the Borouffh of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills
New York, N, Y.. aa s^ctjnd class matter.
Est at Appraisals
Borough of Manhattan. Entered
Vol- CIV.
Ng. 26
NOV 6, 7, S, 10, 11,
Alleu st, 54, (l:;iOS-Uh os, ISO s Grand,
20x^i.^; i> Sty Uk loft & str bldg'; Jos
bpectjor to Saul UetesU, 6120-20 uv, Bklyn
& Isaac iJetesh, 745 Driti'^s av, Bklyn;
nits' $15,000 & AL & P M mtg- $5,750; Nov
a; ^^ov7"10i A$i;J,500^:^3,000. (KS$11>.
O C & 100
Attorney st, nwc Delancey; see Delan¬
cey, lib.
Bank st, i::i, (2:6;J5-41), ns, 252.8 w
Greenwich, runs w Hi.5 xn95xe7.S.>:sll4.L;
to beg; 4'-stv bk tnt; Mutnal Life Ins Co
OI NY to John H Phillips, 426 W 125; B&S
&CaG. AL; Oct 1; NovlO'liJ; A$t>,000-12,000
(US $S). O C & 100
Bank Hi, 121, (2:635^41), ns. 252.8 yr
Greenwich, runs w 1(^.5 & n9bxe S.lOxn
21.10X e 7.SX s 114.2 to beg; 5-sty bk tnt;
J^^dith F, wife IiJdw "Wc-llenkamp of Bklyn,
to Mutual Life Ins Co of NY; AT; LCT;
Nov3; NovT'19; A $6,000-12.000. nom
B4M^knian pl, IS (5:1361-;S9), swc 50th,
19x90; 4 sty & b stn dwg-; Martin E. Du-
Ran & Uobt J Young' to D & Y Realty
Corpn, 59 Wall; intsr $12,000; Oct2S; Nov
7'19; A$7,300-12,000 (RS $S.) nom
Chcrrv sf, 4:Jtt (1:2i;0-:}S). SS, 75.4 w
Jackson. 24.llxi)2.9x24.10x94,9; 5 sty stn
tnt- Abr J Dworsky, 53 E 9?. to Uachel
S.dlow. 2^8 K 112. AL; May6; Nov6 19;
A$5,5O0-lLOOO (KS $1). O C & 100
Chrysth- Nt, 20:! (2:426-2G), w.s. 25 s
Stanton. 25xfii>.S; 5 sty bk tnt & strs; Benj
M Gruenstein et al to Jennie Pale3', 59h
Cauldwell av; B & S A L; Nov5; NovlOlO;
A$1LOOO-17,000. .o-"."^^"^
Chrystie st, 04 (1:^0^-11) OS. 12u 4 s
Grand, 25x100, 6 sty bk tnt & strs; A$19,-
0000-36,000: also MOTT ST, 117 (1:205-20),
ws 25 s Hester. 25x100; 7 sty bk loft str
'hrvstie 25x100; 6 sty bk tnt & strs; A
18,000-34.000; Francis P Garvin as O'lien
Property Custodian autbori:^o Frank J W
Diller et al to seize from Kathi^rine Sa-
tori of Germany, holder of 1-6 int. in
above; SrptlR: Kov6't9. Seizure
Chryntic si. 04; also MOTT ST, 117: also
22- same to seize from Htdrs of Heinrich
Faust of Germany holder of 1-6 int; Sept
16; Nov6T9. Seizure
ChryNtle st. 94; also MOTT ST. 117; also
22; same to seize from Karolina E Ruck-
ort of Germany holder of 1-6 int; Septl6;
Nov6'19. seizure
Dolancey nt, ITfl (2:34^-70), nws Attor¬
ney, 25x100, 3 sty bk loft hld^-; Salem
Land Co. 20 T<:xch pl to Jacob Branfman,
6i>:i Van Sicklen av. Bklvn: PM; mtp: $22.-
000 & AL; NovS; Nov6'19; A$27,000-34,000:
(RS $27). O C & 50
Front Ht, fl5-T (l::i5-13>, ses. at nes Gou¬
verneur la, 44,11x51.8x45.2x60,8; 4 sty bk
officf^ & str bldp; Kdw H O'Brien & Myrtle
T. his wife of San Francisco Cal. to A O
Tsraol Co, lOfl Front: mtt-s l53r*,0O0 & AL:
Oct28; Novll'19; A$34,000^44,00 (RS $25),
Front Ht. 103 (1:35-22). soc Jones la, 20.
