Thla section Includes all recorded Conveyances. Miscellaneoua Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satlsfle*
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suit*,
Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' I-lens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Aflectnc
Keal Estate, Building Loan Contractfl. New Buildings and Alterations In the Borough of Manhattan and Eronx and the r#cord«»
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan,
No. 24
NOV 25 Se 26,
Bond at, 29 (2:b29'2i), sws, abt 140 e La¬
fayette, 26x116 to 15 ft alley, with rights
to alley, 4-siy bk loft & str bldg & 2-aLy
bk rear garage; Richd Wohlgemuth Sc
Hilda, his wile, of St Louis, Mo, to Sanih
Wuhigemutii, 251 W 92, individ & EXTKX
&c Muyer J Wohlgemuth; QC; Novt>; ^oV
26'U; An9.000^21,oy0, nom
Uond Bt, 20; Wm Wohlgemuth, 14 VV
7, et al, to same; QC; NovlO; Nov25'19.
Broome st, 476-8 (2:4*>5-'36), ns, abt 50
e Wooaier, 60x100, 6-sty stn loft Sc str
bldg A?aa,000-&1,OUO; also WOOSTER PT,
62 (2:486-1), ea, 100 n Eroome, :i4aixtt0.
6-sty bk loft Sc str bldg; A$12,0U0-2O,0OU;
Redwood Realty Corpn to Majestic Mills
Paner Co. 464 Broome; mtg ¥75,000 & AL
& PM mtg 110,000; Nov25; Nov26'19 (K S
|25). O C & l\*o
Carmine st, 8i see 118th, 154 S,
Carmine mt, lOt see llSth, 154 K,
Curmine mt, I'^t see 3 av. 1753.
CnthedrnE Pkway, 210 (7:1881-41), as,
200 w Ams av, 100x70.11, 12-sty bk tnri
Norbert Holding Corpn to Cathedral
Heights Realty Co, 570 W 161; B&S;
mtgs $257,500; Nov25; Nov26'19; A$90,00O-
J00,000 (R S $60). O C & I'lO
Cnthedral Pkway, 214 (7;18Sl-4o), :.S,
800 w Ams av, 100x70,11, 12'Sty bk tnt;
Paterno Investing Corpn to Paterno Con*
stn Co, 32 E 48; B&S; mtg $220,000 & Al^;
Nov24: Nov26'19; A?90,000-310,000.
O C & 100
HudHon Bt, 507 (2:630-45), ws, 66-11 n
Christopher, 30x85 to es of alley, with
rights to 15 ft alley to ss 10th. 6-sty bk
Btorage; Lizzie A Bentley, of Bklyn, to
Wray A Bentley, Windham, NY; mtg $40,-
000 & AL; NovlS; Nov2&'19; A$20,000-5O,-
000, Sii^t
Laurel Hill ter. swc lS4th; see 184th W,
flB, 150 e Ams av,
Madirion mt, 237 (1:270*37), ns, abt 120 a
Jefferson, 25x100, &-sty bk tnt & strs;
Nathan Moscowitz, 1009 Eastern Pkv/ay,
Eklvn to Real Estate Mtg Co of N J, 6^
Wail; mtg $15,000 & AL; AprSO; Nov26'iy;
A?13t000-18,000 (R S $5). O C & l'>0
Maiden la, 126 (1:39-24), ss, 84.7 w
Wa*er, runs w20.5xs53.3xw0.11x3l2,lxe21,2x
n64.10 to beg, 5-aty bk loft Se str bldg;
Danl F Farrell to Benj Mitchell, 11 Sea¬
man av: mtg $22,000: Novl9; Nov26"19; A
$17,000-23,000 (R S $15.50), O C & 100
Murray st, 22j see Park pl, 25.
New Chambers nt, 82-4 (1:111-31), Sfl,
t26,3 w from ns Cherry, runs w40.10xs75.3
3te20.11xn43.SxelO xn— to beg, 4-sty bk
tnt & strs; Cath Jackson, 140 Ocean Park¬
way, Bklyn. to Angelina Vitarelll, 70
New Chambers; mtff $13,000: NovlO; Nov
S5'19; A?10,500-14,500 (R S $2.60),
O C & 100
Onk st, 47! see Oliver, 60-2,
Oliver mt, 00-2 (1:252-63), sec Oak (No
47), 54.2x53.3x53.10x53.10, 6-sty bk tnt &
Btrs; Michele Graziano, 1635 Cranston st.
