This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Rlortgapea, Assignments of Mortgages and Satlsnea
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Aaction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens Mechanics' Liens, Sati.>;tied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recordea
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan.
Vol. CVI
No. 12
SEPT. 9, 10. 11, 13, 14 & 15.
Allen st, 3 (1:293-20), ws, 77 n Division,
23x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Geo H Mer¬
kel, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, to Dartell
Realty Co, 940 E 15, Bklyn; mtg $19,OUO;
Septl5'20; A$12,000-21,000 (R S $8.50).
O C & 100
Barclay st, 24; see Church, 86-90.
Barclay st, 90; see Wash, 222.
Barclay st, 9a (1:84-28), ss, 41.4 w
Wash.ngton, runs Wl8.6xs75xe6.8xnl5xel2
xnOo to beg, 4-sty bk loft bldg; Florence
E Donovan Rogers to N Y Telephone
Realty Corpn, 15 Dey; B&S; Julyl; Sept
15'20; A$20,500-24,000. nom
Barclay st, 94 (1:84-27), ss, 59.10 w
Washington, 19x75x19.2x75, 4-sty bk loft
bldg; Louis S Schutt, 541 W 124, to N Y
Telephone Realty Corpn, 15 Dey; B&S;
June24; Septl5'20: A$23,000-2?,000. nom
Barclay st, 90 (1:84-26), ss, 18.10 w
Washington, 18.8x75x18.11x75, 4-sty bk
loft bldg: Florence E Donovan Rogers to
N Y Telephone Realty Corpn. 15 Dev;
B&S; June24; Septl5'20; A$23,00O.27.0O0.
Barclay st, 98: see Barclay, 102.
Barclay st, loa (1:84-33), ss, 140.2 w
Washington, 21.6x75x21x75, 3-sty bk loft
bldg; A$27.000-33,000; also BARCLAY ST.
98 (1:84-25), ss, 97.6 w Washington, 21.5x
75x21,4x75, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; A$26,500-
31,000; also WEST ST, 143-44 (1:84-16-17
& 32-33), es, 106.1 s Barclay, runs n42.6xe
74.9xsl5xel09xnl5xe75 to Washington (Nos
214-16) xs42.6xiv257.11 to beg. 2-5 & 2-3-
sty bk loft & str bldgs; A$104.000-130,000;
also WEST ST, 142 (1:84-15), es, abt 75 n
Vesey, 25x83.9x24x73.9. 3-sty bk lodging
house: A$26.000-28,000: Florence E Dono¬
van Rogers to N Y Telephone Realty
Corpn, 15 Dey; B&S: Julvl; Septl5'20. nom
Baxter st, 12.-,-9; see Hester. 194-6.
Beach sf, 43-7: see Hudson, 135.
Canal st. 1s,->-»7 (1:205-34-35), ns, abt
50 e Mulberry, —x—, 6-stv bk loft & str
bldg: Chas C Stone, Bklyn, to Etta Schloss,
66 Je<fferson av, Bklyn; Vs of hi pt; mtg
% of Vs of $45,000; MavlO; Septl5'20, A
$34,000-56,000. nom
Cathedral Pkway, 1800: see 7 av, 1800,
Catherine st. e."; (1:253.109). es. 39.1 s
Monroe. 14x79.8x13.10x79.9. 3-sty bk tnt &
strs; Realtv Redemption Co of N Y to
Maggie Schlansky, 736 W ISl; mta" $5,000
& AL; Septl5'20; A$6,500-9,000 (R S $5).
