Thl. section Includes all recorded^.ous Conveyances^ M^^^^ ^"'^^^'^"""""V^^^rS
Mortgages and Mortgage Extension., Lsmm, Auction S*les Voluntary ^"^^'"i". g. ^lens Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Aflectlnf
â– Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan._______________________________________________________________
Vol. CVI
No. 22
NOV, 17, IS, 19, 20 & 22.
Alien st, sa (1:308-5), es, abl ISO n Hes¬
ter, 25XS7.6, 5-sty bk tnl & sirs & 4-sty bk
rear tnt; Lena Hoberg to Frieda Hart, 5a
VV 119; QC; Novl7; Novl8'20; A$17,000-
24,000. noiu
Bedford st (2:583), nvirc Leroy (no-sv 7
av), runs n2Sxw—xswll.lxwl2.4xs21 to
Leroy xe 75 to beg, except alley 4 ft vs'ide
in rear, vacant; Teresa Zurla to Jos P
Zurla, 34 King; ratg $23,000; Oct25'll; Nov
1S'20. nom
Broome st, (>5-9 (2:331-43), swc Can¬
non (No 19), 50.4x56; 2-4-sty bk tnl &
strs; Metropolitan Savgs Bank to Buill-
vi^ell Realty Co, 277 Bway; B&S; NovlS;
Novl7'20; A$17,000-26,500 (R S $30).
Broome st, .-jOS-lO (2:488-37). ns, SO.4 e
Thompson, runs n49.6xel3.8xn30.6xe27.6xs
i>0 to sl XW41.2 lo beg, 2-7-sly bk loft &
str bldgs; Ell Delamater lo Sarah A Dela¬
mater, 250 E 48; hi pt; AT; mtg $30,000; A
L; May21; Nov20'20; A$21,000-43,000 (R S
50O). O C & 100
Broome st, 508-10; same to John Mc¬
Namara, 360 W 35; Vs Pt; mtg $30,000; May
;J0; Nov20'20 (R S $15). O C & 100
Cniial st, 271-3 (1:209-33-34), ns, 152 e
Bway, 50x107.5x51.2x96.10; also HOWARD
ST, 31 (1:209), ss, abt 175 e Bway, 24.4x
100, 2-5-sty bk & stn loft & sir bldgs;
Annie B Hyatt lo Arrow Holding Corpn,
217 Bway; AT; Novl2; Novl8'20; A$S9,000-
114,000 (R S $34.50). nom
Canal st, 271-3 (1:209); also HOWARD
ST, 31; I Townsend Burden, TRSTE Agnes
H Robinson, lo same; B&S; AT; Novl2;
NovlS'20. nom
Canal st, S71-3; also HOWARD ST, 31;
Columbia Trust Co, TRSTE under deed ot
trust, to same; 14-18 pt; AT; NovlS; Nov
1S'20 (R S $121). 120,555.55
Canal st. 271-3 (1:209); also HOWARD
ST, 31 (1:209); Arrow Holding Corpn to
Areco Realty Co, 277 Bway: mtg $65,000 &
PM mtg $46,000; Novl2; NovlS'20 (R S
$110). O C & 100
Canal st, 271-3; also HOWARD ST, 31;
release all title under estate of Agnes
Hyatt Robinson; Eagle Ins Co, 79 Pall
Mall. London. Eng. to Geo H Robinson, as
TRSTE Agnes H Robinson; Mayl9'20; Nov
1S'20. -------
Cannon st, 19; see Broome, 65-9.
Charles st, ss, 101> w Waverly pi; see 7
av, es, 89.1 sw Charles.
