July 26, 1913
The rate for Advertising under this heading is 25
cents per line, nonpareil measurement, with a
minimum of four lines. Copy received until 3
P. M. Friday,
Se.iled proposals for Improvements to
Heating System at St. Lawrence State
Hospital, OgdeiisburK. N. Y., will be re¬
ceived bv the State Hospital Commission,
Capitol, -Vlbanv, N. Y., until 3 o'clock P. M.
on Monday, August 4, 1913, when they will
be opened and read publicly.
Proposals shall be accompanied by cer¬
tified check in the sum ot five per cent,
of amount ot bid. and the contractor to
whom the award is made will be required
to furnish surety company bond in the
sum «f fifty per cent, of amount of con¬
tract within thirty days after official no¬
tice of award of contract and in accord¬
ance with the terms of Specification No.
1694. The right is reserved to reject any
or all bids.
Drawings and specifications may be con¬
sulted ami blank forms of proposal ob¬
tained at the St. Lawrence State Hospital,
Ogdensburg, N. Y., and at the office of the
State Architect. Complete sets of plans
and specifications will be furnished to
prospective bidders upon reasonable notice
to and in the discretion of the State Archi¬
tect, Lewis F. Pilcher, Capitol, Albany,
N. Y.
Dated Albany, N. Y., July 10, 1913.
Secretary. State Hosnit-al Commission.
I. Fader Tel. S-'^Sa Williamsburgh D. Fader
Eastern Fire-Proof Sash & Door Co.
Manufacturers of
All kinds of Fire-Proof Doors, Window Frames
and Sash covered with Kalamein Iron, Brass or Cop¬
per. Board of Fire Underwi iters Doors A Specialty,
Cor. Morrell Street BROOKLY'N, N. V.
Granolithic and Asphalt Pavements
Office and Factory, 520 E.\ST 20th STREET
Telephone, 4 Gramercy NEW YORK
Wm. H. Oliver'^""°'^^^°'""
Established ISIB
fLAirs ana r>_;_^;_^
Paper Hangings and Interior Decorations
57 Fifth Avenue New York
Tele^jhone, 833 Stuyvesant
211 VERNON AVENUE, Foot of 11th Street
Telephone, 1895 Hunters Point
is the oldest paper representing the in¬
terests of Real Estate and Building in
New York City, and a standard author-
ity on matters relating to these branches.
Plans Filed—Manhattan (Continued).
IIOTH ST, 7 West, o-sty brick moving pic¬
tures and apartments, 50x101); cost, ,^lS,OiJO;
owner, Aaron Itosenslein, 4 East lOlth st;
architect, Chas. Hess, liot) East ltj.id st. Plan
.\o 353.
.\TTOR.\'EY ST. 87-8!l. 1-sty brick toilet, ac-
lonimoilations, loxlli; cost, ?:i,00U ; owners. Con¬
gregation Kirst Gahcian Dukler Mengen Abra¬
ham, S7-sn .\ttorney st; architect. .lacob Fisher.
2."i Av .\. Pian N'o. 357.
CRESCE.VT AV, s e cor Adams pl, two 5-
sty brick tenements, slag roof, U2.8x113, 08.4x
.'is.l ; cost, ,$85,000; owner, Cosendo Bldg. Co.,
Saverio Scale, 705 East ISIth st, Pres.; ar-
ihitect, Lucian Pisciotta, 391 East 149tli st.
Plan Xo. 472.
LORILLARD pl. e s, 140.4 n 181st st, 5-
sty briek tenement, tin roof, 32xSG; cost, ^30,-
UiiO; owner, Jos. Cardillo, 2416 Lorillard pl;
architect, M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont av.
Plan Xo. 4117.
SEMl.VOLE ST, s s, 215.9 e Eastchester rd,
114-sty frame dwe.ling, shingle roof, 21x28;
cost, .f2.0U0; owner, Robt. Jacob, Saratoga av;
architeit, Henry Xordheim, 1087 Tremont av.
Plan Xo. 471.
