Record and Guide.
December 22, i 894 »
20 Veyrac. Victor L—L A Soule..eosta 99
17 Vau Veen, Moiris IR A Ruther-
Van Veen, .loshna S ford..........236
18 Van Tasael I, Emory M— The Green¬
wich Iua Co, CityNY.......costs 65
18 Vau Court, Frederick—Johu Scbu¬
back..........................costs 870
18 Vandewatei-. Saml H—Philemon
15 Welling, Richard W G assiguee—
Central Trust Co, N Y, as sub-
trustee........................costs 256
15 WaUcer, Herhert H—FH Walker.l,461
17 Weitzel, Henry—.Iohn Klein.......249
17 White, Frank'D-Mortlock Pettit,306
17 Wood. Whitney—Alliance Bauk,,. 71
17 Wavra. Wcnzl—J & M Haffen..... 45
17 the same------tbe eame...........221
17 Wilson, James G—I N Miller.......892
17 Ward. Hugh—Willia.u Frank...... 43
18 Woodruff, Jobu—Dep't Buildings.
CityN Y............................259
18 Witkaski, Isaac M------tlie aame___239
18 Wellwood. Eliz J—William Wil¬
18 the same-------Albert Pfl ugh......102
18 Waruer. Chaa S—A A Peek,........ 33
18 Wallack, Richard—J M Martin. ,1,057
18 WiUiama, James—Tne People State
19 Worms, Auachel-H J Schill".......182
19 Woolsey, Edwd J iudivid and as
exr— The Rivcrhead Savings
lOtWeiasgerher. Auna—The Standard
(Jas Light Co. City NY............ 50
19 Whitiug, Henry G—Hall, Gardner
&â– Co...............................167
19*Wei88, Albert J .. nr n.r,^ i ncn
Weiaa,Robert^ ^ ^ ^^^^"'^.....^•**^^
19 the samc^—C A Anffmordt, ,1,774
19 Weichman. John—D M Frauk.....124
36 Wrieden, George-J W Haaren....242
20 Wallach, Kiehard—John Patterson 309
20 Ward, .lames J—Manhattan Rail¬
way Coandthe Metropolitan Ele¬
vated Kailwav Co...........eoata 141
20 Wright, JamesA 1
Wrigbt, W Redwood } E S Haud,, ,590
Wrigbt, Janies A )
21 Werner, Max—The Metropolitan
Telephone and Telegraph Co..... 85
21 Wavra, Josepb—Rudolpb Oclsner,147
21 Weston, Wm W—W 11 Appleton., H3
21 Walter. ClaraL-LilyW Ulinrchill
trnstee.....................(Dl 11,867
21 Wallaee, Jamea /Herman Kaempf
Wallace, Thos P S ...........costs 86
21 Wolf, Sauford—Julina Rohertsou.1.078
19 Yerger, Geo E—Thomas Ruaaell &
17 Ziegler, Harry L—Louia Berg.costs oO
17 the aame------Bernara Tim
...............................coats 95
18 Zeigal. Simon—Dep't of Buildinga,
CityNY......................... ..259
December 13 to aj—Inclusive.
Adler, Albert A and Rosa—H C Nagel.
1814......................................ffi595 56
Same-----same. 1S94...................... 99 61
yArrastronir. Ainlvew—M A' Brown. 1894..2o(i 45
SBrandt, William—Alwiu Eipcrt. 1894.....105 55
^BraJ.dt, WmH-----same. 1833.............416 (iS
Bank ot N Y, Nat Banking Assoc—Ameri¬
can Dock and TrnstCo.' 1893..........421 45
Brophy. Win T-R L Jones. lSf>4...........1(>4 41
Bond, Chas F—Patrick Hney. 1894........70ii '39
Burchell, Jomes J—J H Barlow (C E Tlior-
uall by assign). IRSll.....................122 6fi
Burclieii, Jaiues ti—J J Burchell. 1-^91..1,113 Ho
Same-----same. 1891....................1,129 90
BiircheU. Joseph—W H VnnderliiU., 'iM:,,,.205 69
Burns. Timothy—Tbe Laugtiun & Granger
Bremug Cn (Lim), 1894................333 HO
B-yi-ne, Johu—H Welister Co, 1894......... 67 57
Clarlt, Fraucis .\-W G Davis trustee. '94.,293 .'52
Curry, Hart.—Aslie Lupier hy Osear Kich¬
ter her gaard, 1S94....................3,625 28
Carey, James G-W H Busteed, 1894......1.S4 ii
Cawley, Jaiuea—O J Dennis, iS94.........114 52
'Cohen, Davirt—Frederick Waudelt. 1894.618 37
CP Hawkins'Sous Brewing Oo—O J Deu¬
nia. 1894.................................114 52
Clapp, Oliver M—Faulltner, P.ajre Se Co.
