This section Includes all recorded ConTcyancea, Mlacellaneoua Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages abd Satls3«.'
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales. Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure SnKi
Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satlsfled Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affectli^
Rsal Bstate, Building Loan Contracts, Wilis and Keal Kslate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan.
No. 18
OCT. 19. 29, 21, 22, 24, 25.
Allen 8t, 101 (2:414-20), wa, SO s Delancey,
25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas Eubinger
to .Michael Isaac & Mair Calderon, 182 Allen;
mtg JIO.SOO; PM ralg $16,500; Oct20; Oct21'21;
A.$12.090-22,000 (R S $'23). O C & 100
Attorney st, 34-26 (2:341-34), nec Grand (No
426-81, 90x40; Jease Oppenheira & ano to Ru¬
bin Freiman, 328 Mad; QC; Octlo; Octl9'21,
A$S5,(KI9-75.000. nom
Bayard st, 98-100; see Bleecker, 185-7.
Bleecker at, lol-S; see Bleecker, lSS-'7.
Bleecker st, 185-7 (2:540-43), nec Macdougal
(Nos 199-2). 59.3x75, 6-stv bk tnt & strs: A
$3.5,009-73,000; also MULBERRY ST, 62 (1 :-
164-17), es, 75 s Bayard, 25.\95.2x'25x96.4, 3-sty
bk tnt & str & 5-stv bk rear tnt: A$20,000-20,-
000: also BAYARD ST, 98-100 (1:199-29-391, n
es, .52.7 nw .Mulberry, 47.19x74.10x47.10x74.6, 2-
6-sty bk tnts & sirs & 2-3-slv bk rear tnts:
A.f::!.990-40,000; also .MULBERRY ST, 166-179
(2:47i-:'.9 :',2), es, 125.2 n Grand, 73xl99x77.Sx
199. 3-5-sty bk tnts & strs & 3-S-stv bk rear
tnts; A$59.500-67.990: also MULBERRY ST,
241 (2:495-30), ws, 168.1 s Prince, 25x99.6, 3-
sty bk tut & strs; A$16,590-28,900: also CROS¬
BY ST, 9 (l:23S-2i, es, 117.1 n Howard, •25x
190, O-sty bk tnt & 6-sty bk rear tut; A$13,-
000-20,000: also BLEECKER ST, 151-S (2:5.S7-
37), nec Thorapsou (No 204), 100x57.3, 6-sty
bk tnt & strs; .4.$50.000-110,000; also HAN¬
COCK ST, 20-24 (2:527-43), wa. 109 n Houston,
.-13.3x136.4x56.1x161, 6-stv bk tnt & sirs; A$2&,-
OOO-S.5,000; also SPRING ST, 179-6 (2:4.88-17),
ss, 40.2 ae Thompaon, 85.9x666x85.6x06.6, 2-6-
aty bk tnta & strs; A$4S,009-93,009; also
CHRISTOPHER ST, HI (2:619-41), ns, 269.7
e Hudson. 25.5x91.4x28x91.2, 5-sty atn tnt &
sira: A$14,000-22.9IH); also CHERRY ST. 174
(1:254-5), ns, abt 90 e Market. 25x114x25x112,
es. 5-sty bk tut & strs: A$6.."iO9-14..590; also
PERRY ST, 63-65 (2:622.591, ns. 99.2 w 4th,
.59x94.10x50x95.2. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; A.f26,009-
75.000: also USTH ST, 426-36 E (6:1708-34-30),
ss, -270 e 1 av, Ol.SxlOO.U, 2-6-stv bk tnts &.
strs: .4$S7..500-88..500; also following property
situate in Bronx Co : CROTON.\ AV. 2405 (11 :-
S105I, nwc lS7th (Nos 713-19), 75x80, 5-aty bk
tnt & strs; also BEAUMONT AV, 2400 (11:-
3105), nee 187th (Nos 795-9), 190x100, 2-S-sty
bk tuts, strs on cor; also LINCOLN AX, 182-
94 (9:2.312), nec 136th (No 271), 290 to lS7th
(No 276) XlOO, S-6-sty bk tnts & atra; also
ISIST ST, 248 E (9:2440), ss. 200 w Morris av,
25x118.3. 4-aty bk tnt & atra; also properly
situate in Kings Co. NY'. & Passaic. NJ : Halo
M Lordi, 26 First pi, Bkiyn, to Idrol Corpn,
62 Park Row; y pt; AT; mtg $------; OctS;
Oct'22'21 (R S .$25). 0 C & 100
Centre st. 176-8; see Howard, 6.