MILL LAXE, e s. 147.0 s Boston Post rd, 3-sty
brick dwelling, tin roof, 21.x40; cost. S5,ou ; own¬
ers, Rosato & Corasi, Delaville ay; architect,
M W Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont av. Plan Xo.
177TH ST, s s, 450 w Marmion av, 1-sty brick
stores, plastic slate roof, 75x'.Mj; cost. .f.0,000;
owner. Beck St. Const. Co., Herbert Hecht, 380
itiverside drive; architect, Fred Hammond,
:;!11 East 149th St. Plan Xo. 468.
LUDLOW AV, s s, 235 w Havemeyer av, 1-
Kty frame shed, 16x;50; cost, .$100; owners, M.
M. & M. A. Brohmer, on premises; architect,
Fred Hammond, .391 East 149th st. Plan Xo.
OLD RO.\D, n s, 500 e Spuyten Duyvil rail¬
road station, 1-sty frame shed, 35x24; cost,
.'>2.j0 ; owner, G. M. Roden, Spuyten Duyvil;
architects, Alineman & Younkheere, 3320 Bailey
av. Plan Xo. 470.
EAST 23D ST, w s, 134.8 n Av D, 4-sty bri;k
tenement. .S5.3x85.0, ------ roof, 20 fami.ies;
cost. .$40.000; owner, Saml. Moskowitz, 55
Patchen av ; architect, Hy, Dorf. 614 Kosciusko
St. Plan .No. 39S7.
C.\TOX .A.V, s s, 52.11 e Stratford rd. one
4-sty brick tenement. 52.11x104.9, slag r-)of, 10
families; cost, $75.000; owner, Morris Fine, 16
Court st; architects. Shampan & Shampan, 772
Broadway. Plan Xo. 4055.
CATON AV, s e cor Stratford rd, one 4-stv
brick tenement. 52.11x105.5, slag roof, 16 fami¬
lies : cost. $75,000 ; owner. Morris Pine, 26 Court
st: architects. Shampan & Shampan. 772 Broad¬
way. Plan Xo. 4056.
SGTH ST. e s, 109.10 s Louisa st. four 2-sty
tenements, 24.7x72.7, ------ roof, 4 families each :
total cost. .$18,000; owner, Harris Wilner. 1214
49th st ; architect. John C Wandell, 4-5 Court
Square. Plan Xo. 4011.
HUDSON AV. e s. 209.11 s Myrtle av. 4-sty
brick tenement, 25x61. tin raof. 7 families,; cost.
$.S..50n; owner. Isaac Rosenbaum. 370 Hudson
av ; architect. W J Dittley. Union Square, X. Y.
Plan .No. 4013.
lOTH ST, s e cor 4th av, o-sty brick tene¬
ment, 55x90, slag roof, 30 families; cost, $50,-
000; owner, Rogers Impt. Co., 325 Oth st; ar¬
chitects. Shampan & Shampan, 772 Broadway.
Plan -No. 4082.
lOTH ST, s s, 55 e 4tli av, 5-sty brick tene¬
ment, ,52.4x88, slag roof, 25 families; cost,
.$.50.(HX); owner. Rogers Impt. Co., .322 6th st;
architects, Shampan i: Shampan, 772 Broad¬
way, p-.an Xo. 4083.
.-."EW YORK AV, w s, 7T.3 s Union st, 4-sty
brick tenement. 25xSi.3, gravel roof, 8 families;
cost, $12,0(10; owner, Marie Beale, 338 Park pl;
architect, Benj. T. Hudson, 319 9th st. Plan
Xo. 4078.
CARROLL ST, n s, 300 w Kingston av, five
2-sty brick dwellings, 20x35, slate and tin roof,
I family each; total cost, $.30,000; owner, E. T.
Oickinson, 1130 East 19th st; arch'tects, Slee
A: Bryson. 154 Montague st. Plan No. 3985.
WARWICK ST. e s. 220 n Arlington av. 2-sty
frame dwelling, 25x43.2, 1 family, sbingle roof;
cost. .$7.5110; owner. Charles Urnea, 2572 Fulton
st ; architects, C. Infanger & Son, 2634 Atlantic
av. Plan .No. 4009.
