PO0NBBB 1066
Tills aectlon includes all recorded Conveyances, Mlacellaneoua Conveyances, Mortgages. Assignments of MortKages and Satisfled
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leaaea, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Salea, Advertised Legal Sales, Forecloaure Suits,
Judgmenta In Forecloaure Sulta, Lia Pendena, Mechanics' Liena, Satiafied Mechanlca' Liena, Attachmenta, Chattel Mortgagea Affeclinit
Real Eatate, Buildins Loan Contracta, and the recorded Wills and Real Eatate Appralaala In the Borough of Manhattan.
Vol. CV
NEW YORK, JUNE 19, 1920
No. 25
JUNE 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 & 16
Arden st. 1 (8:2174-77), nec Nagle av
iNos 126-34), 134x110, 6-sty bk tnt &
strs; Fred & Eliz Horling, 275 W 145, lo
Ravalon Really Co, 271 Bway; mlg $214,-
000; JunelO; JuneH'20; A$55,000-215,000.
Barclay at. 33 (1:123-8), ns, 74.2 e
Church, 25x75, S-sty stn loft & str bldg:
Rector &c Triniiy Church in City N Y to
St Michael Prot Epis Church, 225 W 99;
AprSO; JunelO'20; A$64,000-68,000. nom
Barclay at. 33; St Michael's Protestant
Episcopal Church to H E Benjamin Co, 77
River, Hoboken, NJ; B&S; May26; June
10'20 (R S $75). 75.000
Barclay st, 33; H E Benjamin Co to
Claus H C Jagels, on Hillcrest av. Sum¬
mit, NJ; mlg $50,000; June9; Junell'20 (R
? $26). O C & 100
Barrovr st, 47 (2:587-51), ss, 165 w
Rleecker before opening 7 av, runs s40xw
21xn40 to st xe21 to beg, 3-sly & b bk &
Ir dwg; Evelyn Baliantine, 286 West End
av, to Williams-Dexter Co, 186 Remsen,
Bklyn; PM mtg $5,000 & AL; JuneS; June
10'20; A$4,000-5,000 (R S $10). O C & 100
Barrow at. 47; Williams-Dexter Co,
Blclyn, to Florence Wood, 41 Charlton;
mtg $5,000; June9; Junel0'20 (R S $7),
O C & 100
Bedford St. 15 (2:528-44), ws, 142,5 s
Downing, runs w38,2xnw40,Sxsl3.5xse41,10
xe38,5 to st xnl9,4 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt;
Blla B Van Beuren & ano lo Raffaele Cu-
poli, 178 W Houston: PM mtg $4,000; June
i: JunelS'SO: A$5,500-6,000, O C & 100
Bethune st, 2-6; see Hudson, 597,
Bond st, 22 (S:530-57 & 19), ns, abt 35 e
Lafayette, 25,8x200 to Great Jones (No
25), 1-3 & 1-5-sty bk & stn ioft & str
bldgs; Bernard Corn to Jos M Perrine,
,nimesburg, NJ; hi Pt; MayS; JunelS'SO; A
iTiS,000-42,000 (R S SOc). nom
Canal St. 308 (1:210-17), ss. abt 110 w
Bway, lS,10x6S,2 to Lispenard (No 55) x
18.4x71, 4-sty bk loft & sir bldg; J H
Ooadby Mills, Englewood, NJ, et al, to
Jacob B Radlich, 731 Kelly, & Sami Mil¬
ler, 551 W 178; May21; JunelO'20; A$20,000-
23.000 (R S $35). 35.000
Cedar st. 7 (1:42-10), ns. 137,3 w Pearl,
runs n43,5xw21,3xs3xs38 to st xeSl.l to
heg, 5-sty bk Ioft bldg; Bowling Green
Realty Corpn to Takamine Commercial
Corpn, 120 Bway; mtg $22,500; Junel;
Junel2'20; A$15,500-21,500 (R S $2S),
Cednr st, 30-8; see William, 64.
