This section Includes all recorded Conveyances. Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages. Assignments of Mortgages and Satlsfled
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions. Leases. Auction Sales. Voluntary Auction Sales. Advertised Legal Sales. Foreclosure Suits.
Judgments In Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens. Mechanics' Liens. Batisfled Mechanics" Lions. Attachments. Chattel Mortgages Alfectng
Real Estate. Building Loan Contracts, Now Buildings and Alterations in tho Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recordeS
Will* and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan.
Vol. CV
No. 4
DEC. 20, 22, 23, 24, 26 & 27.
Attorney st, 151-S (2:350-71-72), ws, 250
s Houston, 50x100, 2-5-S(y bk tnts & strs
& 2-4-sty bk rear tnts; Lafayette B
Gleason, ref, to Max Ansel, lilO Hewes,
Bklyn; PARTITION Novl2; DeclO; Dec20
•19; A24,O0O-36,O0O (R S $27). 27.000
Bond st, 34.(2:530-51), ns, abt 190 e La¬
fayette, 26.3x110, 3-sty bk loft & str bldg,
1-sty fr ext; Hester A Booth, of Yoiiktivs,
NY, to Philip Lipin, 1040 Clay av, & bami
Perelson, 231 S 2, Bklyn; Decl5; Dec23'19;
A$19,000-21,000. O C & 100
Broome st. 72-4 (2:332-71). ns, 50 w
Cannon, 47x75, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Sopliie
Bisgaier, 6 Columbia, to Sol Bisgaier, 0
Columbia, & Nathan D Perlman, 440 E 5;
AL; Julyl; Dec24'19; AU6,000-35,000 (R S
$2). O C & 100
Broome st, 77 (2:331-39), ss. 55 e Colum¬
bia, 24.8x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Sopliie
Bisgaier to Sol Bisgaier. both at 6 Colum¬
bia; AL; Julyl; Dec24'19; A$10.000-17,u00
(R S $2). O C & ino
Canal st, 196 (1:200-16), sws, abt 75 w
Mott. 25x75, 5-sty bk loft & sti tlds:
Byram Realty Corpn, 1 W 34, et al, to Jos
Tunik, 275 W 140; AL; Nov28; Dee26'19;
A$17,500-22,000 (R S $18.50). O C & 100
Cedar st, 123-5 (1:52-21), ns, 34.a c
Greenwich, runs e45.11 xn 59.11 xw 10.9xn
52.11 to ss Liberty (Nos 120-2) xw45.1xs
52.oxe6.5xs60.5 to beg, 12-sty bk ofticfc &
str bldg; 461 Sth Av Co to Arrow Holding
Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg $350,000 & AL; Dec
18; Dec24'l9; A$175,000-425,000 (R ri ?130).
O C & lUO
Chambers st, 153 (1:140-8), ns, abt 175
w Hudson, 25x75, 5-sty stn loft & str
bldg; Jas A Foley, ref, to Lichtenstein
Realty Corpn, 107 Barclay; PARTITION
Decl9; Dec20'19; A$3l,000-41,000 (R S $47).
Cbarlton st. 130 (2:596-71), ss. 57 w
Greenwlcii, 18.11x51.10x19x51.10. S-sty bk
tnt; Timotliy McCarthy to Hannah K Mc¬
Carthy, both 126 Cliarlton; AL; Aug30;
Dec24'19; A$5,000-5,500. nom
Charlton st. 126 (2:596-68), ss, 113.9 w
Greenwich, 18.10x51.10x19.4x51.10, 3-sty bit
tnt; Timothy McCarthy to Hannah K "Mc¬
Carthy, both 126 Chariton; AL; Aug30; Doc
24'19; A$5.000-5,500. nom
Chnreh at i886-8 (1:191-37), nwc White
(Nos 30-2), .0x50, 4-sty stn loft & str
bldg; Equitable Life Assur Soc of U S to
Francis J McCann, 1155 Park av; B&3;
Decl9; Dec20'19; A$32,000-40,000 (R S
$67.50). nom
Division st, 252-4 (1:315-17), nwc Ridge
(Nos 1-5), 44.4x84x39.6x63.5. 6-sty bk tnt
& strs; Saml Grossman, of Visna. Poland,
et al, to Julia R Roth, 180 St Nicliolas av;
AL; MaylO; Dec23'19; A?28,000-54.000 (R
S SOc). nom
Division st, 2.12-4 (1:315), nwc Ridge
(Nos 1-5)- Julia R Roth to Division Corpn.