Cherry st, 231 (2:248-83), ss, 21S.9 e
Pike, runs S49.11xe0.6xsl0xe44xn60 to st
XW44.9 lo beg, 5-sty bk tnl & sirs; Metro¬
politan Savgs Bank to Builtwell Realty
Co, 277 Bway; B&S; Novl5; Novl7'20; A
$10,5{r0-23,000 (R S $30). 30,000
Church st, XiH (1:211-40), ws, SO n Lis¬
penard, 20.2x74.11x19.9x74.11, 3-sty bk lott
& str bldg; Donald Harper & ano, TRSTES
Eleanora L S Cenci, to Hattie Flaumen-
baum, 1534 45th st, Bklyn; OctlB; Nov
1S'20; A$ll,000-13,000 (R S $21). 21,000
Cornelia st, 11 (2:590-36), ns, abt 115 w
4lh, 25x95, 5-sly bk tnt & 5-sty bk rear
tnt: Teresa Zurla lo Jos P Zurla, 109
Macdougal; AL; Dec29'13; Novl8'20; A$10,-
000-17.000. nom
Cornelia st, 33 (2:590-48), ns, 80.1 e
Bleecker, 21.1x97.6, 1-sly bk shop; Teresa
Zurla to Jos P Zurla, 157 E 33: mlg $6,-
000; July31'15; NovlS'20; A$8,000-9,000.
Essex st, 29 (2:310-31), ws, 75 n Hester,
25x44, 5-stv bk tnt & sirs; Wm Lustgarten
& Co to Mendel GoUlbi^-g, 74 He.ster; QC;
NovlS; Nov20'20; .^.$13,000-17,000 (R S $3).
Essex st, 20; Realty Redemption Co to
Mendel Goldberg, 74 Hester; mtg ?13,0p0;
NovlS; Nov20'20 (R S $3). O C & 100
Front st, 8-12; see Water, 7-11.
Fulton st, 233 (1:83-22), ns, 67.5 e Wash¬
ington, 23x70.11, 4-sly bk loft bldg; Wm
Klein, ref, to Moll Realty Corpn, 127 Mad
av; FORECLOS -------; Novl7; NovlS 20; A
$24.1100-27.000 (R S $30). 28,J00
Goerck .st, S (2:321-4), es, 125 s Broome,
25x100, 5-sly bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk
rear tnt; Stephen O Lockwood, TRSTE, to
Lazar & Rebecca Wolff, 49 Lewis, joint
tenants; Nov22'20; A$5,000-ll,000 _(R,„S
Grand st, 231 (1:239-19), sws, abt 95 e
Eliz. 23.6x56.6x23.7x56.6, 2 & 3-sty fr &
bk loft & sir bldg; 122 Bowery Co to C
P N Realty Corpn. 165 Bway: Novl; Nov
18'20; A$I3,500-16.500 (R S $40).
U C & lUU
Grand st, 233-5; see Bowery, 120-2.
Grand st, 3»,-. (2:313-15), ss abt 40 e
Suffolk, 20x80, 3-sly bk tnt & sirs; Bessie
Marcus, Bklyn, to Harry Marcus, 1034 Lin¬
coln pl, Bklyn; mtg $20,01)0; Septl; Nov22
'20- A$22,000-24,n00 (R S $25.50). nom
Hancock pl. s«c Manhattan av; see
Manhattan av, nwc 123.
Hamilton ter, 53-73 (7:2050-113-118),
es 504.6 nlllst: 275x73.5x275.11x96.6 2-6-
sty bk tnts; Lena Ritter, Bklyn, to Territ
Investing Co, 1333 Bway: Nov2; Nov22 20;
A$113.000-362,000. nom
HoT«aril st, ,31; see Canal, 271-3.
Hudson st, .32,3-31: see Vandam, 81.
Hudson .St. G,S4! see 14th. 35 2y8 W.
Jane st, Sl (2:642-68), ns, 194.2 w Green¬
wich 20.9x87.5. 3-stv bk dwg; Alice G
Rensler lo Marv. Margt & Catherine
Wiley 42 Bethune: mtg $5,000: Novlb;
Novl'9'20; A$7,500-7,500 (R S $9.50).
O C & 100
Leroy st, nivc Bedford; see Bedford, nwc
Maedou^'al st, 109 (2:542-46), ws, 43 K
Minetta la, 21.6x74.6. 3-sly bk tnt & str,
1-sty ext: Teresa Zurla to Jos P Zurla, 34
King- mtg $8,000; Oct25'll; Novl8'20: A
$9,500-12,500. nom
Majtaw III, nwe 181st; see 181st W, nwc
Magaw pl. „, ^ „,
Macaw pl. nee 181st; see 181st W, nec
Magaw pl. , ,, „
MilllKan pl. 1-4; see 6 av, 141-9.