Centre St. 203-0; aee Howard, 6.
Cherry st. 144 (1:253-16), ns, abt 235 w Mar¬
ket si, 27x147x26.9x149, 5-aty bk tnt & strs;
Chas H Shulman. 14 Cottage av, Bklyn, et al
to 144 Cherry St, Inc, 3 W 29: AL; July6;
Oct22'21: A$19.909-29,000 (R S $1.50). nora
Cherry at, 174; see Bleecker, IBS'?.
Cherry at. 263-7 (1:247-28 & 44-43), sec Rut¬
gers al (Noa 61-631, runa ell9.5x853.7xe0.4x8
09.2 lo Waler (Nos 529-21 xw49.11xn—xw69.19
to Rntgera al xn49.9 to beg. 2-5 & 1-6-sty bk
loft & str bldgs; Morris Berman et al to
Cherry Realty Co. 265 Cherrv: ralg $119,299-
OctlS; Oct24'21; A.$JO,990-10S,06o. O C & 100
Christopher st. 111; aee Bleecker, 185-7.
Crosby st, 9; see Bleecker, 185-7.
Delancey at, 40-42 (2 :4'20.76-77), na, SO e For¬
syth. .50.SxllHI, 2-5-sty bk tills & stra; 40 &
42 Delancey St Corpn to '210 West .50th St Co,
135 Bway: ratg .$79,000; Octl7; Oct20'21; A
$80,000-104,000 (R S .$46). O C & 100
Delancey st. 40-42: 210 W SOth St Co to Har¬
ria Mandelbanni, 12 W .87. & Fiaher Lewine,
1,50 E 72; B&S; CaG; Octl7; Oct20'21. nora
Division st, 119-119Vi (1:283-89), ss, abt 135 e
Pike, 25x i/o blk, 5-sly bk tnt & strs; Saral
Kanfnian to Diana Dambroff, 121 V> Division;
ratg .$24,000; Oct20; Oct21'21; A$21,000-2S,000
(R S $13.50). O C & 100
East Broadway, 44 (1:281-20), ns, 354.6 e
Cath, 25x69.7x25x69.6, 4-sty bk lott & str
bldg: Redwil Realtv Corpn to Solaris Really
Corpu, 16 B Bway; ralg $18,900; Oct 15; Oct24
â– 21; .4$23,000-S2,0(X) (R S $23). O C & 109
Grand st, 426-8; see Attorney, 24-26.
Greenwich st, 33 (1:14-39), ws, 100 s Morris,
24.19.\76.11x24.8x77.4, 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Nich¬
olas Booras, Bklyn, to John Booras, 44 Wash¬
ington; ralg $28,000; Dec28'20; Ocl21'21; A$30,-
090-38.000 (R S $7). O C & 100
Greenwich st. 236 (1:128-17), ws, 27.9 s Park
pi, 22.2x76 5x21.11x75.10, S-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Bertha Reiubaugh, TRSTE Para Crude
Oil Corpn. a bankrupt, to .Tas J McAIonen,
230 Greeuwich; AT; Oct24; Oct2S'21; A$19,00O-
oO.IKio. 1,200
Greenwich st, 236; order of court directing
sale of above: J J Townsend, RBF, to Ber¬
tha Rembaugh, as TRSTE; OctlS; Oct25'21.
Greenw-ich st, 468 (1:217-23), nwc Hubert
(No 241, 28.6x81.2, vacant; also GREENWICH
ST, 410 (1:2171, ws, 28.0 n Hubert, 25x80, va¬
cant : Michael Retzker to Julia Greenstein, 870
Southern blvd; P.M; mtg $29,000; OctlO; Oct
24'21: A$S4,(X)0-34.090 (R S $.59). O C & 190
Greenwich st, 410; see Greeuwich, 408.
Hancock st. 20-34; see Bleecker, 185-7.
Houston st, 112 E; see 2 av, 1-5.
Howard at, 2-4: see Howard, 6.
Howard st, 6 (l:2;!4-this & Centre st. No 203-
9-lol 24), ns, abt 35 e Lafavette, 25.6xllO.Sx
25.6x110.10, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$107,-
009-1.5,5.900; also CENTRE ST. 176-8 (1:207-6-
7). es, 49.4 s Hester, runs e57.6xs9.Sxe20xs39.3
XW82.7 to st xn49.4 to beg, 2-5-sty bk loft &
str bldg; A$37.090-SS,000; also CENTRE ST,
203-9 (1:234), uwc Howard (Nos 2-4), 110.4x
60.2x111.9x61, 2-5 & 1-6-sty bk loft & str bldg
(for assessed value see Howard st, 6) ; Garce
II While, Waterford. Conn, to John H While.