1894.....................................4,983 S4
Same-----C F Doyle. 1894.................143 05
Davies, Johu T—Faiilliner, Pajre & Go.
Iti94...........................:........4,983 84
Same^-----^CFDoyle. 1894................145 05
Duggau, Robt J—AlhcitEarekes. 1894., ,,202 78
Durand, A Waiter admr—Thomas Norton.
1894......................................242 13
Same-----same. 1894.......................829 80
Da.vid, Albert A—Fjedericlt Feist (8 D
Sewards by assign). 1S93.............2.777 00
Davis, Johu E L—M J CaPauau. 1894......194 90
DeLa Vergne, Joliu C—W H Burr. lS8(i.., 18 55
Dowd. W B—C J Milne. 1891.........___1,0H8 '25
Same-----Joseph Park. 1891..............498 36
'Draper, Thomas—C E O'Connor rccvr.
1887.......................................734 (57
Deshon, Henry S—Margt G Westerlield.
1888.......................................883 05
•Fellowes. Eruesl T—W K Aeton. 1894,., .218 25
Forster, Thos V—J J EurchtU. 189i.....1.113 65
Same-----same. 1891....................1,129 96
Same-----WH VanderbUt. 1894...........205 69
Friedmau, Wolf—E B Ward trustee. 1894..534 50
Finch, Wiuifrert K—Almira H James. 1892.
...........-.............................3,270 32
â– Fltz(terald, Wm L—C E O'Connor recvr.
1887.......................................734 67
Forman, Walter A—Patrick Hoey. 1894.. .709 39
Forster, Thos V—J H Barlow (C E Thor-
naD by assigu). 1891................,...122 66
Fisse, Mary—Albert Kavefces. 1894........202 78 â–
Friedhmder. Edward—Adolph Ladenburg.
1893...................................ia,421 19
Gauntt. jjOuis F—Faulkner, Page & Co.
1894....................................4,983 84
Same-----C F Doyle. 1894................145 05
Godfrey, Leah J—Alexander Henderson.
1894.......................................162 62
Same-----J J Flynn exr. 1894.............236 31
Hackett, EdM'rt M—James Hause. 1889.., ,254 k4
Hirsclilield, Wm J as Marshal—Morns Eich¬
ner, 1^93................................a99 16
^Hiiys, William-Paul WilliauiK. 1892......3(.7 66
Harway. May A and Jamus L—The Fann-
v.Ts' ami Drovers' Nat Bank oj Somers.
1891......................................890 66
Hildcsheim, Hermau-Adolpti Ladenburg.
1893.................................,,12.421 19
Hoes. Wm M, Public Admr—P J couklin,
1891.....................................1.930 02
.Tolm.stutie, RoM A—W P Lawrence. 1«94.394 91
Same-—^TUe irastfes ot Leake & Watts
Orplian House, CityN V. 1H94.......2,026 18
Same^-----Johu Phillipa. 1^94............. •2'3 67
JacoliSPU, EliK A—C P Corbit (Abraham
Locsei- by assijjui. 1892...............1,856 30
Jacobsou, Nathan—S W Koru. 1890.......513 96
Samo^-----Simon Micliel, 1890.............187 83
KantrowitK. Eplir.iim M—Louis Epstein.