Monroe st, 32 (1:253-81), ss, 192.9 w
Market. 35.9x90.7 to Hamilton (Nos 35-7)
x3S 7x80.2. fi-stv bk tnt & strs; Adolph Lif¬
shutz lo Giuseppe Di Gioia, 32 Monroe;
PM mtg $23,500; Novl5: Novl6'20; A$20.-
000-41.000 (R S $27.50): corrects error in
issue Nov 20, when bldg was omitted.
O C & 100
Moore st, 11-19; see Water, 7-11.
Orchard st, 138 (2:410-10), es, 100 s
Rivington, 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
BelUi Breslauer et al to Arthur N Gieg¬
erich 2255 Loring pl: QC: May28; Novl7
'20- A$17.000-25.000 (R S $7). O C & 100
Orchard st. i:?S: Bella Breslauer & ano,
RXPS X-c Hv Newmann, to same; May28:
Nov17'20 (RS 50c). O C & 100
Orchnrd st. 1.3S; Arthur N Giegerich to
,=!aml Levine. 141 Orchard; QC; mtg $21,-
Odd' NnvlS; Novl7'20 (R S $7), O C & 100
Patehen pl. 1-10; see 6 av, 141-9.
St Johns la. ws, 101.6 n Beaeh: see Var¬
ick, es, 101.0 n Beach.
Stanton st. 24 (2:427-43), ns, 20.3 w
Chrvstie, runs n61.2xw5xn3xwl5x.sri9.6 to
st xe20.3 to beg, 3 & 4-sty bk tnt & sirs;
David W Keen lo Louis Koss, 3520 Nep¬
tune av, Bklvn: mtg $8,500; Nov9; NovlS
'20; A$6,500-8,500. LOOO
Vandam st, 81 (2:597-59-62), nwc Hud¬
son (Nos 323-31), 50x100. 6-4-sly bk tnts
& strs; Hector, Church Wardens & Ves-
trvnien of Trinitv Church in the City of
N'y tn Clarmnna Realtv f^n, 123 l^ic-kwood
av. New Rochelle, NY: Nnvl7; Novl9',:0;
A$44,500-51,500 (R S $75). O C & 100
Varick st (1:212-9), es, 101.6 n Beach,
239.5x140 to St Johns la, vacant; Theo
Southard to Geo E Matthies, New Haven,
Conn; mlg $200,000; Novl6; Novl7 20, A
$208,000-208,000 (R S $180). O C & 100
Vesey st. 104 (1:84-9). ns abt 65 e West,
19.11x99.8x20x99.8, 4-sty bk tnt & sti s.
Frances D Tilton, by Harland B Tibbetts,
as COMM, to Florence D Rogers 385 Edge¬
combe av; B&S; NovlS; NovlS 20; A$24.-
"°U^;l°V.Vli*Vl:S-14-16 & 30-31)'-|ee
Mooie (Nos 11-19) runs e72.7xs70xw22.6xs
70 7 ?o Front (Nos 8-10) xw42 to Moore
vnl39 9 to beg 3-5-sty bk loft & str bldgs
& 4 sty bk tnt & strs; A$ip6,000-137 000;
also FRONT ST, 12 (1:8-29), nws, 63 ne
MooreT r?ns n-^7b.9xsw22.3xse70.6 to Front
xne21 to beg, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg,
A$13,000-16.000; Percy Douglas, Katonah,
NY, to National Park Real Estate Corpn,
59 Pearl; Julyl2; Novl7'20 ^^^^^^^^qq
4TH st, 82 E; see 2 av, 63. i
4TH st, 328 TV; see 8 av, 38.
IOTH st, i:t3 \V; see 6 av, 141-9.
