The Record and Guide.
October 31, 1885
1 19 51)
112 00
3? 50
120 00
139 2.'i
41 00
101 00
51 00
204 00
92 62
73 50
953 81
33 no
3,000 00
400 1X1
84 Bowery, No. 933, e s, bet Stanton and Riv¬
ington sts. James Sullivan agt Frank
Lyons and Jerry Dornsife ................ .35 00
26 Sixtieth st. Nos. 328 aud 3;J0 E., b r, 253 w 1st
av, .'i2.8 ft front. George W. Lemon a?t
Nathan Douglas, coutractor, and Louis
Darmstadt, owner.......................
26 Sa:ie property. George Gunther agt same.
26 Same property. James Brennan agt same.
26 Same propr-rtj'. M. B. Dresser agt same...
26 Same property. George M«-Arthur agt same
26 Sarae property. Fred. Muller agt same___
26 Same property. Henry A. Cranston agt
26 Same propertp. Jacob Schwoerer agt same
26 Sixtieth st, Nos. .330 and 332 E., s s. abt 211
w 1st av, .50 ft front. St. John, Hoyt & Co.
agt same as last..........................2,831 81
26 Oue Hundred and Seventeenth st, Nos. 538
and .MU E, ss. 373 e Pleasant av. 50x100.11.
St. John, Hoyt & Co. agt Nathan Doug'as,
contractor, and James S'Aveney, owner. 1,474 70
26 Sa-i e property. Jacob Schwoerer agt same, l&l 00
26 One Hundred and Thirty-fourth st, n s, 100
w 7th av, 100x99.11. Richard R. Davis agt
Margurite Gessnpr, owner..........
26 One Hundred and Fifty-fourth st, No. 581, n
e. George Schmidt agt Frederick Vaupel,
owner, and Natlun Douglas, contractor..
26 Same property. AugiLst Schlinkmeier agt
26 Same property. Leo Wetzel agt same...... 52 25
26 Same property. Wm. Hetheriugton agt
same.................................... 58 00
26 Same property. Wm. Kaikhof agt same.. . .87 50
26 Same property. St. John, Hoyt & Co. agt
fame ....................................2.161 59
27 Eighty-second st, No. 312 E., s s, 175 e 2d av,
2.5x100. Abraham Steers agt Nathan
Douglas, coDlractor and debtor, and
Charles Tallman, owner.................
27 Same property. Jos. F. Miller agt same.. -
27 Ninih av, Nos. 1G12 to 1650, u e cor !).5th at.
125.lu feet front. Alexander Wehle agl
Henry and Charles Bornkamp, contrac¬
tors, and Charles W. Klebisch, George
Wittschen and Jacob Romer, owners... .
27 One Hundred and Fifty-fourth st. No. .^81
E., n s, 175 w Courtlandt av, 2.5x100. Abra¬
ham Steers agt Nathan Douglas, contrac¬
tor, aud Frederick Vaupel, owner.......
27 One Hundred and Seventeenth st, s s. .373 e
Pleasant av, 50xlo0.11. Abraham Steers
agt Nathan Douslas, coutractor and
debtor, and James Sweeney, owner......1,250 54
27 Same property. F. Kappier agt same..... 170 00
27 Sixtieth st, Nos. 328aud 33.*E., ss, 252 w 1st
av, 52.6XIO0..5. Abraham Stt-ers agt
Nathan Douglas, contractor and debtor,
and Louis Darmstadt, owner.............2,000 00
27 Sixry-ninih st, u s, abt 200 w 4th av, 25x100,
Joseph Schmalzel and W. Wei«gerber agt
Union Theological Seminary, owner, and
Charles Vincent, contractor.............. 40 00
27 Sixty-ninth st, n s, 350 e 3d av, 25x100. C.
B. Keogh & Co. agt Albert Hirsch, contrac¬
tor, and Max Danziger, owner............1,812 42
28 Eastburn st, w s, 125 n Waluut or 173d st, 50
xloo. Louis Reiss agt Thomas H. Keeley,
owner.................................. 23 93
28 B'iftieth st, u s, 75 w 4th av, 75x100.5. Grace
Wilson agt Rosanna Spaulding, owner,
and J. D. Demarest, contractor.......... 922 00
28 Madison av, n e cor 58th st. Murdough &
Duffell agt George M. Stumpp, owner,
Ellis & Chandler, contractors, and A. B.
