This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances Morteae-ea Aaqlcnmenfo .^r tui.^.;.^^,... __.» ci-..i.<i..i
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction SalflAdverfu^l^^^^ §l^«^#^.^^^ Satlsned
Vol. CV
NEW YORK, MARCH 20, 1920
No. 12
MAR, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 & 17.
Allen st, 151-3 (2:416-29), ws, 75 n Riv¬
lngton, 41.6x88.4, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Emanuel I Silberstein, ref, to Librae
Holding Corpn, 96 Division; FORECLOS
Marll; Marl2'20; A$21,000-40,000 (R S
$35), 35,000
Allen at, 174; see Stanton, 75-7.
Barclay st, 96; see Barclay, 102.
Barclay st, 103 (1:84-23), ss, 140.2 w
'Wash, 21.6x75x21x75, 3-sty bk loft bldg;
A$27,000-33,000; also BARCLAY ST, 96 (93)
(1:84-26), ss, 77.6 w 1Vash, 21.5x75x21.4x
76, 4-3ty bk loft bldg; A$23,000-27,000; also
'WEST ST, 143-44 (1:84-16-17), es, 106.1 s
Barclay, runs n42.6xe74.9xsl5xel09xnl5xe
75 to virs Wash (Nos 214-6), xs42.6xw257.11
to beg, 2-3 & 2-5-sty bk loft bldgs; A$104,-
000-130,000; also WEST ST. 142 (1:84-15).
es. abt 110 s Barclay, 25x83.9x24x73.9, 3-.
sty bk loft bldg; A|26,000-28,000; also 15TH
ST. 127 W (3:791-25). ns, 470 e 7th av. 20x
103.3. 3-sly & b bk dwg; % pt of this;
A$12,B00-14,000; also VARICK ST, 111-15
(2:678-71), nwc Broorae (Nos 564%-66),
63.6x90, 6-sty bk factory A$42,000-100,000;
also 8TH AV, 304 (2:775-3), es, 49.4 n 26th,
24.8x100; 2 & 4-sty bk loft & sir bldg
A$20,000-23,000; alao TREMONT AV. 900-
28 E (Bronx) (11:2992), sec Daly av, lOSx
130, 3-2-sty fr dwgs, 1-3 pt of this; Eborac
Realty Corpn to Alex Joske, 241 Pershing
av. San Antonio, Texas, Nathan Ottinger,
2170 Bway, as trste Albert Joske; Mar5;
Mar8'20 (R S SOc). nom
Barrow st, «0 (2:584-60), ss, 50 w Bed¬
ford, 24.4x74 to ns Commerce (No 33) xe
24.6xn74 to beg, 5-sty blc ioft & sir bldg;
Anthony Masino & ano to F S Mason
Holding Co, 130 Fulton; mlg $14,500 & AL:
MarS; Marl6'20; A$9,000-18,OOC (R S
$14.50). nom
Beekman st, 25 (1:92-35). ss, 184.2 e
Nassau, runs sl01.11xel8.4 xn 0.2 xe 4.8xn
100.6 to st XW22.S to beg, 5-sty stn loft &
str bidg; A$60,000-68,000; also BEEKMAN
ST, 27 (1:92-36), ss, abl 120 w William,
22.11x100.9x22.10x101.1, 5-sty stn loft &
str bldg; A$60,000-67,000; also BEEKMAN
ST, 29 (1:92-37). ss, 98 w William, 22.5x
99.4x23x98.6, 5-sty bk loft & str bidg:
A$57,000-65,000; Lawyers Realty Co lo 25
& 27 Beekman St Corpn, at 25 Beekman:
B&S; AL; Mar9; Marl0'20 (R .S $200).
O C & 100
Beekman pi, -•(! (5:1362-15), ws, 60 n
SOth, 20x75. 4-sty & b stn dwg; Alexander
Spitzer to Estelle Spilzer, 26 Beekman pl;
AL; Dec24'10; Marl6'20; A$5,000-9,000 (R
5 $1). nom
Beekman st, ST-O; see Bff kman, 25.
liei-knuin st. 29 (1:92-37), ss, 98 w
William, 22.5x99.4x23x98.6, 5-sly bk loft
6 str bldg; 25 & 27 Beekman St Corpn.