1892.....................................1,48.') 37
Kesuer. Albert—B J King. 1889..........1,318 84
Same-----sarae. 1889....................],.'>18 84
S:im(.------Heu ry Kraus. 18^9............1,203 57
Kiausm-iin, Wm W—Tbe Anchor Post Co,
1894......................................172 86
Klenk, Frfdci-iik—Ciii-Dliiii- Karle. I,'<91,,5,:i52 17
Lcssi-r, Lazai-ii,— M.in-js i;:i,-liiirr. 1893,,,,399 16
Li'vy, Saiuiii-l--()si-lier Wilt-ii.-<ky 1891___499 75
Lumsdeu, Jolin F - Oilman, "'OU <t Co.
1894....................................... 90 06
Lipman, Erust—Adoiph Ladenbarg. 1893.
..................................'......12,421 19
Lumsdon,JolinF—Gilman, Son &Co. '93.,105 91
JIMcDoiiald, Frault B—Heury Pike. Jr, recvr.
1893.,,....................................280 40
McFarlen. Anue admrx—C P Ovoruiiller.
1894..........................',............100 00
:McKcnzie, Gei) G—L C Ooblens. 1894.....495 17
Maurhofer, John — Therese Maurhofer.
1894....................................... 90 (0
Mott, Hopper B and Alex H—H G Dunstan.
1893....................................1,S93 .'59
Mucuch, Luilwig T-B J Kiug. 1SS9......1,318 84
Same-----same. 1>^S9......;..............1.518 84
Same-----Hem-y Kraus. 1889............1,203 57
Mayer, Rudolph J-The Anchor Post Co.
1894......................................172 86
Mayer. Edgar A—Thomas McKav, 1892., 27 00
Maeauley, Daniel >„, p„|,„„ -,aa<, mi ii
Motley, Thornton N ^" ^ Pciias. 1«9^..,.102 43
Same-----same. 1894......................lOS 2R
Same-----same. 1892....................6,240 90
IIMnlrearly, Oweu—Joseph Beck. 1887....280 88
N Y Ceniral & Hudsou Kiver R R Co—Zena
Kiivin'iky. 1894........................scfl 00
O'Brieu, Michacl-T A Juiison. 1894......397 37
Pelham, Alphonzo E — Thomas Housfun.
1884......................................324 -'^6
Robiusoi). Johns—iviary Le E King. 1894..401 37
saracco, Audrea—Giovanni Farengo iS D
Sewards hy assign). ls=9___,.......'.....187 25
Selwyn, Arthur H—C H Moss. 1894.,......290 32
Solomon, Samuel aud Jacoli-Max Lam-
l>ert. 1894................................354 31
^Salisbury, Nelsou H a'signee—Mary A P
Draper, 1894..........................2,036 05
Shandley, Heury—H WeLister Co. 1894___ 67 57
tSoiomou, CeceUa—Kosa Berman. 1892.,,224 04
Stewart, J.-xuies M—M E Viele. 1887........632 G4
Striker, Elsworth L—W A Magor. 1893.. ..150 20
*The Aldine Club—Schwarzsehiid & Sulz¬
berger Co, 1894..........................472 21
The U S and Bi-azil Mail Steamship Co-
William Turner, 1894.................8.926 33
Thompsou, Oha,s D—Ingomar Goldsmith.
1S94......................................G36 29
'Uifelder, Lester and Oscar — Hermau
Hahlo. 1893............................1,603 42
"Von Keller, Herman—W H Hibbard. 1894 2.^9 35
-Vi-tCcr, Michael—Sarah Piser. 1894......839 22
Wadaworth. Edwd G—The Coal Handling
Machiuery and Coustruction Co. 1894 100 52
Weilis, Wm F—Faidkuer, Page & Co.
1894..........................r.........4.983 84
Same-----C P Doyle, 1894.................145 05
Wilner, Esther aud Isaac—E E Wood trus¬
tee. 1894.................................534 50
woodhouse, Daul A—J J Burchell. 1891. .1,113 65
Same-—-same. 1891....................1.129 96
S.iDic-—W R Vanderbilt. 1894...........-205 09
'Wright. Arlhiii- B—W K Astou. 1894......218 25
Woodhouse. Danl R-J H Barlow (C E
Thornall by assign). 1891..............122 66
'Vacated by order of Court. t.Suspeuded on Ap¬
peal. IReleased. JReversa!. llSatismed by Exe-
December 15.