Edwards, sub contractor.................
28 One Hundred and Fiftieth st, s s, at Harlem
River, 300 ft front. Leonhard Klenk agt
Christian Bambach, contractor, and
Thomas L. Sturges, owner..............
28 One Hundred and Sisty-seveuth st. s s, 119.3
e lOth av. four houses. Frank Ross agt
Frank Lober, owner. (Lien not signedi.
28 One Hundred and Fifty-fourth st, No. 581
E., n s, 100 w Courtlaudt av, 2.'>xk0. Fred¬
erick Muller agt Frederick Vaupel,
owner, and Nathau Douglas, contractor. .
28 Same property, 175 w Courtlaudt av. Pohlig
& Becker agt same....................... 121 00
28 Sixtieth st, s s, 251 w 1st av, 52.6x100.5.
Lorenz Brandenburg agt Frederick Koop¬
man, coutractor, and Mr. Darmstadt,
28 Same property. Thomas Walsh agt Louis
Darmstadt, owner, and Nathan Douglas,
28 Seventeenth st, Nos. 452 and 4.M W., s s, 100
e lOLh av, 50x100. John McClave agt John
P. Decker, owner and contractor.....
28 Sixth av, Ao. 4o8, e s. Peter Brennan aud
Denis Sulhvan agt Jennie H. Stokes,
owner.................................... 54132
28 Same property. Richard Chidwick agt
same.....................................1,4.56 00
29 One Hundred and Fourth st, n s, 130 w 4th
av, 50 ft frout The New York Lumber
and Wood Working Co. agt James Mc¬
Gowan, owner......................... .38150
29 Ninth av, s e cor 59th st, -.'5x100. The New
York Lumber and Wood Working (jo. agt
John Bolan, owner, and Charles J. Perry,
29 Fifth av, s w cor 19th st, 2ixl50. Peter Mur¬
ray agt Leonhard Hangen, contractor,
and C. R. Yandell & Co.. owners..........
30 Sixth av, s w cor 116th st, twelve houses.
Michael Noonan agt J. D. Butler, owner.. 1,245 41
.30 Ninth av, s e cor 68th st, 100..^\150. Michael
Spinelli agt David B. and Peter Algie..... 427 92
.30 One Hundred and Tweutv-fitth st, No. 251
E., s s. 80 w 2d av, 30x82. Chester L. Wil¬
liams agt Thomas J. O'Kane, owner, and
James O'Kaue, contractor..............
30 Second av, s e cor 75th st. John W. Smith
agt Bart. Noonan, contractor.............
533 71
17 82
339 '
15 00
38 24
37 50
67 00
73 10
185 00
165 SO
0 75
26 Locust av, e s, 452 n Liberty av, 50x100,
East New York. Charles Truax agt Josepli
Buehl-r and Frank C. Lang, owner, and
L. Williams.......................$110 CO
27 Fulton av. n e cor Georgia st. 200x200, New
Lots. Gordiin it Rous agt Martin Bennett,
owner, and E. G. Vail.................. 600 00
27 Same property. Geo. W. Brant & Co. agt
same................................... 164 04
28 Jefferson st, s e cor Throop av, 550x100. Au¬
gust Link agt George J. Bryan, owuer,
and John McLain.......................... 25 69
Putnam av, n s, 25 w Sumner av. 70x100. . I
Putnam av. n s, 235 w Sumuer av. SOxlOO.. (
August Link agt John C. Bushfield, owner,
and J. McLain...'....................... 18.50
Columbia st, s e cor Degraw st, 20x100.
Thos. S. Drake agt H. Thurber. owner,
and P. J. (Jarlin & Son............. 1'14 60
Hicks st, n e cor Pineapple st, 2.5x100.
Thos. S. Drake agt E. D. Phelps, owner,
and P. J. Carlin & Sou .................. 144 60
Sixth av, K w cor Prospect av, 100x160 4 R.
S. Timper agt James H. Darrow and Alice
M Jenuings, owuers, aud J. H, Darrow... 225 00
Gates av, s s, 150 w Stuyvesant av, n OxIOO.
George Lehretrane agt Lulu P. Mctiarry,
owner, aud J. McGarry and B. HefPran... 54 00
Marion st, s e eor Howard av, 75x100. O. Q.