at 74 Bway; AL; Decl9; Dec23'19 (R S
50c). nom
Division st, 253-4, nwc Ridge (Nos 1-5):
Morris Quaslia. ref, to Division Corpn. at
74 Bway; PORECLOS Nov20'19; Dec22:
Dec23'19 (R S $2.50). 5,000
Dover st, 34-40; see Front. 259.
East Broadway. 202 (1:285-36), ns, abt
135 e Jefferson, runs e26.1xn66.9xvv9xs4xw
17xs62.8 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Sui-
ran Realty Co to Jos J Cohen, 1223 46th,
Bklyn; mtg $31,000 & AL; Dec23; Dec::4"19;
A$19,000-24,000 (R S $1). nom
Bldridge st, 18 (1:293-6), es, abt IL'D s
Canal, 25x87.6, 3-sty tr bk ft tnt & stis &
4-sty bk rear tnt; Hannah I Kronacher.
widow. 953 Fox, to Kalman Paston, 17
Eldridge; PM mtg $20,000 & AL; Dec?1;
Dec24'19; A$19,000-24,000 (R S $2a.50).
Fletcher »t, 2; see Pearl, 214.
Frankfort st, 12-16; see N William, 1-7.
Franklin st, 103 (1:177-28), ss, 110 w
Cliurch, 25x100, 4-sty bk loft & atr bids;
Edw C Center to Channing Smith, 12
Massachusetts av, Worcester, Mass i-6
pt; AL; Nov20; Dec23'19; A$24,000-31,000
(R S $7). nom
Franklin at, 103; Wm T Innes & ano.
EXRS &c Hy L Center, to same; 5-12 ptt;
AL; Nov20; Dec23'19 (R S $17.50). 17.500
Franklin St. 103; same prop; Nina Ward
to same; 5-12 pt; AL; Nov20; Dec;23'l9 (R
S $17.50). nom
Front mt, 67-9 (1:34-13). ss. 58 w Old
si, runs w36.3xs85.8xel4.5xsl.9xe20.7xn8S.9
to beg, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Everett
P Wheeler, of Wappinger, NY. to West
Beach Realty Corpn, 46 Cedar; B&S; intg
$25,000 & AL; Dec22; Dec23"19; A$2o.0O0-
40,000 (R S $37.50). nom
Front at, 67-9; West Beach Realty Coron
to Markham Realty Corpn. 31 Nassnu;
B&S; mtg $25,000 & AL; Dec22; Dec23'19.
Front st, 152 (1:38-29), ws, abt 20 s
Maiden ia, 19.3x63x20x63, 4-sty bk lott &
str bldg; A$14,000-18,000; also MAIDEN
LA (l:3S-this & 2 parcels below lot 28),
nwc Front (No 154), 19.4x21.8, 1-sty bk
loft & str bldg; also MAIDEN LA, 144 (1:-
38), ss, abt 19 w Front, 15.9x21.3x15.llx
21.2; also MAIDEN LA, 142 (1:38), ss. abt
35 w Front, 15.9x21.5x15.10x21.5, 4-sty bk
loft & str bldg; A$24,000-29,000; John A
Casey Co to Morris Rossin, 36 E 63;; Al¬
fred S Rossin, 40 E 68, & Marco Fleish¬
man, 39 W 55, firm S Rossin & Sons, 173
Water; mtg $46,500 & AL; Dec22; Dec23'19
(R S $43.50). O C & 100
Front st, 154; see Front, 152.