O C & 100
Cedar st. ir,7 (1:56-21), nec West (Nos
98-99), 55.6x46x64.9x47.2, 4-stv bk loft &
str bldg; Wm Seitz, Jr, Holding Corpn to
Broadway-John St Corpn, 206 Bwav; mtg
$95,000: Julyl4: Sept9'20: A$S0.000"-95.00O
(R S 50c). O C & 100
Chiimbrrs st. HW (1:140-14), ns, abt 100 e
Greenwich, 25x75, 5-stv stn loft & str
bldg: .\$31,000-40,000: also GREENWICH
ST, 303-7 (1:140-15), nec Chambers (Nos
167-71), runs el07xn77.9 xw 50xsl.3xw83.9
to Greenwich xs7S.10 to beg, 2-3-sty bk
tnts & strs & 6-stv bk loft & str bids:
A$130,000-160,000; Chambers-Greenwich St
Co to Nitrnk Realty Co, 305 Greenwich:
PM mtg $200,000; Sept9; Septll'20 (R S
*275). O C & 100
Chambers st. 105 (1:140-14). ns. abt 110
e Greenwich. 25x75, 5-stv stn loft & str
bldg: Nitruk Realty Co to Heermance
Storage & Refriirerating Co, 313 Green-
Tvicli; PM mtg $30,000: Scpt9: Septll'20:
A$3i,non-.to.oon cn s $20). lOo
Chambers st, KI7-71; see Chambers. 165.
Cherrv sf, IH) (1:251-73), swc Oliver (No
87), 23.3x48x25x48, 5-stv bk tnt & strs;
Henry Wendt & ano, EXRS Chas G Potte-
baum, to Ros.nrio & Giuseppe Dimari,i, 98
Cherry: Septl5'20: A$7,500-12,000 (R S
»8). l.'S.OOO
Church st, 8<;-90 (1:86-16), swc Bar¬
clay (No 24), 61.1x25, 5-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Wm P Dixon & ano, EXRS &
TRSTES Saml D Babcock, to Dr Alex
Kahanowicz, 547 Riverside dr; AL; Septl;
Septl5'20; A$49,000-57,000 (R S $92).
Dnaue sl. l.'',9 (1:144-14), ns, abt 75 w
VV B^va^, 2 4x75, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg:
Richd T Greene et al, TRSTES Jas AI Bell,
to Knickerbocker Hospital, Ams av &
131st; May29: Septl5'20; • A$18,000.25,000.
D;t-ckniaii sf, sws, 37.10 from s« s D.tck-
n.iin & e St \ioli nv; see 3 av, 2354.
Grand .st. i;{7-» (1:233-10), ss, 50 e Cros-
liy. 35.11XN0. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Pet¬
ronilla Prout, Traverse City, Mich, to Guy
Marchand, 18 E 60, in trust for Rose V
Cervenka, of Traverse City, Mich: Sept7;
Sept9'20; .V$28,000-58.000 (R S 50c). nom
Ciroene s«. 87-89 (2:500-34), nwc Spring
(No 127), 100x25, 5.sty bk loft bldg; Ra¬
fael Dankowitz to K & H Realtv Corpn,
192 Bowery; '4 pt; Septl; Sept9'20; A$22,-
000-32,000 (R S $2). O C & 100
Greenwich st, 30.^-7; see Chambers,. 165.
Hniniltiin st. 48; see Market, 59-61.
Hamilton ler. 4 (7:2050-84), ws. '25 n
141st. 17x100, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Clara
Schur to Florence T Hazen, 620 W 116;
mtg $S,000; SeptlO; Septll'20; A$5,800-9,-
500 (R S $10). 100
Hester St. 99 (1:307-38), ns. abt 40 w
Allen, 25x50, 5-sty bk & stn loft & str
bldg; Fannie C Brothers, 1570 President,
Bklyn, to Adolph L Hodes, 974 St Nich¬
olas av; 1-10 pt: SeptlO; Septll'20; A$17.-
000-25,000 (R S $1). nom
Hester st. 99; Susan Rosenthal to same:
2-10 pts; SeptlO; Septll'20 (R S $1). nom
Hester st, 99; Rachel Richman to same;
1-10 pt; SoptlO; Septll'20 (R $1). nom
Hester st, 194.(i (1:206-7-9). sec Baxter
(Nos 125-9), runs Sl00xe75xn25xw25xn75
to Hester xw50 to beg. 6-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Wm H Milholland, ref. to Libertan
Corpn, 115 Bway; mtg $------: FORECLOS
------: SeptS; Septl0'20; A$55,000-69,000 (R
S $1). 6,««0
Hudson St. ISr, (1:214-25), nwc Beach
(Nos 43-7), 28.6x130.1x28.4x130.2, 6-sty bk
loft bldg; Augustus C Bechstein, Daven¬
port, Neck, New Rochelle. to Augustus E
Bechstein. 18 E 48; Aug9; Sept9'20; A
$39,000-65,000. nom
Jumel pl (8:2112-63-66 & 99-102). es.