25-7 Beekman, to Elish Realty Co, 29
Beekman; mtg $56,000 & AL; Mar9; Mar
10'20; A$57,000-65,000 (R S $34).
O C & 100
Broome st. 31,1 (2:418-11), ss, 74.11 w
Forsyth. 25.2x75. bk tnt & sirs: Albt
P Wollheim to A P \V Really Corpn. both
at 570 W 183; mtg $25,000 & AL; Marl:
Marl0'20; A$14,500-21,000 (R S SOc). nom
Broome st, 42« (2:482-42), ns, 50.2 e
Crosby, 25x107.8x24.3x109, 5-sty sin Ioft &
str bldg; St Luke's Hospital to Ferguson
Realty Corpn, 63 Park Row; B&S; AL:
Mar4; Marl2'20: A$20,000-27,000 (R S $32).
Broome st, 420; Ferguson Really Corpn
to Ada L Bonsall, 713 Av E, Bayonne, NJ:
mlg $22,000 & AL; MarS; Marl2'20 (R S
$10). 1011
Broome st, 504M!-e0! see Barclay, 102.
Broome st, 57.S (2:578-16), ss, 244.8 e
Hudson, 22x68, 3-sty bk tnt; Eliza B Hop¬
kins to Jas Hopkins, 199 Franklin; May
6'02; Marl5'20; A$7,500-8,500. nom
Cannl st, 330-40 (1:210-5), ss, 25.11 e
Church, 51x41.7x49.11x52.5, 8-sly bk loft &
str bidg; Geo C Haas, of Mt Kisco, NY, et
al to Isidore Abrahams, 549 Powell, Bklyn;
Maris; Marl7'20; A$36,000-54,000 (R S $60).
O C & 100
Canal st, 336-40; Isidore Abraham to
Pheonix Commercial Co, 477 Bway; mte
$40,000 & AL; MarlS; Marl7'20. nom
Cathedral Pkway, 201; see 7 av. 1800.
Cedar st, 127 (1:52-22-23), neo Green¬
wich (Nos 141-49), runs e34.2xn60.2xw6.4x
n53.9 to ss Liberty (No 124) xw44.4 to es
Greenwich xsl25 to beg, 2-5 & 3-4-sty bk
tnts & strs, 124 Liberty St Realty Corpn
to Lafayette & Great Jones St Corpn, 170
Bway; mlg $130,000 & AL; Marll; Marl2
'20; A$130,000-145,000 (R S $52). O C & 100
Centre Market pl, a A 0% (2:471-6), es.
abt 175 n Grand, 24.10x46.1x25x49.8, 4-sty
bk tnt & strs; Josephine Barrozo (Abarno),
153 E 85th, & ano to Anthony Abarno, 84
Smart av. Flushing, B of Q; 2-18 pts AT;
B&S: mtg $7,000 & AL; Mar2; Marl7'20;
A$7,500-11,500. 700
Chambers st, 10« (1:136-29), ss, 25.7 w
Church, 24.6x75x24.7x75, 5-sty stn loft &
str bldg; Arrow Holding Corpn to Francis
T Witte, 45 Hillside av. Glen Ridge, NJ;
mtg $42,500 & AL; Jan22: re-recorded
from Jan23'20, to correct name of grantee;
Marl5'20; A$37,000-48,000 (R S $29.50).
