, & Pene¬
lope A Liuttg-en, 542 W 112; AT; JulyS;
July2yi9; A$21,000-22,000. nom
Charles Ht, 51 (2:612-40), ns, 67,6 e 4th,
16.8x95, 3-aty & b stn dwg; John Oberen-
der of Bklyn et al to Mary Hopkins. 51
Charles; mtg $5,000 & AL; JulySO; Julv3i
'19; A$6.000-7>500 (H S $4,50). O C & 100
Chiirltou «t, 31 (2:519-60), ns, 230 e Var^
ick, 20.2x100.5, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Wm S
Coffin to Alice P Todd, 31 Charlton; mtg
$8,000 & AL; July31; Augl'19; A$9,500-10.-
000 (R S $6.50). O C & 100
Clinton st, 101 (2:34S-29), ws. 100.4 n
Delancey, 25.4x100, 5-sty bk tnt & str&;
Louis J Freiman, 100 W 114, to Freemar
Realty Corpn, lOO W 114; QC; mtg $22,000;
Julyl; July31'19; A$26,000-40,000 (R S 50e).
O C & 100
Dominick «t, 31 (2:579-35), ns, 140.11 w
Varick, 1^x75. 3-sty & b bk dwg: Emi¬
grant Indust Savgs Bank to Mary Fisher,
21 Vandam; B&S; July26; July28'19; A$6,-
200-8,000 (R S $10), ltr,000
Do^-nlug^ «t, 45-7 (2:528-80), ns. 92.7 w
Bedford, 29.7x90, 3-sty bk garage; Jos
Tassl to Raffaele Tassi, both at 121 W
Houston; AL; Apr24; Aug2'19; A$12,000-
25,000 (R S $6). nom
Forsyth st, «7 (1:305-3 0), ws. 75.2 n
Hester, 26,5x100x26.3x100, 5-sty bk tnt &
strs & 5-sty bk rear tnt; Alfred Hayes,
ref, to Lawyers Mtg Co. one of the plffs;
FORECLOS July2"19; July7; Ju!y29'19; A
$20,000-27,000 (R S $25), 25,0iHi
Fulton Ktt 93 (1:77-22). ss, abt 125 e
Wm, 25.10x79.10x29x79.10, 5-sty bk loft &
str bldg; James J Boland Co of Buffalo, N
Y, to Boyd F Maize. 169 Columbia Heights,
Bklyn; mtg $53,000 & AL: July28; July31
'19; A$60,000-65,000 (R S $7.50). nom
Grand st, 57» (1:265-35), ss, 93.4 nw Cor-
lears, runs nwl6,Sxs82.9xel5.3 (?) to beg.
error, n course omitted. 5-sty bk tnt ^-
strs; Ghissella Bienstock. 201 S 2d, Bklyn,
to Emmanuel Tolesca, 2668 E 21^ Bklvn;
mtg $4,000 & AL; July29; July30'19; A$3,-
500-5.000 (R S 50g). nom
Greene st, 148-50 (2:513-10), es, 100 s
Houston. 50x100. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Burden Realty Corpn to Jos Shapiro. 1279
47th, Eklyn; PM mtg $52,500; Augl; Aug2
'15; A$29.000'-48,000 (R S $7). O C & 100
Green^vieh «fr 550 (2:596-75), ws, 51.10 s
Charlton. 27.2x76,4x27.2x76.2, 5-sty stn tnt
& stra; Harold S Rankine, ref, to Bankers
Trust Co, 16 Wall, sub TRSTE will Wm
A Martin, plff; FORECLOS July2; JulylO;
July30'19; A$10,500-17.500 (R S $10), 10,*M>0
Green^vich st, 377-0; see Greenwich, 381-
Green^vlch Kt, 381-3 (1:187-15-18). sec
North Moore (Nos 68-72), 50.4x100.2, 1-3 &
3-4-stv bk tnts & strs; PM mt^ $45.000: A
$51,300-57,500; also GREENWICH ST, 377-
9 (1:187-13-14), es, 50.4 s ,North Moore, 50.4
XlOO.2, 2-3-'Sty fr bk ft tnts & strs; PM
mtg- $30,000; A$41,000-43,500; Rector, etc.
of Trinitv Church to B Fischer & Co, 375
Greenwich; Julyl6; Augl'lS" (R S $100).