Soderholm agt Elizabeth Palmer, owuer,
and Jesse B. Luug...................... 92 50
Adelphi st. No. 444. w a, 120 s Fultou st, 20
X—. John J. Beutzeu agt H. D. 31iles,
owner and contract'T................... 150 00
Second st, n w cor South llth st, 18x^. J.
P. Fagan agt Emma M Thompson, owner,
and Tbos. McKenzie...................... 105 50
Washington st, w s, 3i8.3 s Fultou av, 25r:95,
New Lots. Gordon & Rous agt Annie E.
Meeker, owner, and E. E. Payne,.........1,131 00
Van Voorhis st, n w s, 80 n e Evergreen av,
1-10x75. Rope & Co. agl James A. White,
owner, and W. S. Montgomery.........1,550 00
Smith av, e s, 300 s Fulton av, 50x200 to
Scheuck av, East New York. Gordon &
Rous agt (.Jeorge Jardin, owner, and E. E.
Payne................ ..........1.131 00
Marion st, s e cor Hopkinson av, 75x100.
; C. a. Sonderholm agt Elizabeth Palraer,
owner, and J. B. Luug................. 92 50
Van Voorhis st, n w s. 80 n e Evergreen av,
140x75. J. and G., Jr., Rose atit Jaraes A.
White, owner, and W. S. Montgomery___ 535 00
Van Voorhis st, n s, 83 e Evergreen av, 140x
40. James White agt same.............. 118 80
Wnshitigton St. w s, 318.3 s FuUon av, 25x
UHi. New Lots. Julm tvemiedvagt Auua
E, Jlt;eUer, owner, aud E. E. Payne, ... 70 00
Van Voorhis st, n w s, 80 u e Evergreen av,
140x69. Samuel E. Decker agt James A.
White, owner .'iud contracior............. 159 13
24 Third av, w s, bet 105th aud lOBth sts. Wal¬
lis Iron Works ai:t Thomas Gerrety.
(Lien filed Oct. 1.5, 1^^)..................$800 00
24 Same property. Same agt Thomas (Searty.
(Oct. 14, 1885) ............................ 800 00
27 Nineteenth st, Nos. 5J3 aud 515 W., n s, 150
w 10th av, .56.3 ft front. John J. Burchell
agt Wm. E. Keys. (Sept. U, 1885)........23,836 00
37 One Huudred and Sixteenth st, Nos. 105 aud
107 E., n s, 90e4th av. Michael Finn agt
Joseph W. Hamburger and Sarah F.
Woodrufl'. (Sept. 3m, i.'-fiS)............... 76 35
28 Sedgwick av, bet Morris Dock and Fordham
heights Station. Charles H Bunn, by
assign., agt Herraan C Schwab and Lyons
& Dorusife.................. 7 liens, total 312 83
28 One Hundred and Ninth st, Nos. 232 to 242
E., s s, 100 w 2d av. Thomas Walling agt
John C. Burne. (Aug. 25, lt85)............ 113 11
29 Fordham av, e s, 39.8 ft front. Patrick
Nealou agt Lyons & Dornsife, Home for
Incurables, and Ed. Gustave.son, (May 20,
1885....................................... 653 20
.^n Baxt rst, No. 31..........................)
'"' Worth st, No. 161......................(
Wra. H. Schmohlagt James Breunan and
John O'Flaherty and Jacob Coheu and
Lewis Levy. (Aug. 27, 1885)............1,491 50
30tFifty-.ighth st. No. 209 W., n s, bet Broad¬
way aud 7th av. Wm. N. Griswold agt
Adelaide 0. Gill. (July2r, 1882).........15,065 08
30 One Hundred and Seventeenth st, s s. 373 e
Pleasant av. 50 ft front. Jacob Schwoerer
agt Nathan Douglas and James Sweeny.
(Oct. 20, 18S5)......................... 534 00
.30 Tenth av, s w cor 62d st, 100x100. McNer-
uey & Palladino agt Johu Frame, Chas.
A. Buddensiek, J. B. Smith and G. Haug.
(Sept. 26, 1885)......................1,083 71
tDischarged of record by order of Court.
October 24 to 30—mclusive.
Central av, w s, 75 n Myrtle av, 25x100. Kasper
Wahler agt John Hartman. (Aug. 10,
1«^5).......................................$475 00
Hubbard st, w s, 275 s fllill road. 75x129.1,
Gravesend. James Cropsey agt Mary and
Margt. Tierney and J. A. Stone ..........