Cedar at, 157 (1:56-21), nec West st
iNos 98-99), runs e55,6xn64,9xw64,9xs47,3
to beg, 4-sty bk Ioft & str bldg; Traub
Iloldinp: Corpn to William Seitz Jr Hold¬
ing Corpn. 206 Bway; AT; mtg $47,000; A
T.: Junel: JunelS'SO; A$80,000-95,000 (R S
*63), O C & 100
Cherrj st. .<tl3-17 (1:246-37), ss, 24 w
riinton, 7SxU7,7 lo Water (Nos 558-62) x
7:'xll6.10. 1 & 4-sty bk warehouse; Jos H
Delany, TRSTE John Loyd, ao Geo W Dan¬
iels, Jas Kennedy & John A Kennedy, firm
Daniels & Kennedy. 558 Water; mtg JIS.¬
OOO & AL; correction deed; June'7; .lune
10'20: A$30,000-41.0(10, 31.000
Clinton St. IO.",-": see Madison, 225,
rhrlstopher at, 2-6 (2:593-13). swc
Oreenwich av (No 5), 103.6x28,4x103x28,4.
2 & 5-sfy bk hotel; Peter Doelger Brew-
"â– a- Co tn Peter Doelger Realty Co, 407 E
.T.i; QC: Decl'lO; Junell'20; A$36,500-50,nnn
iR S $50), O C & 100
DivUlon «t, 20,'>-7: see Madison, 225,
EnHt Broadway. 7 (1:279-62), ss, 75.6 w
CTth. 25x71,7. 4-sty b ktnt & strs, 1-stv
<xt; Chas D Donohue, ref, to Max Gel-
man & Jacob Gelman, 105 Henry: FORE¬
CLOS May27; JunelS'SO; A$19,000-23,000 (R
S $10.50), 10,2S0
Baat Broadway, 216-18; see Madison, 22.',
Forsyth at, 205 (2:422-24), ws, 185 s
Houston, 28x66.7, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Ana-
lip Holding Co to Marion Belkin, 9 E 107:
mtg $8,000 & PM mtg $13,000; Junel,
JunelO'SO; A$13,000-19,000 (R S $17),
O C & 100
FrankUn at. 182 (1:187-4), ns, abt 155
.V Hudson, 21x87,6, 5-sly bk Ioft bids;
liector &c of the Prot Epis Church ot Si
Marks In the Bowery in City N Y, to Danl
Birdsall, 317 Bway; B&S & CaG; JunelS;
.runel6'20; A$16,000-35,000 (R S $17,50).
Front st, 301 (1:244-18), es Montgomery,
21,2x70, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm H Pape
A alio, heirs Fredk Pape, to Fanna Karp,
1X1 Orchard; mtg $7,000 & AL; JunelO:
Junel2'20; A$4,500-9,000 (R S $3.50), nom
Gansevoort at. 52-8 (2:643-49-52), ss, 92,7
w Greenwich, 92x87x92x88,1, 4-sty bk tnt,
3-sly bk tnt & strs & 2-3-5-stv bk Ioft
bidg; Alfred G Hoe to W^m J Hoe, 3S7 W
14; mtg $15,000; Apr2; June9'20: A$41.500-
51,000 (R S $6,50), O C & 100
Great Jones st. 25; see Bond, 22,
Greenwich st, 40 (1:19-1), es, abt 140 s
Edgar. 29,6x— to Trinity pi (No 2) —x—,
5-sty bk tnt & strs; Mary Bayer to Pine-
AVater Realty Corpn, 40 Exch pi; mtg
$20,000 & AL; June2; Junell'20; A$18,000-
20,000. nom
Hester st, 113 (1:306-38), ns, 111.8 e
Forsyth, 21,8x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Mir¬
iam King to Bahr Piaterman, 75 Eldridge,
.% Jacob Shaw, 122 W 99; mtg $14,500 &
PM mtg $12,000; AL; Juneli; Junel6'20:
A$18,500-23,000 (R S $17). O C & 100
Horatio at. 78 (2:642-50). ss, abt 170 w
Greenwich. 25x87,5, 4-sty bk tnt; Antoin¬
ette C Simonson lo Rocco Losasso, 110
Macdougal: mtg $7,000; June4; JunelO'20:
A$9,000-n.500 (R S $10). O C & 100
Houston St. 1,50 E (2:442-52), ns. abt 220
yj 1 av. 25x73,4x25,5x79. S-aty bk tnt &
f-trs: N Taylor Philiipa. ref. to Max
Rubin. 60 St Marks pl; PARTITION May
22; Junel4'20; A$14,000-20,000 (R S $29).
