December 22,1883
The Real Estate Record
19 Allwood, John H,, to Ebenezer D. Bmith; prefer¬
ences, $2,500.
30 Bronson, Willett to Charlea H, Rusaell, Jr.; pref¬
erences. 858,830.
17.Cranz. Ferdinand, and Rudolph Ruuge. flrm of
Cran/ & Runge, 57 Broad st, to Herman Frlcben-
baus; preferences. $1,350
IB Freudennammer, Conrad, cigars. S'S 2d av, to Hen¬
ry W, Blumer; preferences, Sl,000.
17 I.ane, Stephen K,, firm of Lane & Son, to Wm. B.
Putney; prefereuces, $116,000,
30 May, Louia, to Jacob Springer.
17 Parsons, William P. and Ambroae M., flrm of W.
P. ifc A. M. Parsons, builders, to JohnC. Orr;
preferences, $ia,O0O.
IB Von Bernuth. CharleaandRudolph, flrm of Bomann
& Von Bernuth, 33 Greene st, to Frederick A. Von
Berauth; preferences, $74,625.
Schedule of assets^and liabilities flled for the week
ending December 31:
Allwood, John H..... J3,S7a
Brodek, Alfred...... 9,989
Barnes, Thos, S...... a,a03
Clark, O. R. & O. O.. 9,435
Greenthai, Sam..... 1,529
GoldBtelu & Brauner. 4.796
Jones, Seaman, Jr..
& Co............. 6,263
Klepper, Mortland &
Burd ............. 6.507
MockrldRe. Wm. M.. 8,666
May& Mayer ....... 151,353
Mayer & Co........... 3,760.H93
Morgans, Morgan, Jr. 18,154
Morrell, John H ..... 203,017
Seiedenbach, Schwab
&Co.............. 7«,193
Sidenstock, Mau'rioe. 7,633
Shapiro, Sam______. 33.852
Wallach, A, SeK..... 391,305
Wallach, Abraham .. ___
17 Broad. Henry R., to J. H. Broad.
17 Ewer, Roland G,, to J. H. Broad,
17 Johnson, Severin, to J. Jacques.
IB MagUI, Jane A., to John P. H, De Wint.
30 Cohen, Abraham, lo Marcus Rosen,
* Under the different headings Indicates that a reso¬
lution has been introduced and referred to the appro¬
priate committee, t Indicates that the resolution has
passed and haa been sent to the Mayor for approval,
Nbw York, December 19.1883.
Bt. Nicholaa a.v (sidewalks), from south curb of IGOth
at to the intersection wiih St. Nicholas av.t
4th av, e s, bet north curb 97th and aouth curb 102d
lS4th st, from St. Nicholas to Sth av.t
esth at, bet Sth and 9th ava.*
William st, from Duane st to n w s of New York and
Brooklyn Bridge at about the junction of a s of
North William at,t
49th st, n a, bet Sth and Sth avs.t
Greene st, from Bleecker to Sth st, 1
Wooater st, from Eleecker to 4th at,
Sullivan st, from Bleecker to 3d st,
Minetta st, from Bleecker st to Minetta lane.
Minetta lane, from Macdougal to CarmiDO st.
Washington pl. from Macdougal st to fith av.
Bedford st, from Houston to Christopher at. t
10th St. from Greenwich av to West st.
Bank st, from Greenwich av to 4th at.
Jane at, from Greenwich av to 4th st.
12th st, trom 6th av to 4th st.
16th st, from 7tb to 8th av.
20th st, from 6th to Sth av.
27th st, from 9th to llth av.
S3th at, from 9th av to North River,
29th st, from to 10th av.
Slst at, from 3th to 10th av.
83d st, from 7th to Sth av and 9tb to 10th av,'.
SSth st, trom 9th to IOth av,
4th av, n w cor '!4th st.t
TSd st, from Boulevard to Riverside Drive; gaa.t
ReBOlutions passed by the Board of Aldermen
calling for the following improvements bave been
signed by the Mayor during the week ending Decem¬
ber 15:
Eingsbridge road, from present termiDation of mains
at or near southerly side of bridge across Spuyten
Duyvil Creole, across said bridge and Riverdale
av to Church st or Kingsbridgeav; Church st, from
Riverdale av to Broadway, and in Riverdale av
and Broadway from Church to Ackerman et; Cro¬
East 153d st, fr3m Robbins to Tinton av; Croton.
Suburban at, from Webster av to Perry av; gas,
36th st, bet llth av and North Eiver; Croton,
Lind av, from Devoe st to Wolf at; Croton,
73d St. bet Sth and 9th avs; gas.
ISSth st, a'^ intersection of Public Drive.
Madisou av. No, 704, w a, 40,5 s 63d at. 20x70, four-
atory briok (atone front) dwell'g, by A. H, Mid¬
ler & Son. (3d mort,, amt due $4,834; 1st mort.
$35,000).................................. ....... 32
Hadison aT, No, TOS.w s. 30.5 a 63d et, 20x70, (our¬
story brioK (atone frcnt) dwell'g, hy A. H, Muller
Se Son, (3d mort.. amt due $6,567; Ist mort.
$35,OjO)........................................... 2*
eth av, u 6 cor 130th st, 100x100. vacant, by H,
Henriquea. (AsslRnees sale)................. 32
Madison av.No. 1933, a ecor 134th st,44if5, seven-
story brick flat, by J. H. Harnett. (Amt due,
abt 863,300)...................................... 36
Hamilton st, No, 31, n s, 244.S e Catharine st, 19.9i
66 X irreg, i 6i,10, two atory brick dweU'e, by
Sheriff at City Hall. (Sale under execution), .. 36
Scammel Et|No. 34, n a ?, 52.1 n Monroe Et,27x'
95, two-story frame dwell'g, onestory frame
ahop.................. ......................