O C & 100
Hamilton ter, 35 (7:2050-106). es. 32S.3 n
141at, 18 6x84.7x18.6x83.3, 4-sty & b bk
dwg; Guardian Life Ins Co of America to
Tsabellfl BSshop. 35 Hamilton ter; BctS &
CaG; PM: mtg $0,875: July25; July30'19;
AS7.200-11.000 (R S $12). O C <^ 100
Hou^^ton st, 202 E (2:428-17), nws. 300 w
Av A. 25x77.2 to 1st (No 97) x25.2x74, 2-5-
sty bk tnts & stra: Anthony Scheuermann
et al,' heirs, &c, Michael Scheuermann, to
Foster Land & Mtg Co, 16 Nassau; AT; B
^^S; June23; July31'19; A$18,000-26,000 (R
S 50c). nom
HouMtou st, 2fl2i E; also 1ST ST, 97 E;
Caroline Scheuermann et al, heirs, &c,
Peter Scheuermann, to same; AT; E&S;
June23; July3ri9 CR S $8.50). nom
Hou»^tcn st, 2C:: E; also 1ST ST, 97 E;
John Mehl et al, heirs Mary Mehl, & et al
to same; AT; B&S; June23; July31'19 (R
S $S). nom
Ho'U^ton st, ^4tt B (3:384-43). ns, 140 w
Av C, 25x67x25.1x65.9, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Chas M O'Keeffe, ref, to Lawyers Mtg Co,
one of the plffs; FORECLOS Julyl7'19;
July21; July29'iy; Al^lS,500-19,000 (R S
$22). 22,000
Houston st, ::S-30 W (2:523-26), ns, 75
w MercbT, runs nl05xw25xs5xw25xsl7xe5x
;i^3xe45 to beg, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Alfred C B McNevin, ref, to Manhattan
Savings Instn, 644 Bway, plff; FORE¬
CLOSED & drawn July2y; July31'19; A
$30,000-54,000 (R S $69). «0,«U0
Lafayt?tte st, 434 (2:545-37), ws, 202.5 s
Astor pl, runs nwl55xswl8xs20xwl7.6xsl2x
ae20.6xne23xsel37.6 to st xne27 to beg, 2-3
&, 5-sty gtn office & str bidg; U S Trust
Co of N Y to Cono Conte, 174 Grand; B&S;
July2S; Julv31*19; A$3 5,000-39,000 (R S
$33). O C & 100
Lafayette st, 434; Cono Con'te, 174 Grand,
to John J McAndrew, 8 Orleans st. New-
ark. NJ; AL; July31; Aug2'i9 (R S $5).
Lai^-ht st, 5a (1:219-3). ns. abt 125 w
Hudson, 25x70.9x27.3x73.6, ws, 2-3ty bk
tnt; Markham Realty Corpn to Boernie
Leerburger, 2146 7 av; E&S; July30'19; A
$10,000-10,500 (R S $2i). O C & 100
Le-wiw st, 01 (2:329-21), ws, 98.2 s Stan-
tun, 24,1x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Maer
Pearl of Bklyn to Harrv Lieberman Real¬
ty Co, Inc, 91 Lewis; mtg $12,000 & AL &
PM mtg $8,000; Augl; Aug2'19; A$7,500-
20,000 (R S $10.50). nom
Ludlow st, 14 (1:297-4), ea, 124.3 n Canal,
32.4x87.4x32.4xS6.10. 5-sty bk tnt & strs &
5-3ty bk rear tnt; Broadway Savings In¬
stn to Peter Tames, 62S W 151. & Moses H
Tames, 72 Eldridge; B&S & CaG; AL: July
31'19; A$19.000-27.000 (R S $24). O C & 100
\orth Moore »t, 08-73; see Greenwich,
Pearl st, 138 (1:31-11), ses, 212.5 ne Old
sl, 30x— to nws Water (Nos 92-4) x40x—,
4 & 5-sty bk office & str bldg; John R
Suydam. of Bayport. LI, et al, to Frank
D Clearman, 29 Rossmore pl, EeUeville,
NJ; B&S & CaG; mtg $28,000 & AL & PM
mtg $28,000; Julv21; July2S"19; A$60,000-
75.000 (R S $57). O C & 100
Pearl st, i:W>; see Water. 102.