IITH st, 142 TV (2:606-40), ss, 480 w 6
av, 22.6x108.9, 3 & 4-sty & b bk dwgs; Wni
R Willcox & ano. RECEIVERS Wm J
^?r11'2,0^0f'ju\°ylf'%olT8^"0"; i\l|op£
''â– !iU^t%^%'V2\3,b-12). ses, ISS-sTav
B 25x103.3, 4 & S-.sty bk tnt & strs; Benj
Rabinowitz, heir Mollie Rabinowitz his
ciaughter, to Saml Gold, 350 Wyona, Bklyn;
AL- OctlS; Nov22'30; A$S,000-14,000. nom
14TH st .3.52-8 W (2:629-8-11), sec Hud¬
son (No 684), 92.4x103.3x50.5x111.6, i-i-^^V
bk tnts: 395 Canal St CorPn to (: P N
Realtv Corpn, 165 Bway; Novl; NovlS 20
A$66.600-S3.onO (R S $92.50). O C & 100
ir.TH st, 100 TV; see 6 av, 235-45.
SIST St. 119 W (3:797-29), ns, 225 w 6
av 18.9x98.3x18.9x98.9, 4-sly stn tnt: Chas
A Schrag to Louis Schrag, fi04 W 112; mtg
$9,500; Oct21; Novl9'20: A$17,000-19,S00 (R
« *f; 'in'i u *-> & J-^"J
24TH st, 3^7-0 TV (3:748-5-7) ns, 100 e
9 av 71 3x98 9 2-stv bk church & 3-sty
& b bk riwg; TRUSTEES for the Cprpn ol
the Methodist Epi.'copal Church m City
N Y to West Side Hellenic Orthodox Com-
munitv St Eleutheorios. Inc. 359 W 24,
mts $19,000 & PM mlg $37,000; A$20 000-
45 500- Nov22'20 (R S $66). 6«.00O
.3(VrH .St. sr, E; see 30lh. 27-9 B.
tftTH St. 27-9 E (3:860-24), ns, 110 e
Mad av 40.4x98 9, 7-My bk tnt; A$89.0O0-
110 000;'also MADISON AV 121 (3:860-22)
nec SOth (No 25). runs n96.3xe90xn33.3xel0
xs20xel0xs99.6 to SOth xwUO to beg. 1^-
stv bk tnt: A$422,000-535,000; A H Invest¬
ing Co to 25 E SOth St Co, 25 B 30; C)ct27;
Novl9'20 (R S $5). „ ^^^ ° £n* ^"i
.33D St. 340-2 E (3:937-46). ss, 170 w 1
nv 36x98 9, 6-stv bk tnt & strs: Mara B
D 'Carrnll to Millie Rosenberg, 894 River¬
side fir- PM mtg $28,500; Novl6; Novl7 20:
A$l'l 000-37 000 (R S $Sfi). „„"„"'"
3SI> St. S4-« W (3:833-63), SS, 231.2 e
Bwav 45 8x98.9, 12 & IS-sty bk loft & str
bldg': 34 W 32d St Corpn tn Harry Thnen
o07'Bwav: Abr & Ida Gevirtz. 370 West End
av: Tfss'p Lipshitz. 307 W 79: Fannie Lip¬
shitz 557 W ISO; Israel X- Ahr Cohn. 727
B 158 doing business ns 34 W 32d St Co;
mtg $337,500; Jan2; Novl7'20; A$172,000-
itD St. r.3.3.r.1 W (3:705-8). n«. 13S.4 e
11 av. runs n9S.9xe50xn98.9 to ss 34th (Nos
5''>-5fi) xel75 Sx'j99xs9S.9 to SSd xw240.b to
be'^' 1-3' & 4-.=tv bk loft bldgs: Louise M
â– White. Chatham. NY, to Lucy D Kii^e- "
Elm Wnrrestor, Mass: 3-10 Part; B&S^
G.'g; Oct25: Nov20'20; A$255,000-260,000 (R
S $115) O C & 100
' MTHst. SSr, E (3:940-21), ns. 380 e 2 ay,
20x97.6, 4-stv bk tnt & strs: Wm If Archi¬
bald to Jns'E Mitcbell. 332 W 24; % pt:
mtg 1/. of $7,500; Julyl 14; NovlO 20; A
$7,200-8,500. "O™
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