AV O. s e cor East 48th st. two 2-sty frame
dwellings. 18x.55. 2 families each; gravel roof;
total cost. ,$0.000; owner, Jos. D. Dixon. 1234
Myrtle av; architect, I."uis Allimundigen. 920
liroadway. Plan Xo. 4002.
5IST ST. n s. 180 w 13th av, 2-sty frame
dwellins. 22.2x54.2. shingle roof, 2 families;
o'-'st, $5,800; owner, Richd. H. Meban. 1354
52d st ; architect. M. Rosenquist, 53d st and Xew
Utrecht av. Plan Xo. 4025.
SHEPHERD .KV. e s. 220 s Xew LMs av.
1-sty frame dwelling. 10x30. gravel roof, 1
family ; cost. $2.j0; owner. Dominlck Pascale,
138 West Houston st; architect. E. E. McCaf¬
frey. Evergreen, L. I. Plan No. 4035.
55TH ST, s s. 120 w Sth av, 2-sty brick dwell¬
ing, 20.x5o. slag roof, 2 families; cost, $i.5oo;
owner, Marie Backie, 635 46th st; architect,
John C. Wandell, 45 Court sq. Plan Xo. 4060.
WEST 35TH ST, w s, 100 s Mermaid av, 1-sty
frame dwelling, 14x34, shingle roof, 1 family ;
cost, 5;5uO ; owner and architect, Thos, Flanagan,
IJIO East :;d St. Plan .No. 4016.
EAST 5TH ST, w s, 240 n Av F, 2-sty frame
dwelling, 22x4.8, shingle roof, 2 families; cost,
$l,OtO; owner, .Mary F. Davis, 21 Highland
av, Yonkers; architect, Jas. A. Boyle, 307 Ful¬
ton St. Plan Xo. 4088.
DIT.MAS AV. s s, 522.6 w East 14th st, 2-
sty frame dwel.ing, 28x36, shingle roof, 1 fam¬
ily ; cost, $4.oCO; owner, John W. Parkins, 5
Canarsie lane; architect, Benj. Driesler, 153
Remsen st. Plan Xo. 4072.
DIT.MAS AV, s w cor East 14th st, 2-sty
frame dwelling, 31x25, shingle roof, 1 family;
cost, $4,000 ; owner, John W. Parkins, 5 Canar¬
sie lane; architect, Benj, Driesler, 153 Rem¬
sen St. Plan Xo 4073.
EAST 14TH ST, w s, 540 s Av X, 1-sty frame
storage, 18x16, shingle roof; cost, $175; owner
and architect, L. H. Ansler, 1462 East 14th st.
Plan .No. 3982.
GLE.NWOOD RD, s w cor East 21st st, 1-sty
frame storage, 12x20, shingle roof; cost, $300;
owner, Wm. Bradfeld. 043 East 34th st; ar¬
chitect. R. T. Schaeffer, 1520 Fiatbush av. Plan
.\o. 39S3.
IMLAY ST, e s, 200 n Commerce st, 1-sty
steel storage, 75x25, iron roof; cost, $l,O0O;
owner and architect, Montgomery Wood Co.,
Imlay and Bowne sts. Plan Xo. 4081,
75TH ST, s s, 130 w 15th av, 1-sty steel
garage, 10x16. shingle roof; cost, S2C0; owner
and architect, Julius c. Jugel, 1466 75th st.
Plan .\o. 397t).
JUNIUS ST, s e cor Glenmore av. 2-sty
frame stable, 28.xS3.2, gravel root; cost, $3,-
.500; owner, ,\. H. .\ckerman, on premises ; ar¬
chitects, C. Infanger & Son, 2634 Atlantic av.
P.an .No. 4008.
14TH AV, w s, 60 n 57th st, 1-sty frame gar¬
age. 10x15, shingle roof; cost. $150; owner,
Herman Schaeffer. .5016 14 av ; arcbite.t. Sam'l
Goldstein. 1118 45th st. Plan Xo. 4042.
40TH ST. n s. .320 e 13th av, 1-sty stable.