Pike st, 53 (1:272-50). es. 34,8 n Monroe,
runs nl9.11xe46.7xs0.10xe3.10 xsl9.1 xw50,5
to beg, 7-stv bk loft & str bldg; Philip J
Dunn. ref. to Title Guar & T Co. sub
TRSTE will Jas A CoAvie.. plff; FORE¬
CLOS Julv2S: July30'19; A$6.000-10,000 (R
5 $5). 5,0(HI
Pike Nt, 02 (1:254-30), WS, 22 3 Monroe,
22x60x22x59.9, 4-sty bk tnt; Albert S
Wright to Sophie wife Sam Michaelow. 120
Madison st; B&S & CaG; JulySl; Aug2'19;
A$7.000-10,000 (R S $11). O C & 100
Pitt fit, 7 (2:341-57), ws, 100 n Grand, 25
xlOO. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Leon Mandel of
Bklyn to Yetta Weiner, 141 Broome; ^^
pt; QC; mtg $17,000 & AL; Aprl9; July29
â– 19; A$12,000-18.000 (R S $3). nom
Pitt Nt. 53 (2:343-67), ws, 128 n Delancey.
22x100. 7-sty bk stable: Nathan Garfield
to Garfield Development Co, both at 115 S
9th, Bklvn; mtg $22,100; July31; Aug2'19;
A$12.000-26,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100
Prince st, 177 (2:517-40), ns, 100 e Sulli¬
van, 25x95.6, 6-sty bk loft & str blcTg; Ste¬
phen P Sturges of Shelter Island, LI, as
TRSTE to Chas E Haskell at Orange, NJ;
PM; mtg $18,000; May24; Aug2'19; A$16,-
000-24.000 (R S $22.50). 4.5<H>
Rlvinerton st, 1€(; (2:411-72). nes, 66.3 se
Ludlow, 22x80. 3-sty bk tnt & str; Isaac
Ortman. 106 Rivington, to Davicl Honlg,
106 Norfolk; mtg $17,000; Julyl7; JulySO
â– l^J; A$14,000-19.000 (R S $9). nom
E»tunton st, 177 (2:849-51), sa, abt 75 e
Clinton, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & Strs; Anna
Markwitz of Bklyn to Evelyn Markwilz.
46 Hampton pl, Bklyn; AL; July2; July29
â– 19; A$16,000-22,000. gift
Syivan pl, nee lifCth; see 120th, 165-71 E.
Wa>^hington pi, SO (10 W) (2:552-13), ss,
145 e 6 av, 32.4x96.2x22.4x96.3, 3-sty & b
bk dwg; Ellen Weldon, 4050 Hudson Blvd,
West Hoboken, NJ, to Hamilton Abert, 36
Washington Sq W; JulySO; July31'19; A
$15,000-17,000 (R S $20). O C & 100
Watisr wt, 9(? (1:31-34), nws, abt 185 ne
Old al, 22.10x42.5x24x42.7, 5-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Mary B Caswell, widow, to Geo
5 Wallen. at Gedney Farm Hotel, Mamaro¬
neck av. White Plains, NY, & Alfred F
Haenlein, 46 W 96, firm George S Wallen
6 Co; 20-60 parts; AL; July31'19; A$14,-
000-18.000 (R S $10). 10,<MM>
Water st.- 1)2-4; see Pearl 128.,
"Water st, loa (1:31-14), nws, 165 sw
Wall. 19.7x— to ses Peai;i (No 136) xl9.5x
—, 4 & 5-sty bk office & str bldg; Grenville
Kane, EXR Edith Kane, to Emily Krauss,
159 E 92; July9; July29'19; A$28,000-34,000
tR S $35). 35,000
Water st, l&l (1:74-39), ss, abt 85 w
Fulton, 21.6x86. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Howard Conkling of Prov, RI, et al to
Bernard Lichtenstein, 50 W 77; Julyl5;
Juiy30'19; A$16,000-21,000 (R S $23.50).