790 Main. Hartford, Conn; 1-12 pt; B&S & Ca
G; July7; Oct22'21. O C & 100
Howard st, 6; also CENTRE ST, 176-8: also
CENTRE ST, 20;i-9; same to Nelsou C White,
Waterford, Conn; 1-12 pt; B&S & CaG; July
7; Ocl22'21. O C & 100
Hubert St. 24: see Greenwich. 408.
La Salle st, 61-63. late I25TH St. 511-13 W
(7:1980-24-25). ns, 175 w .4ras av, 50x99.11, 2-5-
sty bk tnta & strs ; Max Marx, 'White Plains,
NY, to 416 W 215th St Corpn, 128 Bwav; mtg
.$31 ..SOO: Oct20; Oct21'21; A$'26,000-50,009. nom
.Macdougal st, 100-2; aee Bleecker. 185-7.
Madiaon at. Ill (1:277-19), ns, 88.2 w Market,
25x100, 5-sty bk Int & sirs & 5-sty bk rear
tnt; Fannie Rabinowitz & ano to Calogero
Librizzi. 1.36 Eluiida av, Arverne, LI, & Salva¬
tore Ferrara, 111 Madison al; ratg $ : I'.M
mtg $6..590; OctlO; Ocl24'21; A$14,iKIO-29.000
(K S $11). O C & 100
.Mulberry at, 62: aee Bleecker, 185-7.
Mulberry st. 166-70; see Bleecker, 1.85-7.
>lulberry st, 241: see Bleecker, 185-7.
North William at, 26 (1:121-47). ses, abt 120
e William, 14x.53.4xl0.10x59.3; also NORTH
WILLIAM ST, '28 (1:121), ea, 22.4 s Park Row,
14.9x.59.Sxll.19x66, 4-sty bk reataurant: Adolph
P or S Sooker to Brezire Realtv Co, 291 Mon-
lague, Bklyn; ratg $63,000; Oct20; Ocl22'21; A
.$S5.9IK1-100.0I)0 (R S $12.50). O C & IOO
North Williani st. 26; also NORTH WIL¬
LIAM ST, 28; Brezire Realtv Co to Seraber
Realty Corpn. 118 Williara; ratg $63,090; Oct
21; Oct22'21 (R S $221. O C & 109
North William at, 28; see North Williara, 20.
Park Ter F, (8:2'243-S:{5), es, 25 s 215th.
atairway. l(Klxl90x—x—, vacant; A$4,0OO-4,000;
alao 21.5TH ST W (8:2243-pt It 241). ss, 100 e
Park Ter E, .50x109, vacant; A$------$------; also
SEA.MAN AV (8:2250-86-88), nwc 21.5th, rnns
ii."Oxwl(Hlxn.50xw.50xsl90 to st xelSO.l to beg,
vacant; A$14.000-14,0(K); Hannah Connell, Bk¬
lyn to Wm F Council. 211 Congress, Bklvn;
Ocll7; Oct20'21 (R S $7.501. nora
Perry st, 63-3; aee Bleecker, 185-7.
Rutgers si, 61-3; see Cherry, 26S-7.
Spring st, 154 (2:487-24), sa, 80 e West Bway
20x80, 5-stv bk loft & sir bldg; Guaranteed
Mtg Co of N Y to Benj Levine, 400 West
Bway; Oct22; Oct25'21; A$10,000-21,000 (R S
$25). O C & 100
Spring at, 170-6; see Bleecker, 185-7.
Sutton pl, 5, or Av A, 1058 (5:1372-28), es,
40.5 n 57th, 20x70.3, 4-sly stn dwg; Carol W
Ericksou to .4nue Morgau, 219 Mad av; B&S;
Jnlyl4: Oct20'21; A$6,000-13,000. uom
Thompson st, 204; see Bleecker, 185-7.
Tiemann pL 41-49, or 127TH at, 600 W (7:-
1995-10), ns, 199 w Bway, 92.8x159, 6-sty bk
tnt & strs: Glenbrook Co to L.avanne Realty
Corpn, 119 W 40; ratg $135,000; Octl; Octl8'21;
A.$75,000-30O,OO0. (Corrects error in last issue
when this appeared as Tieraann st. 41-47).
O C & 100
Washington at, 4.32-S6 (1:223-15-17), wa, 4S.9
s Desbrosses, 65.7x84x65.7x83.2, 3-sty bk loft
Wdg & 1-stv fr bldg; Nilton Realty Corpu to
Howard A Raymond, 758 West End av; B&S;
AL; OctlO; Oct20'21; A$37,S0O-39.9OO (R S SOc).