11x71.6x19,2x71.^^; 4-stv bk office & str
hide:; A C Israel Co to Myrtle I. wife Edw
H O'Brien at Hotiel St Francis, San Fran¬
cisco, Cal; AL: Nov 1; Novll*19; A $30,000-
39.000 (RS $57). nom
Greonn-ich st. 74.1 (2:633-44), es. R6.3 s
llth. runs s 18.9x e G2x n IS.9k w 28x n
0,4x w 34, to beg-; 2'Sty bk tnt; Mary V
Cohen on 3 av, Garwood NJ, widow "to
Leonard G Venn on Summit av. "Westfield,
NJ Sc Harry B Venn 245 Waverly pl. NY;
Oct 7; Nqv7'19; A$4,500-5,000. O C & 100
Houston St. ilil W (2:517-15), ss, 25 e
Sullivan. 25x95; 4-sty bk tnt & strs. 1-sty
cxt; Jos Tassi, to Raffaele Tassi, both at
121 W Houston; mtg's J24,500; Apr 24; Nov
6'19; A$15,500-19,500 (RS $5). nom
HiHlson stj 347-.'>3 (2:594-56-59-96-97), w,
210 n Watt.-5, runs n 51.llx w 80x s 14.Sx
w lOx n 7.9x w 60 to es Renwick (Nos 12-
6) & s 70.3 7 e 70x n 25x e 80 to beg; 2-3
& 1-4-sty fr bk tnts & strs & 2-3 & 1-2-
sty bk tilths & 3-sty hk rear tnt; Caroline
F Savid^-'fs NY & J Stanley Foster of VSa-
hylon LI to Hud wick Corpn, 165
AL; Oct 16; Novl0'19; A$46,000-50,500 (RS
$44.50). nom
Jny St. 11 (1:180-13), ns abt 25 w Staple,
25x87.6. 5-sty bk loft Sc str bldg": Robt '>
LeConte of Phila Pa. to Geo H Steg'e.186
Hfwes St. Bklyn; AL; NovS; Novl0"19:
A$23,000-34,000 (RS $45). nom
Jones la, scc Front: see Front. 105.
Lndloiv st, ir*f> (2:411-19), ws. 50 s Stan¬
ton, 25x42.0; 5-sl,y bk loft Sc str bldg-; Is¬
aac Marks & ano. EXRS &c. Abr Mark,s
to David L Horowit:^, 3162 Wayne st. Mid¬
dle Villati-e LI: mttr $10,250; Nov6; Nov7
'19: A$7.000-10,500 (RS $6.50). O C & 100
Itlnn^in st, 7 (2:321-pt lot 15) ws, 135 n
Grand. 26xl00x2r>.2x100; pt 1-stv bk ^ar-
as'o: Citv NY to Marv Connolly, 136 Hoop¬
er st, Bklyn; AT; QC; Au,:i'l3; Nov7'19;
A$.............. li:i,50
Madison .st, !*(;:* (1:269-44), ns 6S.8 e
Clinton, runs n 08.2 & e 1.5x n 32.1 & e
23.6x s 100.3 to st & w 25 to beg; 5'Sty bk
tnt; Selvin Realty Co, 5 Beekman to Max
Markman. 769 E 158. Bx, mtg'S $18,625 &
AL & PM mtg $3,875; Nov7; NovS'19:
A$14,00n-24.000; (RS $9.50). O C & 100
Mim^ttn si. 0 (2:542-22), ns, 143.1 e
Blpccki-r. 22.1x75x22.2x75: 2-stv fr bk ft
tnt: A$4.000-4,500; also MINETTA ST, S
(2:542-21), ns, 175.3 e Bloeeker, 22x75x22.2
x75; 2-stv for bk ft tnt; A $4.000-4.500: al¬
so MINETTA ST. 10 (2:542-20), ns. 197.3 e
Blerckor. runs ne 39.10x s 34 to st & sw
21.11 to hoe-; sorp 3-stv bk tnt; A$2,000-
2.500; ITenrif'tta S Orth to Sadie Irom. 115
"VV 114, AL; Nov 6; Nov 7'19 (RS $8.50).