Willium st, 160 (1:93-25 & 27),
s Beekman, 26x69.9x21x66.1,
BEEKMAN ST, 41-3 (1:93), ss,
Wm, 35.11x22x3L10xl9.7, es,
& str bidg; Mary E Bloody
Van Boskerck at Plainfield,
es, abt 30
ss; also
abt 38 e
5-sty bk loft
ood to Geo T
& CaG; mtg $S,000 & AL; JulylO; Augl'19;
A$eo,000-72.000 (R S $2.50). nom
1ST st, 4S E (2:443-53), ns, 286.8 e 2 av,
2^x100.3x26.6x100,1, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Wm R' Maloney, ref, to Kate Campbell,
995 Mad av, plff; FORECLOSED & drawn
Augl; Aug2"19; A$12,000-20.000 (R S $17).
1ST st, »7 E; see Houston. 202 E. â–
4TH st, 131-3 E; see 1st, 67 E,
4TH st, 305 E (2:374-67), ns, 64.3 e Av
C. lSx72, 5-sty bk tnt & str; Jacob Fier to
Nathan Dornstreich, 1317 2 av; mtg $13.-
800; July29; July30*19; A$7,500-12,000 (R S
50c). O C & 100
&TH st, 4:^4 E (2:432-21), ss, 250 w Av
A, 25x96.2, 5-sty bk tnt & &strs; Mary
Vormwald, of Bklyn, & ano, to Mollie
Gross. 412 E 5; mtg $15,000 & AL; Augl'lO;
A$12.000-16.000 (R S $2.50). O C & 100
5TH st, SOS E (2:360-11), ss, 126 e Av D,
24x96, 4-stv bk shop; Federation Feather
Co, Inc, to' David Welsch, 170 Rodney at,
Bklyn; mtg $13,325 & AL; Julv24: Augl'lO;
A$9,500-12,000 (R S $6.50). nom
lOTH st, 30-2 E (2:561-11), ss, 194.9 e
University pl, 27.6x92.3, 4-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Saml Woolverton. aub TRSTE
will Margt O Shiff, to Burden Realty Cor¬
pn, 3S Park Row; AL; July25; Augl'19: A
$22,000-25,000 (R S $20). 20,000
lOTH st, 30^3 E; Lillian W Shiff to same:
AT; July25; AugP19 (R S 50c). nom
lOTH st, 30-2 E; Burden Realty Corpn
to Leah Cohen, 249 W 111, & Sadie Spero,
157 Manhattan av: mtg $15,000 & AL; July
25; Augl'19 (R S $7). O C & 100
IITH Nt, 12!> AV < 2:607-60), nes, 330,2 nw
6 av, 22,4x103.3. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Wm
Chilvers. EXR &c Jane C Baker, to John
Nash, 122 W 12; July25; July28'19; A$12.-
500-16,000 (R S $19)- O C & 19.000
IITH st, 120 W; Margt Baker et al. to
same; July22; July2S"19 (R S 50c). nom
12;TH st, 7 E (2:570-42), ns, abt 200 e 5
av. 25x120.9x26x114.2, 3-sty & b bk dwg;
Agnes T Burnett to Ethel P Sullivan. 202
W 107; mtg $14,000 & AL; Augl'19: A$20,-
000-21,000. 0 C & 100
l^TH st, 205-13 E (2:468-55). nee. 385 nw
2 av, 125x103.3, S-sty bk shop; Howard C
Kellv. ref, to Cornell University, a corpn
of Ithaca, .NT. plff; FORECLOS mtg rea
Aprl5'15; July2S; July30'19; A$82.000-155,-
000 (R S $101). 101,000
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