Providence, HI. to Chas D^Alessandro. 209
Grand: AL: NovlS; Nov25'l9; A$33,O00-58.-
000 (R s $3), o c & 3.noo
Orchard st, 60 (1:309-9), es, abt 1^0 s
Grand, 25x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt Se strs: Ray¬
mond D Fuller, ref. to Maxwell Holding
Co, 350 Bway: FORECLOS Oct9'19: Nov
25: Nov26'19; A$19.000-26,000 (R S $23).
Park pl, 25 (1:124-11), ns, 33.4 e Church,
runs e:i7.11xnl50 to ss Murray (No 22) xw
31.4x325xwl6,3xsl25 to beg, 5-sty stn lofi
& etr bide; Jos T Low. EXR Mary V
Mott. to Morris Fatman. 23 W 81: AT;
QC Sc correction deed; Nov21; Nov25M9:
A$15fi.000-175 Ono. nom
Pearl Nt. 11*^ (1:31-6), ss, abt 90 e Han¬
over Pq, 24x69x24x69.7, 4-f!ty bk loft S-
Btr bldg; Wm S Miller to Thos B Hall, 85
Hicks, Eklyn; B&S; Novl4; Nov26'19; A
$i;5,uoo-2y,yuo (R a $35), o c & lOO
M 3iarKtf pl, 4ii^^ (ii:449-10), ss, H>ti,2 o
2 av, lo.H^Xiio, 4-:scy bk tnt; Gizella K
Bloch, 531 W 145, to Jas L Feder, t>i;i W
lol; Nov.i4; Nov:i6'19; A$4,500-b,DOO, nora
Van Corlear pl, 15 (S:22lb-^20), ss, 2^^.i
w 2Zitn, :;oxaO, *i-scy & b tr dwg; uatn
Tunney, lo Van Corlear pl, to Chas J
Hugiies, 1770 Ams av; mtg $4,000 & AL;
Nov^io; Nov26'iy; A$a,*iOu-t»,uuu <k S $3).
O C & i'.^O
W^arren st, 108 (1:138-17), nwc Wash¬
ington (Nos 272-6), 23,6x67,10x4.2x61, 4-
3Ly bk loft & str bldg; Elte V V Knox &
ano to Lica Keaity Co, lyi Chambers; AL;
Nov2t>"ly; A$iil,U0U-25,U0O (R S $*iO).
O C & 100
W^ashiQgton st, 272-6; see Warren, lOii.
Water mt, 32 (1:7-26), ns, 72.11 w Coen¬
ties sl, 2y.5x40.10x29,7x40.5, 4-3ty bk loft
& str bldg; Amos D Carver, of LocuJt
Valley, LI, to Norden Ship Supply Co, 125
Broad; mtg $19,000 & AL; Nov25; Nov2d
'19; A$13,000-15,500 (R S $21), nom
Water »t, 61 (1:32-10), ses, abt 115 3W
Old sl, 22.3x87, 5-3ty bk loft & str bldg;
also WATER ST, ses, a strip 0.6x— upoa
which the e % of the e wall of No 69
Water st now stands; Forrest Raynor,
161 Christopher st, Montclair, NJ, & ano,
EXRS &c Henrietta H Smith, to Saml
Brody, 788 Eastern Pkway, Bklyn; 20-60
pts; Nov20; Nov25'19; A$l6,000-24,000 (R
S $14). 13,573,33
Wuter st> 61; also strip &c as abov^;
Mary B Caswell, widow, to same; 40-60
pis; Nov21; Nov25'19 (R S $27). 26,660.67
Wooster fit, 62i see Broome, 476-8,
Wooster st, 147 (2:515-30), ws, 245.2 n
Prince, 25x99.9x25x99,11, 4-sty stn loft &
str bldg; Richd Wohlgemuth & Hilda, his
wife, of St Louis, Mo, to Sarah Wohlge¬
muth, 251 W 92, individ Sc EXTRX &c
Meyer J Wohlgemuth; QC; NovO; Nqv25
'19; A$12,0O0-16,50O. nom
W^ooHter »t, 1471 Wm Wohlgemuth, 14
W 107. et al, to same; QC; NovlO; Nov25
•19, nom
IBTH st, 507 E; aee 118th, 154 E.