10x18. shingle roof; cost. $000; owner Morris
Kornblum. 1.325 47th st; architects, Eisenla &
Carlson, 16 Court st. Plan Xo. 4030.
21 ST AV, e s. 100 s Benson av, 1-sty frame
garage, 15xlS. shingle roof ; cost, $1 500 ; owner.
Trixie Friganza. 8709 21st av; architect, John
C Wandell, 45 Court sq. Plan Xo. 4059.
IRVING .4V, n s, 25 w Palmetto st, 1-sty
frame garage. 19x16, gravel roof; cost, $100;
owner, W. Knipe, on premises; architect, John
Blake. Plan .No. 4001.
JERO.ME ST. w s, 118.10 s Jamaica av, l-sty
brick garage. 14x20, slag roof; cost, $400;
owner, Gustave E Kruse, 20 Jerome st; archi¬
tect. Louis F. Schillinger, 107 Vau Siclen av.
Plan Xo. 4030.
.KV K, s e cor East 18th st, 1-sty frame
garage, 13.0x15. shingle roof; cost. $1.000;
owner. Edw. F. Dickmau, 1139 East I4th st;
architects, Slee & Bryson, 154 Montague st.
Plan .No. 4032.
14TH AV, s e cor SOth st, 1-sty frame garage,
17x17.6, shingle roof; cost, $60(); owner, Eenj.
.\pthker, .5003 14th av; architect. Sam'l Gold¬
stein. 1168 45th St. Plan Xo. 4070.
CENTRAL PL, n s, 9S.10 s Greene av. 1-sty
brick store, 17x75. gravel roof; cost, $2,500;
owner, Hy. Von Glahn, 66 Washington av;
architfcts, Laspia & Salvati, 525 Grand st. Plan
-No. 3990.
DUG ST, -w s, 2.52 n Paidge av, 1-sty brick
oflice and shop, 21x85, slag roof; cost. $2,000;
owner, Sicilian .\sphalt Co., 41 Park row;
architect, F. W. Taylor, 41 Park row. Plan
No. 4075.
V.^NDERBILT AV, s w cor Prospect av, 2-
sty brick theatre and store, 83.6x100, slag roof;
cost, $15,1101); owner, Morris Poller, 366 Ocean
parkway ; architect, M. A. Cantor, 39 West 3Sth
St. Plan Xo. 3998.
74TH ST, s s, 100 w 11th av, 1-sty steel
pump house. 39x20; cost, $2,000; owner, Bly-
thebourne Water Co., ISO Montague st; ar¬
chitects. Flint & W. Alting Co., 96 Wall st, N.
Y. Plan .No. 3972.
LENOX RD, s s, bet Troy av and East 45th
st, two 1-sty brick greenhouses, 108x456. tin
roof: total cost. $5,000; owners, Dalledouge
Bros., on premises; architects. Lord & Burn¬
ham. 42d St Bldg, N, Y. Plan No, 4040.
NELSON ST. s e cor Columbia st. 1-sty frame
open shed, 19.6x75.9, canvas roof; cost, $150;
owner and architect, John Marchiano, 125 Har¬
rison St. Plan Xo. 4027.
E 2D ST. s w cor Av L. 1-sty frame dressing
rooms. 121X.57.5. rubberoid roof; cost $3,000;
owner. Thornton Gerrish. 164 Montague st;
architect. Lionel Moses, 101 Park av, N. Y.
Plan Xo. 4036.
WEST 12TH ST, e s, ,300 s Canal av. new
Iron tar tank. —x—; cost. $2,200; owner.
Brooklyn Boro Gas Co.. Surf av and W'est 12th
st; architect. Helman Boiler Works, 11 Pine
st, N. Y. Plan No. 4089.
WEST 12TH ST. w s, 75 s Csnal av, new
iron gas bolder. 144x144; cost, $1 "0.000 ; own'^r.
Brooklyn Boro Gas Co., Surf av and West 12th
st; architect. Helman Boiler Works, 11 Pine
Ft, N. Y. Plan Xo. 4090.