2d av.s ecor 125th st, 20,11x77.10. Bar¬
tholomew Walther agt Louis Harris,
owuer and contractor..................^3 183 90
85th St. No 142, s s, .S61 e Amsterdam av,
18x102.3. The Mitchell-Vance Co ;igt
Laura A Hall, owner, and Wm F Hali
ageut................................ 1^90 'jo
85th St., No 1.14, s K, 439 w Columbus av,
1S.K102,2. Siime agt same........... 172 36
M;uh.sini:n-, Xi> l:J5, u c cor 31st st. Tlie
i;i-.iillLy ,v rinrier Co (Lim) agt Eleanor.!
Cliapiiiaii, uwiier, and J B Squire, cun-
iractor............................. 1 (j25 oO
SOth .St. No 121 W. Same agt John Doe.
owuer, and CbasS Osborn, contractor___167 94
December 17.
103d et, s s, isr. w Madisou av, 75x84.
vincenzo Margialetto and auo agt H
Lewis Cohu. owner, and Guisoppo Dan-
^^Pll^i. contractor..............................^oo 00
SOth st, s s, 100 w Amsterdam av, 50.5x
100. GeoF Werner agt Wm H Ramsey,
owuer and eoutraetor, and Youug "&
Gerard, owners........................„...717 00
Madieon St. No 362, e s, 27.'i w Jackeon st.
20x94.5. Rider Engine Co agt Joseph
Levin, owner and contrai tor..............130 00
10:irt St. as, 200 e .^tli av. 75sl0o. Orrin
D Per.son agt H Lewis Cohu. owner aud
contractor...................................807 3 4
â– '124rh st.ss. 180.6 e 3dav, 44.tx1O0. Cle¬
ment CiemcDtsea jigt Fredk B Cole,
owuer, and Hanuah .-^ Cole, coniractor,,, 14 85
Same pruperty, Raudall Peteisen agt
same............................,;........... 9 90
Same projierty. Olavns Olsen agt same.... 14 4(1
Same proiierty. Johu Olsen agt same...... 18 45
Harlem River to 138tli st Uai'icm R R.
Mai-tin Lyons agt The Harlem R R Co,
owuer. ami We»tlii-ookife Clark, contrac-
toi'Si and John GGeiit, wuh-couiraetor.... 32 36
]36thst, Nos i:jo-i4o. .1 s, 245 w Lenox av,
—X—. Peter Wir.-^iiigagt iM:iiy A Kelly,
owner, aud Dull i- ileale. i-iuitraclni-,«.... 150 00
7Sth sl, u w COT 2d av, 4!x8o, James Mur-
reu agt Thomas Doulon, oivner, and Jas
J Benson, eonlrattor.......................415 00
Crosby sl. No91. e s, 190.1 s Iriueest, 261
x76x26x«0.............................. I
Marion st. No .'16, w s, 202.2 s Prince at. I
Richard Lamli agt John H Leith and
Charles Glenn, owners, aud Beuedict &
Fowler, coutraetors........................492 22
Decembeh is.
55tlist. N-i 1,54, s B. 113 w 3d av, 25x100.
Same agt Isaac Griggs, owner, aurt same
eontractors..................................226 28
87tli at, s 8, 50 c Columbus av, jjOxIOO.
Same agt H Ives Smitb, owner, and same
con tractors.................................^-ji (;â– [
l-ieihst, u s, S.'iOe 7tli av, 75x100. Same
agt Metropoliian Street Railway Co, own¬
er, aud samo contractors, aud James R
Breeu & Son, suh-contractoi-B.............446 84
2{l av, w s, 25 u 51st fit. 25x100. Jacob
Fey agt L Yesky. iwuer, and John Marx.
eoutraetor................................... 83 00
Mainst, us. 322 w Boston road. 25x129.
.losepli Zioli agt J C Leonliauser, owuer,
and LE Blake, eontra;:tor.................253 66
I491.h St. No.'iSi? and 54!i, n .«, bet Court¬
landt and Mon-is avs, Hyde & Gload
Mtg Co aet Wm H Niebulir, owner ami
contractor..................................225 on
Greenest, No 157........................../
5oth st.No 154 E..........................i
Gns Blass agt Henry Kress, owner and
eoutraetor.................................. 96 50
De<-emeer 19.