16TH Bt, 617 E (3:984-13), ns, 263 e Av
E, 25x92, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Nathan
Lieberman to Carrie Levine, 203 W 61; ^i
pt; mtg $12,500 on whole; Novl7; Nov25
'19: A$6,500-15,000, O C & lUO
22D st, 28 E (3:850-58), SS, 310 w 4 av,
25x98.9, 9-sty stn loft & str bldg; Guar¬
dian Life Ins Co of America to Malex
Realty Corpn, 170 Bway; B&S & CaG; PM
mtg $95,000; Nov6; Nov26*19; A$50.000-88,-
000 (R S $120). O C & 100
::2D st, 28 E( Malex Realty Corpn to
Norbert Holding Corpn, 170 Bway; B&S;
Nov26'19 (R S $1). O C & 100
28TH St. 211 W (3:778-33), ns, 147.7 w 7
av, 24.10x98,9. 6-3ty bk storage; Amalie H
Q Millholland et al to Saml Greenstein,
220 W 98; mtg $11,650 & AL; Nov25; Nov
26^19; A$15,500-26,000 (R S $33.50).
O C & 100
2STH »t, 345 W (3:752-17). ns, 302.6 e 0
av, 18x98,9, 4-sty stn tnt; Rosa Mainzer,
individ & ano, EXRS &c David Mainzer, to
Julian P Falk, 1820 Crotona av; mtg $10,-
000 Sc Al.: Nov21; Nov25'19; A$9,000-16,-
000 (R S $7.50). 17.500
31ST ftt, 155 W (3:807-11), ns, 145,4 c 7
av, 19.11x66, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Stebbins
Realty Sc Constn Co & Clara Koth to Vv m
H Mart-n, at South Amboy, NJ: mtg $M,-
600 & AL: Nov24; Nov26'19; A$25,000-27,-
000 fR S $13.50), nom
35TH »t, 330 W (3:759-20), ns, 380 e 9
av, 15x98.9, 4-aty & b bk dwg; Est-Mlo
Kaplan (Thompson), 56 Seaman av, wife
Philip J Kaplan, to Wm G Clark, 560 W
184; AT: mtp: $7,000 & AL; NovlS: Nov25
'19: A$9,000-10.000 fR S 50c). O C & 100
38TH Rt. 27 E (3:868-28), na. 143 e Mid
av, 16x98.9. 4-sty Sc b stn dwe: Edw W
Sheldon. EXH Frances G Stewart, to
Amo*i "R K Pin^hnf. 101 P?»rk nv: AT-: Nov
24; Nov25'19; A$37.500-44.000 (R S f'JO).
45TH st, 414 W (4:1054-41), ss, 200 W
9 av, 25x100.4, 3-sty bk stable; Belle
Greenwald, 1342 BriSLOw, to Sweets Co of
America, ti W 48; mtg $11,000 Sc AL; Sept
12; Nov:35'19; A$11,OOU-14,500 (R S 50c),
46TH st, 340 E (5:1339-221i>, ns, 80 w
1 av, 20x100, 4-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Wm
Wagler, Jr, 349 E 46, to Stewart R Cogs¬
well, 357 W 29; mtg $5,000 & AL & PM
mtg $2,500; Nov21; Nov25'19; A$7,000-9,500
(R S $5). O C & 100
47TH st, 430 YV (4:1057-15), ns, 356,3 e
10 av, 18.9x100.5. 4-sty stn tnt; Kath Mc¬
Carthy et al, heirs Jas McCarthy: to Har¬
old O Rothman, 448 W 34; mLg $10,000;
Nov25; NOV2619; A$9,000-12,500 ( RS $6),
O C & 100
50TH st, 234 AV (4:1021-55), Ss, 225 e 8
av, 25x100.5, 2-sty fr tnt & 1-sty fr rear
shop; Warner B Matteson, ADMR Edw
Timpson, to Leonard L Hill, 246 West ,
End av; AL; Nov21; Nov25"19; A$32,00J-
32,500 (R S $32), 32,00ft
50TH st, 234 W| Palher Realty Co, 120
Bway, to same; 3-7 pt; AT; QC; Nov&; Nov