Hnnnton st, 228-30 E; see Av A. nwc
Houston St. 276 B (2:397-48), nes, 193,5
sw Av B. 20x106,6, S-aty bk tnt & stra, 1-
sty ext; laldore Melnick to Esther Sieg¬
fried. 262 E Houston: mtg $14,000; June
15; JunelS'SO; A$13.000-19,000 (R S $7.50).
O C & 100
Hudson St. 5»7 (2:624-21), ws, 151,7 3
12th, 21.9 to Bethune (Nos 2-6) x76,4xlB,lx
7.<.6, 5-Rty bk tnt & strs; A$17,000-26,500; HUDSON ST. 599 (2:624-20), ws. abt
125 s 12th. 2S.8x76x—X78.6, 3-3ty bk tnt &
strs: A$16.000-18,500; Ellen Donnelly. 650
filst. Bklyn. to Cath V Donnelly. 597'Hud-
Ron; mtg $37,000; Mayl: Junell'20 (R S
$10). OC&lOO
Hudson st, 509; see Hudson, 597.
Jaoksion St. 14; see Madison. 386-8.
Jefferson st. 38; see Madison, 225.
Lrnnnrd St. 20 (1:179-44), ns, 50 w West
Bway, 25x91, 7-sty bk loft bldg; A$18,500-
26.000; also LEONARD ST. 51 (1:177-8), ns,
abt 150 e West Bway, 25x100, except strip
0.8 conveyed by John M Slade to Richd P
Messiter Decl9, 1S78. 6-sty stn office & str
hldg: .\$2(;,000-38,000; also LEONARD ST,
53 n:177-7), ns, abt 175 e West Bway. 25
XlOO. 6-sty stn office & str bldg; A$27,000-
37,000: also 163D ST W (8:2110-24-27). ss.
•158 e Ams av. runs sll2.6xel04.5 to Edge-
fombe av. xnll4.2 to st xw84,ll to beg,
vacant: A$34,000-34.000: Aaron P White¬
head, TRSTE Nathan Hobart, to Wm D
Hobart. 245 East Pine. Atlanta, Ga; Marv
L H Dunbar at Bonita. San Diego Co, Cal;
Cornelia H Lawton at President Hill.
Oiiint-y, Ma.R.";; Victoria H Byrne, 18 So
Clinton at. East Orange. NJ. & Clarence
Hobart at Clearwater. Fla, heirs Nathan
Kobart, each 1-5 part; AT: MaylO; JunelS
'20. nom
Leonard st. 51-3; see Leonard, 29,
Leivls st, IIT (2:330-24), ws, abt 125 s
Houston, 25x100, 7-aty bk loft & str bldg;
Central Union Trust Co of N Y to Mary
Carberry, 1S76 Eastern Pkway, Bklyn;
,Iunel; Junel6'20; A$8,000-22,000 (R S
$24). O C & 100
Lispenard at. 55; see Canal, 308.
Ludlow st, 16 (1:297-5), es, abt 155 n
Canal, 19x87.6. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Au-
gubla G Reiter to Peter P Cappel, 333 W
23; mtg $12,000; JuneS; JunelO'20; A$10,-
000-15,000 (R S $1). O C & 100
-Madison st, 225 (1:271-46), nwc Jeffer¬
son (No 38), 26,1x100.4, 6-sty bk tnt &
strs; A$26,000-50,000; also EAST BROAD-
\V..\Y, 216-18 (1:285-43-45), nwc Clinton
tNos 195-7), runs e52,2xn — to Division
(Nos 205-7) xe52,2 lo Clinton xs— to beg,
4-6-sty bk tnts & strs; A$78,000-127,000;
Harris Shedllnsky to Shcdiin Realty Corp,
Far Rockaway, NY; Juneli; Junel2'20 (R
5 $75). O C & 100
Madison st, 3S6-8 (1:265-53), sec Jack¬
son (No 14). 100.1x29x100x25, 6-sty bk tnt
6 strs; Bernard or Barnet Mankes to Saml
Cohen, 108 Henry; mtg $29,750; June9:
JuneH'20; A$15,000-35,000 (R S $3.50).