Freeman st. n s. 175 e West st, 25x100. A. K.
Mesenlt; & Co. agt T. Tapken and J,
Haftbrd & Son. (Oct. 8, 18n5) ............
Decatur st, n s, 90 e Lewis av, 100x100. J.
Maunerschmidt agt Saml. T. Bennett and
Alice E. Butler. (May 23,1885) ..........1,170 00
195 S3
350 00
The first uavie is that of the owner; ar"t stands
for architect, ntVi for mason and 6'r for builder.
SOUTH OF 14th street.
Greenwich'st, No. 259, four-story brick t euem't
35x78.8, rear ^3.6, tin roof; cost, -^10,000; estate
of Geo. W. Welsh, 253 Greenwich st: ar't, J. E
Ware. Plan 1547.
Christie st, No. 184, five-story and basement
brick tenement withstores, 35x82.6, tiu roof; cost,
$20,000; Fay & Stacom, 410 East 12uth st; ar'ts,
A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan 15«1.
Delancey st. No. 153, six-story brick tenem't.
23.5x(j5, tin roof; cost, .^13/00; C Michenfeider,
143 Stant.in st; art, Fred. Ebeling. Plau 1.^70.
Mulberry bt, No.s. 244 and 240, five story and
ba«ement brick teuemt, 38. lUx3i».l, rear 38.5, metal
roofiug; cost, 610,000; Mrs. Auna C. Keane, 113
East 34th st; ar't, J. B. Snook; b'r, not selected.
Plan 1556.
12th st. No. 523 E., six-story brick tenem't A^ith
stores in basement, 28x80, tin roof; cost, S15 01)0 â–
Johu sherry, 525 Ea-st 12th st; ar't, F. H. Kim¬
ball; b'rs, Mahoney & Watson. Plau 1579.
Wushington st, Nos. 415 to 419, seven-story
brick warehouse, 59.6x80, tin roof; cost, $35,000;
James Pyle, 215 West 45th st; ar't, T. H. Jackson.
Plan 1572.
27th St, No. 529 W., three story brick factory,
stable and tenem't. 25x98.9, composition roofing;
cost, $3,850; E. R. Merrill, 361 West PJth st; ar^ts,
J. B. McElfatrick & Sons. Plan 1554.
10th av, Nos. 507 and 509, two five-story brick
(stone front) tenem'ts, 2(3.4x100, with 50 ft exten¬
sion to store, tiu roofs; cost, each, >;20,000; Joseph
Schwarzler, 1365 5th av; ar'ts, Wilson & Hudson.
Plan 1569.
4sth st, n s, 175 w 9th av, five-story brick (stone
front) tenem't, 25x85, tin roof; cost, *19,000; ow'r
and b'r, Alexander Moore, 453 West 48th st; ar't,
M. L. Ungrich. Plan 1582.
5th avenue.
90th sfc, No. 385 E., one-story brick stable, SOx
80, gravel roof; cost, S3,OU0; Peter Saudqwist, 287
East OOth st; ar't, Cha-les ICiukel. Phui \hm.
88th st, n s, 51 6 e 3d av, one-story brick office,
9x20, rear 3, tin roof; cost, $200; John W. Gray,
1.564 Park av; a- 't. John Mclntyre. Plan 1573.
9')th st, n w cor' 2d av, wooden sign, lOOxlOO;
cost, -i^5mj; George Ringler, 208 East 91sfc st; ar't,
Chas. Kinkel. Plan 1562.
104th st, n s, 263 e 1st av, one-story brick work¬
shop, 38x22, gravel roof; cost, $8(H); Charles J.
Bosch, 1.37 Duane st; ar't, G. B. Billerwell; b'r, J.
H. Summerhayes, Plau 1560.
118th st, s e cor 4th av, five-story brick flat, SOx
46.6, tin roof; cost, .?15,0()0; Simon Habermann,
Belleville, N. J.; ar't, Jobn Brandt. Plau 1557.
118th st, s s, 30 e 4th av, three five-story brick
flats, 20x40, tin roofs; cosfc, each, $8,500; ow'r and
ar't, same as last. Plan 1558.