Mlnettn st, S-10; see Minetta st, 6-
Mott st, 117: seo Chrystie. 94,
Norlolk St. l<i;*-5i see Stanton, 134-6.
Penrl st, 7,1 (1:29-11), nwc Coenties Al¬
lev runs w 25.3x n 1x4 e 0.8x n 2S.9 & 20.6
& w 0,8x n 8.5 & 17.10X w 2.llx n 36.3 to
ss Stone (No 40) Sc e 33.9 to w^s Coen¬
ties Alleyx s 107.11 to beg; 6-sty bk Joft &
str bldG"; Danl F Farrell to Manuel Cara-
PTol & Son. inc, 127 "Wat^r; mtK" $75,000 &
AL; NovlO; Novll'19; A$45,000-90,000 (RS
$55). O C & 100
Perry .St. W-2, (2:612-5, sec 4fjh (Nos
359-63). 50x73,5x50x 73.3; 6-sty bk tnt &
strs; Rachel Busch to Mary Ronge+ti, 16^
prince & Marv Fiore & Jos Varfano, 56
Kin^; mte: $48,000 & AL; NovS; Nov7^1fl:
A$33.000-70.000 (RS 1*21). O C & 100
Benwiek st, 12^0; See Hu'-lson 247-53.
Rivlnu-ton st, '12; see Chrystie, 94.
St Murks pl, :i7; seo Chrvstie, 94.
Sniffin Oonrt, :», (3:891^56), ws, 39.fT s
3fith. 19.9x41 with A T to Courti or Alley
to 36th St. 2-sfv hk studio; Fred'k Stiirg-e.s
Jr & ano. EXRS, Fred'k Sttirg-f-s Jr to
Mark H Wiseman. 159"^ F 8:*. AD: A $8,-
300-10.250; Octl5; Novll'19 (RS $10.50).
Sinflflti Conrt. 7*; Mark H "Wiseman to
Gwondolvn Tj Wiseman, 159'^ E S3; inter
$7,000; NovlO; NovlVlO. nom
Spring: St. .I (2:492-41>. ns 101.2 w Bow¬
ery, 25.2x106.11x25x112.9, 5-sty stn tnt &
strs; Pool Realty Corpn, 128 Bway to Joh^
B Corsigliu. 2b2 President st, Eklyn; mtff
$22,000 & AL; Oct30; Nov8'19; A$18.50/J-
2V.0UU; (RS$7). nanh
Stanton st, 134-0 (2:355-29), nwc Nor¬
folk (Nos 163-5); 47.5 Sc 68,9 47.5 .& 6^.*^
6-sy bk tnt & strs; Louis Cassell to Fran-
ct^s Rosenthal, 255 Ft Washington av, AI^
NovlO; Novll'19; A$4d,000-75,000 (KS «Z)-
Stone st, 40; see Pearl, 73.
Trinity ill, SS-ftS (1:51-15), SWC Thames,
(Nos 12-6). 78.9x78.9x79.6x74.5; 4'Sty stu
school; Rector, etc, of Trintiy Church, IS?
FuUon to 90 Trinity pl Corpn, at 24 Moore
PM $120,000; NovG;Novll'19; A$165,00O-
200,000 (US $17r.). O C & itift
Thames st, lli-O; see Trinity pl, S8-9?.
Vandewntcr sl, ::i!> (1:114-36), ns, 20r.I^
w Pearl, runs n 85 & e 7.9x n 15.Ox e 11,11
X s 95.8 to st X w 25.5 to beg; 1 & :\-^iy
bk storag-e; A$10,000-14,000; also VANDK-
WATER ST, ai (1:114-35, ns abt 18.1x3^ Sl
1.6x53x13.2x95; 1 & 3-sty bk storag-e; A
$7 500-11.000: Emigrant Indust Savings
Bank to Burden Realty Corpn 38 Park
Itow, B&S; Oct27; NovlPlJ (RS $27.50f-
Vnnderwater st, 31; see Vanderwater, 29,
i:i3 st, 140 E (2:430-36), ns, 100 w Av A^
20.2x100. 3-sty bk hospital; Edw C O
Thomas. r*-f to Josephine Regnault, 1S85
Grand Concourse, EXTRS, Chas Reg-
naulti. plff; FORECLOS- Julyl4'19; JuIf
IS; Nov6'19; A$ll.000-15,000; (RS $15).