130.4 n 167th, runs el76.ll to Edgecombe
av xnl03.Sxw203.7 to Jumel pl xslOO to
beg, vacant: Maurice S Cohen, ref, to J
Warren Hardenbergh & Wm A Alder,
plffs, 15 Exchange pl, Jersev City, NJ.
CLOS ------; Septl0'20; A$40,000-40,000 (R
S $41). 41,000
Market st, ,'>9-«1 (1:253-37). swc Hamil¬
ton (No 48). 44.1x57.5x25.7x59.6; also
MARKET ST. 63 (1:253), ws, 44.1 s Hamil¬
ton, 25x57.6. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: 59 Mar¬
ket St Realtv Corpn to Canal Securities
Corpn. 309 Bwav: mtg $56,500; Aug31:
Sept]0'2n; .4$22.500-55,000 (R S $1).
O C & 100
Market st, 03; see Market. 59-61.
Monroe St. 19 (1:276-9), ns. 276.8 e Cath¬
erine. 25x101. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Santa
Ferrara to Francesca Latona, 239 Mul¬
berry: 'A pt; mtg $27,500: Sept7; SeptlS
'20; A$14,000-26,000 (R S $2.50).
O C & 100
Oliver St. 87: see Cherry, 99.
Rivincrton st, 2.19 (2:338-54). ss, 54 e
Willett. 20x70. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Harrv
Fertig to Haltie Fertig, 822 Hewitt pl: Vo
pf: mt" SIO 000 & AL: Septll; Sent15'20:
A$l'?.ono-l5.000. O C & 100
Rlvlnclon st, 2,19 (2:338-54), ss, 65 e
Willett, 20x70, 4-Ktv bk tnt & strs: Jean
Fertig & ano to Harrv Fertig. 1632 46th,
Bklvn: OC: AT: mts- $10,000; SeptlO; Sept
11'20; A$12 000-15,000. nom
.Sprini; sl. 18 (2:479-19), ss, 47.6 w Eliz,
23.9x123.6x23.6x118, 4-sty bk tnt & strs &
5-sty bk rear tnt; Mary E Sullivan to Vin¬
cenzo Puleo, 496 East Houston; Calogero
Indelicate, 187 EUz, & Luigi Puleo, 202
Eliz; mtg $13,000; SeptO; Septl0'20; A*18,-
000-22.OUO (R S $9.50). O C & 100
Siiring- st, 127; see Greene, 87-89.
Thompson st, 15 (1:227-56), ws, abt 85 s
Grand, 20x100; Jas S Lawson, Bklyn, to
Tilippo De Marco, 15 Thompson; AT; mtg
$11,000; .\ug24; Septl3'20; A:il2,500-j 8,000
(R S $81 nom
Vandewater St. 14-lB (1:113-4), ss, abt
345 w Pearl, runs sellOxe39.9xnwl23.10 to
st XSW51.9 to-beg, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Leonard Weill to Hildenbrand Lithograph¬
ing Co, 1416 Vandewater; Augl: Sept920;
A$23,000-4S,0OO (R S $44.50). O C & 100
Vesey st, 90-2 (1:84-2-3), ns, 35.9 w
Washington, 35.6x50.2x28.6x51.1, 2-3-sty
bk tnts & strs; Florence E Donovan Rog¬
ers to N V Telephone Realty Corpn, 15
Dey B&S; Julyl; Septl5'20; A$26,500-29,-
500 ' "°'"
Vesev sl, 94 (1:84-4), ns, 71.4 w Wash¬
ington. 17.10x50x13.11x50.4, 3-sty bk tnt &
strs- Florence E Donovan Rogers to N T
Telephone Realtv Corpn, 15 Dey; B&b;
Julvl- Scptl5'20; .\$13,000-14,500. nom
Vesev st, 9« (1:84-4). nes, abt 90 w
Wasliington, 20.3x74.8x21x74.8 •i-|ty bk