Clintou av.bet 1st and 2d sts. lot Nos 322
and 323 map Woodlawn Heights. Ru¬
dolph Hopuig ant Chas F Britton. N Y
Buildiug Loan Banking Co aud Charles
Seebi'uK, owners, aurt Mortou R Doremas,
contractor..................................166 13
103rt st, 6 9. 200 e Sth av, 75x100.11. Gen¬
eroso Avallone agt H Lewis Cohn, owner
and contractor..............................962 85
62rt St. n s, 275 wiotliav. 100x90. Dom¬
euico Peloso agt Yineeozo Lucchesie it
Co. owners and contractors..............1,300 00
Jerome av, s ecor Vau Conrtlaudt av, 36x
100. Church E Gates <^' Co agt. Frank
aud T Dursie, owners, and Olef iiergmark,
contractor.................................. ,50 55
Same property. Olef Ber.gmark agt Frank
anrt T Dursie, owuers, anrt Fr.auk Dursie,
com raetor................................2.H20 00
1241)1 st, s 8, lS0.6e3dav. 44.5x100. Gust
Anderson agt Kredk B Cole, owner, and
Hauuah S Cole, contractor, and 8 other
lieue.............................total amt, 149 19
2d av, nweor 78tli st. Joseph W Binney
agt -lames J Beusnn, owner, and Michael niflp
Quinn, contractor..........................126 25
25th st, Nos 227-231 K. Same agt Lewis
Boch. owner aud same contractor........ .^2 00
Amsterrtam av. s e cor 77th st, i;5xl()0.
Isidor H Simnson agt Jennie CalrtweH.
owuer, aud JamesC Caldwell, contractor. 79 IKi
61st t-I, No 212, s 8,175 vr loth av, 25x
100.5. James M Mapes agt Charles
Saehs, owner. (Continued from Dec 20,
18931........................................ 51 50
West Enrt av. No 207. Isidor H Simpson
ast Margt K Douglass, owner, and James
S Douglass, contractor.................... 59 55
December 20.
Bowery, No 128, w .s, 50.1 n Grand st, 50 1
xli'0.6..................................... i
Grand st, Nos 222-228, u e cor Elizabeih f
St. 100.1x101.1...........................J
Johu H Shipwav & Brother agt The
Bowery Savings BanH, owner, and David
H King, eoutraetor, aud MoDunald & Co,
siib-eou tractors...........................1,464
12th sf, Nos 514 and 516, s s 395,8 w Av
B, 50.7x103 3. Aruoid Pfenning agt
Wierti'mian & Rosenbaum. owuers and
64111 st.No 41. n s, 475 w Ceutral Park
Wi-st. 25x100.5. Nason Mfg Co agt Marv
A Walsh, owuer, aud William Walsh, con¬
Cinalst. Nos 134 and 136, s s. 75 e Bowery,
45.8x75. Lonis Zimmerman agt Charles
aud Yetta .Shulmau. owners aud eon¬
*124th St, s s, 180.6 c 3d av, 44.5x100. Au¬
gust Olsen agt Fredk B Cole, owner, and
Hannah S Cole, contractor................. 30
Jei-inue av, s o cor Vau Courtlandt av, 36x
mo, Churcli E Gates & Co agt Frank
and T Dursie, owners, aud Frank Dursie,
eo ill raetor.................................. 50
76th st. No 187, u s, 20o w 3d av, 2,^x102,2,
Martin Ertl agt Frederic Telreon,
owner, and William Main, contractor,
and 1 liens.......................total amt 65
Madisou av, 11 w eor llGth st.60x110. The
Rrnnklyn Elei-lrie Eijiiieuient Co agt
I'raiiee.j .â– ^tcveus, owner anrt eoutraetor. 1.749
5ih av, u w cor 114th st, 50.5x100........>
SOl.h st, S s, 150w Amsterdam av, 50x100, j
-Edilorof The Record and Guide:
Money for lieus flled against H, S.-* F. H. Cole
â– above is deposited with A. R. Pago, and will l>p
paid on productiou of satisfai-tions.
JouxFESNti. ,\- En. B, Duss, alfy for lienors
Alfked R. Page, atfy for owner. __________