Front st, 259 (1:107-26-27 & 1). ses at sws
Dover (Nos 34-40), runs sel42 to South
(No 160) xsw23.3xnw69.7xswll.4xnw35.llx
nel2.4xnw37.2 to Front xne23.4 to beg. 4-
4-sty bk loft & str bldgs; Thos L Hurley,
ref, to Ida M Otz, 641 Bloomfield av, Mont¬
clalr, NJ; FORECLOS -------; DeclY; Drc22
'19; A$33,500-45,500 (R S $46). 4«.000
Fulton St. 102 (l:7S-pt It 21), ss, 99.9 e
Dutch, 25x81.1x25.2x80.4, pt 7-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Fulton Chambers Co to Kath M
Watters, 241 11th, Bklyn; B&S; Decl; Dec
22"19: A$-------$------- (R S $35). O C & 100
Pulton st, 102; Kath M Watters to La¬
vanne Realty Corpn, 119 W 40; B&S; Dec
£0; Dec22'19. O C & 100
Great Jones st. 30 (2:531-56), ns, 119.5 e
Lafayette. 25.8x100. 8-sty bk loft A str
bldg; N Y Savgs Bank to K & A Realty
Co, 299 Bway; B&S; PM mtg $70,000 &
AL; Dec26; Dec27'19; A$19,000-50 000 (R S
$80). O C & 100
Great Jones st, 30; K & A Realty Co to
Esther Polsky, 138 Fulton av, & Annie
Kanrich, 931 Pox; mtg $70,000 & AL: Deo
26; Dec27'19 (R S $10). O C ,'• 100
Greene st, 207 (2:534-31), ws. I?..6 s
3d, 27x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Grant
C Fox, of Rldgewood, NJ, & .ann, EXRS
&c Chas W West, to Harry Swanson, 324
W 96; mtg $29,000 & AL; Dec22; Dec2o 19;
A$14.500-27.500 (R S $1). 5.000
Greene st, 307; Harry Swanson to Leon
Tanenbaum. 315 Central Park W; mtg
$29,000 & AL; Dec24; Dec26'19. O C & lull
Greennlch st, 242-6; see Park pi, 79-81.
Grove st, 94-6; see Waverly pl, 168-70.
Hamilton ter, 35 (7:2050-106), es, 328.3
n 141st, 18.6x84.7x18.6x83.3, 4-sty & b bk
dwg; Isabella Bishop to Mortimer Bishop,
both at 35 Hamilton ter; B&S & CaG; mtg
$9,875 & AL; Dec20'19; A$7,200-11,000 (R
S $1). O C & 100
I,e«l8 St. 32 (2:327-38), es. abt 150 n
Broome, —x—. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Hat¬
tie Portman to Marguerite Portman. 540
Manhattan av; mtg $15,000 & AL; Octl'lS;
Dec24'19; A$7,1100-21,000 (R S 50o). nom
Len-is St. .12 (2:327-38). es. 149.3 n
Broome, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; .Mar¬
guerite Portman to Bessie Blicher. 523
"W 173; mtg $14,625 & AL; Dec22; Dec2419;
A$7.000-21.000 (R S $11.50). nom
Levrls st. 111 (2:330-27). ws. ISO n Stan¬
ton, 20x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-fety
bk rear tnt; Broomis Realty Corpn, 309
Bway, to Bessie Schlusselberg, 15Sd Presi¬
dent, Bklyn; mtg $6,000 & AL; DealS; Dec
24'19; A$6,000-9,500 (R S 50c). uom
Liberty st, 130-2; see Cedar, 123-5.
LIspenard st, S (1:192-24), ss, 60.2 e
West Bway, 2u.9x69x20.6x69, with rights
to alley on w, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Bella Kahn to Barbara Kahn, 300-2 Con¬
vent av; mtg $22,000 & AL; Decl5; Dec
26'19; A$7,500-13,000. O C & 100
Madison st. 237 (1:270-37). ns, abt 120 e
Jefferson, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
David Mendelson, 311 East Bway, to Lilly
Goldman. 308 Broome; mtg $15,000 & AL;
Dec24'19; A$13,000-18,000 (R S $2.50).
O C & 100
Madison st, 353 (1:267-28), ns. 132 L
Scammel, 24x96, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Mary
R Lewis, of Ridgefleld, Conn, to David
Kotler, 5 "Willett, & Abram Zerenowitz,
154 Mad; AL; Dec2; Dec24'19; A$8,000-13,-
000 (R S $9). nom
Maiden la, 142-4; see Front, 152.