3d st, 210 E (2:386-61), ns, 1S9 e Av B.
23x90.2; 4-.sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bH:
rear tnt; John C Amon et al to Israel Eis¬
enstein. 1421-53d st, Bklyn, 416 pts; AL;
Oct31: Nov7'19; A$10,000-12,500; (RS $8^.
O C & 104P
;iil St. 2l!> K, Henry J Becker TllSTl^
Philip L Amon to same; 116 pt AL; NovTi; ^
Nov7'19; (RS $2). 2,009
4TII st, :J50-«:t \V; spp Perry 50-52.
STH St. 3ir. E (2:391-52). hs, 2S0.4 e
Av B; 20.7x69.10. 4-stiv bk tnt & strs; Mor-
ri,s Borsodi to Cecil Gan^'. 640 E 6 & Jen¬
nie Au^ens5u*-ker 61 Columbia; mtg $6,50*'
& AL; Novll*19; A$7,000-9,000 (RS $1.50V,
O C & 10»
lOTH st, 34-0 E (2:561-12-13). ss, 222,:£
ft University pl, runs e 51.6x s 90,Ix sw ?.
lOx w 43,llx n 92.3 to bepr: 2-10-sty bk
loft & str bld^; Braendcr Bldg* & ConsxK
Co to Chas Bernstein. 520 112: mtg $10^.-
000 & AL: Nov5; Nov6'19; A$40,000-12?,-
OOO; (RS $46). O C & lOff
IITH st, iao E (2:467-41), ns, 127 w S
av, runs n, 52x e 7x n 51.6x w 30,6x s 3.6x
w 1.6x s 100 to st & e 25 to beg-; fi-sty bk
tnt; Wolf Bomzon to St Mark's IlospitaH,
177 2 av; mtgs $27,000 & AL; Nov7: Novie*
^19: A»19,000-41.000 (RS $46). O C & lOff
12TH Ht. 70 ^V (2:575-17), ss. 148,6 e i
av, 20.3x 103,3. 3-stv & b bk dwg'; Franot'i.
P Garvan as alien Property Custodian au¬
thorize Cbas L Clune et al to seize froTit
three sisters (whose names 'tre unknown^
of Edw^ Stamm. dec'd. of G^^rmany; Se-pt
29: Nov7'19: A$15.500-IS,000. Solzxjrt:
22T> st, 1 W: See 23d st. 12 W.
MD St. 13 W f3:824-4rO, s.-^. 100 w 5 av.
runs s 150x w 20x n .^1.3x w 13.8x n ?S.9
to st X e 33.8 to bep:: 5-sty bk str; also 22Tf<
ST. 1 W, Ct:S24). ns 100 w 5 av, 20x47.6,
3-stv bk str; Malvinn. E Peixotte to Har¬
mon H Nntban. 20 W 70: 2-1800ths part?^:
6 AT. B Sc S: Octl4; Novll'19; A$100,000-
110.000; (RS r.Octfi). nom-
24TH St. 14S-riO "W n:799-67). ss 175 fc
7 av, r>Ox9R.9. 12-sty bk loft & str hid?:-.
jMannort Renllv Corim tn CotiTt
Cornn, 30 Phurch: mt^rs ?2fi0.00 0 & AT^-
Nov3; Nov7']9: A$60.000-194,000. CRS $2T»-
• o c & ion-
30TH Bt, 320 K (3:931-44), ss, 325 w 1
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All rig"hts are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement wUI lead to prosecution.
NOTICE—In this issue the publication of all records is resumed, beginning' with November 1, A supplement
containing' the complete records for October, publication of which was interrupted by the printer's strike, will'
be sent as soon as possible to all subscribers.