O C & 100
Maiden la, 47-0 (1:67-14), ns, 193.9 e
Nassau, 45.6x138.8x42,10x134.7, IS-sty stn
loft & str bldg; Interstate Land Holding
00 to Lavanne Realty Corpn, 119 W 40;
mtg $600,000 & AL; Junell'20; A$275.000-
460,000 (R S $350), O C & 100
Mercer st, 149 (S:S13-32), ws, 99.6 n
Prince. S5.6x100, 1 & 3-sty factory; Danl F
Farrell to Forest Box & Lumber Co. 405 E
4; MaySS; JunelO'20; A$1S,000-16,000 (R S
$20). O C & 100
Mercer »t, 173 (2:513-20), ws, 63 s Hous¬
ton, 37x25, 5-sty bk loft & str bidg; Flor-
1 nee H Lefavour, Salem, Mass, et al, to
Danl W Hammond, 2 Lincoln av, Haver¬
hill, Mass; AT; Mar27; JunelO'20; A$6,000-
",000 (R S $6). nom
Monroe mt. 220 (1:261-69-70), awc Scam¬
mel (Noa 41-S), 25x93, 6-3ty bk tnt &
strs; Caroline W Lankenau & ano, EXRS
of Richard Lankenau, to Michle Schwarz,
223 Monroe; mtg $15,000; JunelS; JunelS
SO; A$16,000-26,000 (R S $6). 21,000
Montgromcry st, sec Front; aee Fi-ont,
Oliver st, 76 (1:252-71), ea, abt 100 n
Cherry, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Cath
Daly to Margt A & Ellen F Daly, 112 E
95; QC; JuneS; JunelS'20; A$12,S00-20,500,
Orchard at, 74 (2:408-4), es, 137.6 n
Grand. 25x87.6, 5-3ty bk tnt & atrs; Benj
L Levy to No 74 Orchard St Realty Co.
73 Orchard; mtg $24,875; JunelO; JunelS
'20; A$17,000-2S,000 (R S $10.50). nom
Peck si, 37 (1:107-14), ea, abt 30 s Front.
27x40, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg: Anna S
WilSon, Westcheater, NY, to Frances Pol¬
lock, 686 Eastern Pkway, Bklyn. & Mamie
Cohen, 514 Thatford av, Bklyn; AprS; June
I0'20; A$ll,500-13,000 (R S $21). 21.000
Rlvlniirton at. 00 (2:411-37), ns, abt 50 c
Orchard, 25x75, S-aty bk tnt & strs; John
V Klemann, Newport, RI, et al, heirs Anna
M Klemann, to Abr Herzfeld. 57 E 3; PM
mtg $15,000: Junel; JunelS'SO; A$16,000-
22,000 (R S $32,50). O C & 100
St Marks pi, 120: (2:435-24). ss. 203 w
Av A, 25x97,6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Harry
Miller to Rebecca Miller, his wife, 194 E
Houston; mtg $-------; JuneS: Junel4'20:
A$13,000-17,000, nom
Scammel st. 41-3; see Monroe, 220.
Sheriff at, 85 (2:339-65), ws, 175 n Rlv¬
ington, 25x100, 4-sty bk tnt A strs & 4-sty
bk rear tnt: Denwood Realty Co to Solly
Peterfreund. 8 Clinton; mtg $20,500; June
15; Junel6'20; A$H,000-15,000 (R S $1.75).
O C & 100
Trinitv pl, 2t see Greenwich, 49.
Warren at. 48 (1:136-8). ns, abt 175 e
West Bway, 25x100, S-sty stn loft & str
hldg: Hopkinson'Bergen Co to Prichard &
Constance, Inc, 48 Warren; mtg $60,000;
JunelS; Junel6'20; A$42,000-52,000 (R S
$25), O C & 100
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