Water st, 5'20-2; see Cherry, 203-7.
Waverly pl. 241 (2:614-46), ea. 60 n lllh, 20
x40, :!-sty bk dwg: Evelyn Ballantine to Eraraa
J Mathews, 357 W 115; Oct20; Oct21'21; A$7,-
009-12.000 (R S $13.50). O C & 100
4TH St. 92 E (2:445-12), SS, 125 e 2 av, 2Sx
11.5, 6-stv bk tnt & strs; Abr Nichter lo Geo
Fisch, 66 St Marks pl; i/o pt; AT; ratg $------;
OctlS; Oct21'21: A$15,000-39,000 (R S $5). uom
4TH St. 219 E (2:400-48), ns, 22S.6 w Av B.
20x96. S-sty bk tnt & strs; Moritz Neuraau to
Morris Blitzer, 203 E 4; mtg $10,000; PM ratg
.$6,.500; Oct20; Oct21'21; A$8,500-15,S0fl (R S
$4..50). O C & IOO
6TH St. 542 E (2:401-31), SS, 99.11 w Av B,
runs s97xe24.10xn20xn33xn44.8 to st xswlO.ll
to beg; Herraau C Kndlich to Louis Knaris,
S,58 E 8: Sept29; Octl9'21; A.$6,000-14,00O (R S
.$16,150). O C & 100
6TH at, 542 E; Herraan C Kndlich to Louis
Knaria, 3.58 E S; QC : Sept29: Octl9'21. nom
STH st, 49 W (2:.572-0Sl, ns, 069.5 w 5 av, 23
xliS.ll. 4-8ly bk tnt & strs; Harry Heifer to
Vincent C Pepe, 40 Washington sq; mtg $14,-
.500; April; Oct20'21; A$15,:j00-21,090 (R S
$2..50). O C & 100
OTH St. 716 E (2:378-15), ss, 298 e Av C, 23x
93.11. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Sadie Wilchin to
David Pawlowilz, 642 E 5; mtg $------; Oct22;
Oct24'21: .A$19..590-20.000. O C & 100
9TH st, 809 E (2:366-60), ns. 101.11 e Av D,
27.10x83. 5-sty bk tnt: Peo J C Ughetta, REP,
to Saral Woolverton, TRSTE Robt Stuart, ------
plff; FORECLOS, Oct6'21; Ocl20'21; A$9,500-
10,.5OO (R S $18). 18,000
lOTH st, 31 & 33 E (2:562-41), ns, 204.3 e
University pi, 44.5x94.9, 8-sty bk loft & str
Iildg: Nilton Realtv Corpn to Howard A Ray¬
raond. 758 Weat End av; B&S; AL; OcllO;
()ct20'21 ; A.$S8,000-118.000 (R S 59c). nora
UTH st, 512 E (2:404-10), sa, 170.6 e Av A,
25x75. S-sty bk tnt & strs: Olds Holding Corp
to Morard Realty Corpn. 189 Montague, Bklvn
B&S: correction deed; OctlO; Oct20'21; A$8,-
000-13,000. nom
ISTH St. 530-.S4 E (2:406 21), ss. 220 w Av B,
.50x193.3, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Giovanni Can-
gialoai to Peter Manescala & Doraenico Mo-
Ionia, 44 Oak; AT&I: AL: correction deed;
OctCi; Oct25'21 : A$19,000-ISO,000. nora
16TH Kt, 357 W (3:740-6), ns, 125 e 9 av, 25x
92, 4-sty bk tnt & strs, 1-stv ext; Edmund F
Gcrner to IT Brown Realtv Corpn, 357 W 16;
liilg .$9,900; Sept.'iO; Oct21'21 ; A$ll..509-14,000
(R S .$7). O C & 100
18TH at, 8 E (3:846-69), ss, 273.6 w Bwav,
24.6x70. S-stv Ilk str. 1-sty ext; Millingtdn
Holding Co to Edith Shorten. 510 W 144; ratg
$19..S09; SeptlS; Oct21'21; A$27,000-31,000 (R S
$12..59). nom
27TH St. 3.5-7 E (3:8.57-30), na, 225 w 4 av.
runa nl1S.6xw8,4xsl4.9xw41.8xa98.9 to st xe50
lo beg. li-sty Ilk tnt; Edw .T McAndrew et al
to T E M Realty Corpn, 1476 Bwav; ratg .$90,-
000; OctlO; Oct22'21; A$110,0O0-105,0O0 (R S
.$75). nom
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