O C & 100
Charlps st, 123 (2:632-60), ns, 45.9 e
Greenwich, runs el9.4xn32.2xnwlS.4xswl4.2
XS25.8 to beg. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Harold
G Pond, of New London. Conn, to Emma
Heintz, 380 Audubon av; AL; Marl2; Mar
15'20; A$3,000-3.500 (R S $4). nom
Church st, 200 (202) (1:191-33), ws, abt
65 s Walker, 19.7x50, 3-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Chester R Brown, of Arlington, NJ,
to Israel Tabor. 350 East Bway; mtg $5,000
& AL; FeblS; Marll'20; A$6,000-7,000 (R S
$7). nom
Cliff St. 23 (1:76-9), nws, abt 110 w Ful¬
ton, runs w along si 25xnw59.2xnell.lxnw
32.11xnel3.7xse45.H & 50.2 to beg, 4-sty bk
ioft bldg; Gertrude I Brown & ano, heirs
Nathaniel E James, Sr, to Broadway-John
St Corpn, 206 Bway; AL: Mar3; Marl7'20:
A$20,000-30,000 (R S $42.50). O C & 1.000
CIMt St. 23; Broadway-John St Corpn to
Cooper & Cooper. Inc, 309 Bwav: mtg
$30,000 & AL; Marl6; Marl7'20. O C & 100
Clinton at, 45-. see Willett. 66 on map 64.
Clinton St. 84 (2:348-45). es, 150 s Rlv¬
ington. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Emilie
:Waiher, ot Rutherford, NJ. to Robt J
-Macher, 1325 Carroll, Bklyn, & Louise M
Brown, of Rutherford. NJ; mtg $24,000 ivi
AL; Jan30; Marl2'20: A$26,000-32,000.
O C & 100
Conini*?rfe st, SS; see Barrow, 69.
D St. .swe Itycknian; see Dyckman, swc
D St.
I) St. <*s, 116 s Dyckman: see Dyckman.
s\\'c D St.
Dey st, 2<» (1:80-4), ns, 275.2 w Bwav.
25x77. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; A$150.000-160.-
000; also DEY ST, 22 (1:80-5), ns, 21.3 e
Church, 25x77.3x25.3x77.3. 5-sly stn loft .t
str bldg; A$165.000-170.000; 195 Broadway
Corpn to American Telephone & Telegraph
Co. both at 195 Bway; AL; Julyl4'19; Mar
12'20 (R S $430). nom
Dey st, 22; see Dey, 20.
Dnnne st, 00; see Pearl, 281.
Dyckman st (8:2178), swc D st. runs w—
xs—xe—xn— to beg, vacant; A$------$------;
also D ST (8:2246-1), es, 116 s Dyckman,
runs el00xs84xw—xn— to beg, vacant; A
$5,000-5,000; Saml McMillan, Lake Maho¬
pac. NY, to McMillan Realty & Constn Co,
350 W 1(16; Mar5: Marl0'20 (R S $2).
O C & 100
Elldrldge st, 2.30-44 (2:417-5-7), es. 96.3 s
Houston, runs Sl27.5xe93.10 xn 24.9xwoxn
in3.5xw87.10 to beg, 6-Sty blc loft & str
bldg; Thos A Kinsley, 303 E 142, to Jacob
°. ^'y?''"''^^*''' IS" St Johns pl, Bklyn;
mlg $141,000 & AL; Marl2; Marl6'20- A
$76,000-120,000 (R S $37.50). nom
Eim st, 14; see Pearl, 281.
Elliwood st, 108; see Bway, 4640-8.
»1^^^^=*J','* (1:98-65), sws, 90 nw Pearl,
21.6x56.8x23x—, 3-sty bk loft & str bldg
Cornelius S Morrell to Geo W Gallaway, at
Rye, NY; Geo W Gallaway,Vr, at Green¬
wich, Conn, & Wm H Gallaway, at Pleas-
c.'in^''i®.'„''!j'^! '"'S $5,000 & AL; Mar4; Mar
5'20; A$9,000-10,500 (R S $10). O C & 100
Forsyth st, 146 (2:420-43), es, ISff n De¬
lancey, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; H U
Realty Co to Wolf Nadler, 1635 49th.