25'19. nom
50TH st, 315 W^ (4:1041-24), ns, 195 W
8 av, 19,2x100.5, 3-sty stn tnt; Eight Av
R R Co to Saml Chaitowitz, 309 W 50; PM
mtg $10,000; Octl; Nov26'19; A$12,500-14,-
000 (R S $14.50). O C & 100
SOTH st, 400 E (5:l362-4Vi), ns, 77,11 e
1 av, 19.5x100.5. 3-3ty & b stn dwg; Mhx
Kurzrok to Jacob Newman, 36 W 87; B&H;
mtg $6,000; Jan25'16; Nov25'19; A$6,500-
9.500. O C & 100
51ST st, 535 W^ (4:1080-14), ns, 325 e 11
av, 25x100.5, 4-sty bk tnt; Anthony Kuhn
to Theresa Kleindienst, 447 W 50; Nov26
'19; A$10,000-15,500 (R S SOc), nom
53I> Bt, 305 K (5:1346-11^), ns, 85.4 e 2
av, runs nl00.5xel4.8xs44.3xe0.4xs56,2 to st
xwl5 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt; John H Tim-
merman, of East Orange, NJ, to Celia
Timmerman, 19 Mitchell pl. East Orange,
NJ; Nov24; Nov26*19; A$4,000-5,500. no;n
OlST st, 166 B (5:1395-42), S3, 125 w 3
av 20x100,5x20x105.5, 4-sty Sc b stn dwg;
Saml P Hinckley to Harry C Beadleston,
640 Mad av; Nov20; Nov25*19; A$20,000-
27,000 (R S $35), O C & 100
61ST st, 166 E; same, Individ, et al, as
DIRECTORS Sc TRSTES in liquidation of,
& the TaroUnta Land Impt Co, to same;
B&S; correction Sc confirmation deed; Nnv
20; Nov25'19, nom
63D st, 12S W^ (4:1134-49), ss, 400 w Col
av, 25x100.5, 5-sty stn tnt; Thos Berry,
EXR Mary C Russel, to Patk A Malone,
148 W 68; mtg $19,000 & AL: Nov24; Nov
25'19; A$15,000-25.000 (R S $9). 28,000
65TH st, 6 E (5:1379-66), ss, 150 e 6
av, runs e25xsl00,5xw50xn25.5xe25xn75 to
beg, 5 & 6-sty stn dwg; Anna B Bliss, 525
Park av, to Edw C Delafield, at River-
dale-on-Hudson, NY; AL; Novl7: Nov2J
'19; A$84,000-182,000 (R S $260). O C & WO
65TH Ht, 18 E (5:1379-61), ss, 282 e 5
av, 18x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Clara A
Bowron, 18 E 65. to Geo H Makepeace^
720 W 180;. mtg- $35,000 Se AL; Nov25'19j
A$49,000-56,000 (R S $20), O C & 10(^
67TII mt, 225 E (5:1422-17), ns, 405 e S
av, 27.6x100,10, 1 & 3-sty bk garage;
Crimmins Operating Co to Jas N HIU. ^.t
Wheatlev Hills, LI; AL; Nov26'19; A$12.'
500-20.000 (R S $22.50). O C & IOO
COTH st, 46 YV (4:1121-54), ss, 515.6 W
Central Park W^, 22x100,5, 4-sty & b stn>
dwg; Geo R Satterlee, of Riverdale, NY^
individ & EXR Edw L Satterlee, to Pran¬
ces W Cullman, 46 W 69: mtg $22,500 &
AL; Nov25'19; A$26,000-33,000 (R S $15>,
TOTH ftt. 335 E (5:1445-21), ns, 125 W t
av 24.9x100.4, 5-sty stn tnt Sc strs: Pea*
trice Coogan to Els'e F Ament, 311 E 7^
Bklvn: AL: Sept6; Nov26'19; A$9.noo-19.000'
<R S HOC). O C & 109^
TOTH st, 3,^5 E: Elsie F Ament, off
Bklvn, to South Gate Corpn, 2505 7 av?
B&S & CaG; Nov21; Nov26*19 (R S bOc)^
O C & 109
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