tnt & strs; A$13,000-14,500; also VESEY
ST 98 (l;84-6), ne.s, abt 110 w Washing¬
ton, 20.2x99.8x20.3x99.6. 3.sty bk tnt &
strs- A$24.000-25,500; Louis S Schutt to
N Y Telephone Realty Corpn, 15 Dey;
AL: June24; Septl5'20. "om
Vesey st, 98; see Vesey, 96. „. .,,
Vesev sl, 100 (1:84-7), ns, lOb.2 e West,
20 5x100x20.1x99.9. 3-sty bk loft bldg;
Louis S Schutt to N Y Telephone Realty
Corpn, 15 Dey; AL; Julyl; Septl5 20; A
$24,000-25,500. ^ . , "o™
Vesey st, 102 (1:84-8), nes abt 85 e
West 20x99..1x20.1x99.8. 3-sty bk & fr lolt
& str bldg; Louis S Schutt, 541 W 124, to
N Y Telephone Realty Corpn, 15 Dey, B&
S- Julyl: SeptlD'20; A$24,000-25,500 nom
'vesev st, 106 (1:84-10). ns. abt 48 e
West. 20.4x99.8. 4-sty bk tnt & strs: Flor¬
ence E Donovan Rogers to N Y -Telephone
Realtv Corpn. 15 Dey; B&S; Julyl; Sept
15'20:'A$24,O00-25.5O0. no"?
Waslilnston sl, 210 11 :S4-35) ivs abt 50
n Vesey. 26.6x70x24x60, 3-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Louis S Schutt, 541 W 124, to NY
Telephone Realty Corpn, l:i Dey, B&b,
TiTlvl- Seotl5'20- A$23,000-25.000. nom
•'\V-ashfn«l«n sl, 212 n.:S4-34), ws 106.1
s Barclay, 36.0x82.5x24.6x72.11, 4-sty bk
loft bldg; Florence E Donovan Rogers to
N Y Telephone Realty Corpn, JS^^pcy-
B&S; .lulyl; Septl5'20; .^$24,000-26,000^^^
Washington sl. 214-tt; see Barclay, 102.
Washin^on sl. 222 (1:84-29) swc Bar¬
clay (No 90). 21.3x47.8x20x41.4, 3-sty bk
tnt\>t str; Louis S Schutt, 541 W 124, to
N Y Telephone Realty Cornn, 15 'ey, »
,^S JuUlT Septln'20; A$29,000-31.000. nom
waverly pl. t20 (2:552-48). ss abt l.D e
6 av. runs sl04xellxn7xe—xn97 to pl xw22
to beg 3-stv bk tnt: Mane Bonneau to
Fannv I & Gladys Edgerton, Joint tenants,
127 W 58: mtg $10,000; Septi; Sept9 20 A
$14,000-16,000 (R S $18). „0 C •S^ l""
West st, 98-99; see Cedar. 157.
West sl. 140-41 (1:84-14), es, 43.10 n
Vesey, runs n37.5 xe 60.11 xs 30.4 xsw 8 x-«r
41 10 to beg. 1-sty bk strs; Louis S Schutt.
541 W 1''4 to N Y Te enhone Realty
Corp.^ 15 bey"; B&S; Julyl: Septl5'20;
A$28.000-31.000. , ,„„ "°™
Went St. 142-44: see Barclay. 102.
West st, 14r, (1:84-181. es. 42 7 s Bar¬
clav runs s21xe52.1 Oxnl5.S xw 4.4xn4.4 xw
55.8 to heg. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Lniiis S
Schutt. 541 W 124, to NY Telenhone Real¬
tv Cornn. 15 Dev: B&S: Julyl: SeptlS 20,
A$21,000-24.000. "o™
West St. 14« (1:84-19), es, 21.7 R Bar¬
clav 21x43x19 10x50.2. 4-sty bk tnt & strs;
Louis B Schutt. 541 W 124. to N Y Tele¬
phone Renltv Cornn, 15 Dey; B&S; June
34- Septl5'20'; A$25.000-28,000. nom
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