Av A, w s, 55 n 74th st, five-story brick cigar
factory with stores ou first floor, 5i)x6o, tin roof;
cost, $20,000; Annie E. Kelly, 434 Ea.st 75th st;
ar't, G. A. Schellenger. Plan 1565.
Park av, w s, 6n.s n 90th sfc, fou rand-a-half-
story brick flafc, 40x7.5.4, rear 41, plastic slate roof¬
ing; cosfc, .$25.0.0; Mrs. Antonia Eckel, 117 East
92<1 st; ai-'t, J. H. Giles; b'r, not selected. Plan
2d av, e s, from 69th to 70th st, eight five-story
brick (stone front) tenem'ts with stores, six •^5x
60 and two 2.5x70 tin roofs; cost, $15,000; Hig¬
gius & Keating, SOI}:, Ea.st 79th sfc; ar'ts, A. B.
Ogden & Sou. Plau 1583.
b'.tfch sfc, n s, 74 e 2d av, five-story brick tene¬
ment, 20x67, with extension 17x15, tin roof; cosfc,
.$18,000; ow'rs and arts, same as last. Plan 15S4.
7oth sfc. s s, 74 e 2d av, five-storv brick tenem'fc
with stores. 26x(i3, tin roof; cost." $16,000; ow'rs
and ar'ts, same as last. Plan 1585.
Lexington av, s w cor 124th st, five-story brick
tenem't with stores, 67x40, tin roof; cost, $25,000;
White & Anuerson, 44 Easfc 133d st; ar't, G. Rob¬
inson, Jr. Plan 1580.
Lexington av, w s, 71 s 124th st, five-story briek
tenem't, 29.11x74, rear 27.11, tin roof; cost,
$18,OU0; ow'rs and ar't, same as last. Plan 1581.
U3d st, n s, 275 w 9fcb av, ten three-story and
ba.sement brick dwell'gs, ](i.9, 17.3 and 18.6x50,
tin roofs; cosfc, each, abfc $8,OU0; A. A. Hughes,
2063 5th av; ar't, W. B. Tuthill. Plan 1550.
Riverside Drive, e s, 25 s 122d st, three story
and basement brick (stone front) dweH'e, 41x00,
flat roof tinned, mansard of fire-proof materia 1
aud slated; cosfc, $35,600; J. Kittel, 28 Bai'clay
st; ar't, A. B. Jennings. Plan 1.549.
9th av, w s, 25 u 106th sfc, three lour-story brick
tenem'ts with stores, 25x02, tin roofs; cost, each,
abt $13,000; Henry Bornkamp, 306 We!^t 127th st:
ar't, W. T. Beer. Plan 1548.
9th av, s w cor 107th sfc, seven five-story brick
tenem'ts with stores, 25 and 2.5.11x65; tin rocfs;
cost, each, $14,000 and $16,000; total, $100,000;
y Bornkamp, 3ii6 AVest 127th st; ar't, R.
Henry Bornkanip,
Rosenstock. Plan 1574.
121st st, s s, 400 w Oth av, five three-story and
basement brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 20x56, tin
roofs; cost, each, $15,000; Maurice Nash, 340
Morris av: ar't, G. A. Schellenger. Plan 1564.
8th av, s e cor 144th st, four five-story brick
flats, 25 and 19.11x83, tin roofs; cost, each,
$18,000; John F. Duuker, 125th sfc and 10th av;
ar't, Adam Munch, 307 East 115th st. Plan
Broadway, e s, 37 s 131st st, four-story brick
flat with store, 28x45, rear 6, tiu roof; cost,
$7,000; Sarah Myers, 211 West 22d sfc; ar't and
b'l-, E. T. Hatch. Plan 1575.
Broadway, e s, 55 s 131st st, four-story and
basement brick flat, 16x45, tin roof; cost, $9,000;
ow'r, &c., same as last. Plan 1576.
Broadway, e s, 71 s 131st st, five-story brick
tenem't, 25x70, tin roof; cost, $15,000; ow'r, &c.,
same as last. Plau 1577.
Oth av, w s, 25 s b.6th st, thi-ee three-story and
basement brick dwell'gs, 16.bx.5(>, tm roofs; cost,
each, $10 OOO; Frederick Aldhous, 233 West 123d
st; ar't, J. C. Burne; b'r, not selected. Plan 1578.
33d AND 24th WARDS.
135th st, u s, 100 e Lincoln av, five-etory briok