Bklyn; QC; AL; Peb26; Marll'20; A$16,000-
29,000 (R S $1). * nom
Frankfort st, 31 (1:103-15), ss, 147.7 e
William, 14.9x105.3x11.10x104, 2-sty bk fac¬
tory; New Yorker Staats-Zeitung to Robt
Klaiber, 323 Ocean Pkway, Bklyn. & Ru¬
dolph J Neubauer, 1337 75th, Bklyn; AL;
MarlS'20; A$13,000-14,000 (R S $15).
,^ . O C & 100
Frankfort st, .-50 (1:104-40), ss, abt 45
w Jacob, 23.6x72.6x24.10x73, 6-sty bk loft
bldg; Louis H Schultz et al to General
Hide & Skin Corpn, 59 Franklin; AL- Feb
4; Marll'20; A$lx,000-33,000 (R S $37).
O C & 100
Front st, 12 (1:8-29), nws, 42 ne Moore,
21x70.9x22.3x70.6. 4-sty & bk lott bldg;
Phillips Phoenix, 3 E 66, et al, BXRS &c
Steplien W Phoenix, lo Merchants Ex¬
change Realty Corpn, 32 Union sq; %
pts; AL; Marl2; Marl6'20; A$13,000-16,000
(R S $25), 25,000
Front st, 12; TRSTES of Columbia Uni¬
versity, 63 Wall, to same; Vs pt; AL; Mar
15; Marl6'20 (R S $12.50). 12,500
Front st, 106 (1:33-^7), ns, 106.4 e Gou¬
verneur la, 2u.7x72.9x20.2x73.3, 4-sty bk
loft bldg; Bowling Green Realty Corpn to
Kelvin Engineering Oo, 32 Bway; mtg
$35,000 & AL; MarlS; Marl6'20; A$16,000-
19,000 (R S $20). O C & 100
Fulton st, .-.7 (1:94-5). ns, 21.10 w Cliff,
26.10x61.9x26.10x68.1, 4-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Estate of Thomas Suffern, Inc, to
Saml Berman, 496 E 189th, Bx, & Isldor
Nelson. 499 E 188th; AL; MarlS: Marl7'20;
A$28.000-30,000 (R S $52.50). O C & 100
Fulton st, 164-8; see Bway, 201.
Fulton st, 172-4 (1:80-12), ss, 200 w
Bway, 54.1x77.4x54.1x77.2, ll-sty bk office
& str bldg; 195 Broadway Corpn to Ameri¬
can Telephone & Telegraph Co, both at
195 Bway; mtg $375,000 & AL; Julyl4'19;
Marl2'20; A$300,000-4SO,000 (R S $76).
Fulton st, 17S (1:80-10), ss, abt 60 e
Church, 25x75, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
195 Broadway Corpn to American Tele¬
phone & Telegraph Co, both at 195 Bway;
AL; Julyl4'19; Marl2'20: A$140,000-155,000
(R S $170.50). nom
Goerck st, 30 (2:322-3), es, 175 s De¬
lancey, old line, 25x100, S-sty bk tnt &
strs; Edmund J Tinsdaie, ref, to East
River Savgs Instn, 291-5 Bway; FORE¬
CLOS MarlO; Marl2'20; A$5,000-16,500 (R
S $19). 19,000
IJoerek st, 123; see Stanton, 320.
Great Jonm st, 30 (2:531-56), ns, 119.5 e
Lafayette. 25.8x100. S-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Esther Polsky, 1381 Fulton av, &
ano, to cutler Realty Co, 90 West; mtg
$70,000 & AL & PM mtg $20,000; MarlS;
Marl6'20; A$19,000-50.000 (R S $40).
O C & 100
Great Jones st, 40; see 6th av, 366.
Greene st, 47-0 (2:475-50), ws, 175 n
Grand, 48,4x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Burden Realty Corpn, 38 Park Row, to
Harry Kottler, 1325 47th, Bklyn; mtg
$55,000 & AL; MarlS; Marl6'20; A$27,000-
42,000 (R S $25). O C & 100
Greenwich st, 52; see Greenwich, 54.
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