Maiden la, nwc Front; see Front, 152.
Mangin st, 22 (2:322-35), es, lb n
Broome. 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Sophie Bisgaier to Sol Bisgaier, botli at (i
Columbia; AL; Julyl; Dec24'19; A$5,000-
16,500 (R S $2). O C & 100
Mangin st, 67 (2:323-21). ws. 125 s Riv
ington, 25x99, 5-sty bk tnt; Sophie Lis
gaier to Sol Bisgaier, both at 6 Columbia:
mtg $20,000 & AD; Julyl; Dec24'19, A$u,-
000-18,000 (R S $2). nom
Mangin st, 69 (2:323-20), ws, 100 s Rlv¬
ington, 25x99. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Sophie
Bisgaier to Sol Bisgaier, both at 6 Colum¬
bia; AL; Julyl; Dec24'19; A$6.O0C-lS,ii0O
(R S $2). O C & 100
North William st, 1-7 (1:21-34), nwc
Frankfort (Nos 12-16). 85.3x61.8 x 103.S x
100.4, ll-sty bk office bldg; Press Publish¬
ing Co, 63 Park row, to Central Union
Trust Co, 80 Bway; Ralph Pulitzer, 17 E
73; Jos Pulitzer, at Clayton, Mo, & Her¬
bert Pulitzer, 7 E 73, as TRSTES will Jos
Pulitzer: AL; Dec20; Dec23'19; A?245,000-
640,000 (R S $775). 775,000
Overlook ter (8:2180), sec 187th, runs s
108.7xel26.8xnl08.6 to lS7th xwl3d.9 to beg
(54-58); Rodman Wanamaker et al. 3XRS
Jas G Bennett, to Patk J Hangley. 95
Columbia av, Jersey City, NJ; Julyl; Dec
2419; A$-------$------- (R S $9). 9.000
Park pl, 79-81 (1:129-1), nwc Green¬
wich (Nos 242-6), 41.11x52.9, 5-sty bk loft
& str bldg; James A Foley, ref, to Lich¬
tenstein Realty Corpn. 107 Barclay: PAR¬
TITION Decl9; Dec20'19; A$43,000-57.000
(R S $51). 51,000
Pearl st, 214 (1:70-21), ses, 26.2 ne
Pietcher, runs ne 25.3 xse 7.5 xsw 39 to
Fletcher (No 2) xnwl5.1xnel7xnw62.3 to
beg, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Ellz M
Grace to Louis McCarty, 105 "Warwick,
Bklyn; mtg $25,000 & AL: Decl2: Dec20
•19; A$23,000-30.000 (R S $7.50). nom
Pearl st. 319 (1:105-7). ns. abt fiO e
Ferrv. 23.10x100x21x100. 4-sty stn lott &
str bldg; Hilary H & Mark "W Harr s,
EXRS Mark Harris, to Anselm Frankcr.-
thaler, 215 "W 81, & Adeline Spierucrg-ei,
458 W 143; mtg $18,000 & AL; Novl7; Dec
26'19; A$15.000-22.000. nom
Pearl st, 31»; Hilary H Harris, of Day¬
ton, Ohio, et al, heirs Mark Harris to
same; B&S; AL; Decl5; Deo26'19. nom
Pearl St. 319; Milton S Guiterman, as
TRSTE under agmt made by Murk Kar¬
ris dated July6'16, to same; QC, aI.; Vec
22- Dec26'19 (R S $6). 21,000
Pell st, 26-33 (1:163-9-11), ns. 4i>.lu e
Mott runs e93.3xn66.lxw0.2xn24.6xw46.7xs
0 4xw23.6xs0.3xw23xsl02.10 to beg, 2-4-sty
Ilk tnts .*:• strs; Bridpre Cafe, a corpn, 60
Wall, et al. to Deeng Nom Co. 30 Ptll; mtg
$55,000 & AL: Dec22; Dec23'19; A$52,000-
85,000 (R S $76). O C & 100
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