8d at. No, 335, n s, 100 w Av D, 30x98, three-story
brick dwell'e..................................,
by Sheriff, at City Hall. (Sale under execution) 37
THlb St. s a, 575 6 10th av, 50x9S,3x50x09.2, vacant,
by D, M, Seaman, (Amt due, abt $3,876, lat
mort, $8,000)............................ 27
lOtb av. No. 1318, e s, 133 n 73d at, 20s:I(IO, fonr-story
brick stone front Ilat, by J. H, Harnett. (Amt
due, abt $1.975)................................. 37
114th at, a s, 300 w 1st av, 50x100.10, vacant, by R.
V.Harnett, (Admr'ssale)................. 27
123d et. No. 330, s s, â– 138,6 a w lai av, 19.10x75x33.5
il00,8, four-story brick (stone front) dwell'g,
by Fairchild & De Walltearss (Amt due, abt
$10,550)...................................... 37
115th at, e â– , 370 w 3d av, 12,5x100,11; No. 156, four¬
story stone front flat; Nos, 153-164, four font-
story brick flats, by E. Pettinger. (Amount due.
abt $7,500; flve prior morta., four oC $12,030 each
and one of $11,000; also several mechanics'
liena)......................................... 27
Madison av. No, ISOi, e s, 60,11 a lt3d st, 20x100,
three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g, by E, F,
Raymond, (Amount due, abt 818,900) ......... 28
North 3d av. No. 250. n e cot- J38lh at, 37xlOS.7x—
X119.1, four story hrick atore..........
13Bthst, n B. 119,1 e 3d av, EOxlOO........
by Scott & Myers, (1st mort,, amount due, abt
$17.600...................................... 28
West st, n e cor North Moore st, 50x85; No, 23S
Weat st, two-story brick store and dwell'g; Nos,
327 and 228, tivo-story frame store and dweh'g;
No, 105 North Moore st, two-story brick store
and dwell'g, by J. T. Boyd. (Parlitiou sale) ... 38
6)at at. No. 444, s S, 381,3 e 10th av, 18,9x11)0.5. three-
atory briok (stone front) dwell'g, t>y E. H. Lud¬
low & Co. (Amount due, abt $5,725)............ 38
4flth Et, No, 611, n s, 175 w lltli av, 25x97, three¬
story brick dweU'g and one-story briclc stable.
by J. F. B. Smyth, (Amountdue, aht $2,100),,. 29
Buahwick av Boulevard, e s, 60a Ten Eyclc st, 20'
171.3x50.8x76,6 .................................
Interior lot, 119.4 n of Stage st and 130 w of Wa-
by J, Cole, at 3 9 Fulton st ,,................... 24
Atlantic av. s s 330.2 e Carlton av, 35x100x29.9x100,
byT, A, Kerrigan, at.3,'i Willouglily st.......... 21
Uthst. ss, SS w3dav, 154x100x8^x68.7x79.......I
15th st, n s, 100 w 3d av, 33x100................f
by F, T. Magiil, referee, at Court House......... 26
22d at. n s, 800 e 4th av, 35x100, by Cole & Murphy,
at 379 Fulton st................................ 27
Douglass at, nes, 133,2 se Court st, 33x100......I
&thav, nws, 30ne5th st, 20x95...............j
byT. A, Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st......... 28
Heyward st, a s, Ul 6 Leeav, 18x100......... '
Rush st, s s. 83.3 w Division av, 33,8x100.......
Lafayette at, n wcor Navy st, 25x50...........
eth st, S WB. lB5n w Sthav, 20x75 ............,
by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st.......... 39
Sackett st. No. 106, s s, 300 w Columbia st, 30x95,
James Qould agt John Nyce; action for speciflc
performance; att'ys, Csrpenter & Mosher ------ 12
Herkimer st, n s, 231.3 w Schenectady av, IB 9x100.
Catharine C. Allen, admrx,, agt Gilbert M, Cole
etai,; att'y. H, B. Moore...................... 15
Margaretta st, ses, 231.S n e Broaijway, 18x90,
William C. Yeoman agt Lillian F. Naylor, for¬
merly Bobbins; att'y, A. W. S. Proctor........ 16
North 7th st, s w s, 57^,10 se 7th st, 106 to North 3d
at, X west 106 x north 38 x northeast 33 to begin-
ning. Edwin D. Phelpa agt James J. McCoi^
mick et al,; ait'y, H. Arden .,. . ............
Lafayette av, a s, 40 e Portland av, 201.65. Harriet
L Packard agt James F. Oliver et al.; att'y, A.
W. Parker ____..............................
Willoughby et, a a. 77 1 w Jay st, 18,9x72x19,3x76.
The Brooklyn Trust Co. agt George H, Messen¬
ger; att'ys, Bergen & Dykman ................ 18
5th av, 8 e a, 43 n e 14th st. 16x97,10. John Skelly
agt Peter Steffens et al,; att'y, A. W. S, Proctor 18
Dean st, s s, 310 e Clason av, 14x90. Jane T.
Smith agt Julia Toulmin et al,; att'y, C. R,
Smith......................................... 18
Dean st, e a, 334 e Clason av, 14x90. Same agt •
same; atfy, C. R, Smith................... 18
Clason av, w a, 197.10 s Flushing av, 25x.the block
to Schenck st. George D. Herrick agt Edward
C. and Nat. F. Grifflth; att'y, J.B, Longley____
Atlantieav, o s, 76,1 e Seigel av, 25,4x92.10x25'
x97,l ...................... _____........
Atlantic av, n s, 60.9 w Seigel av, 55.1x113,4x54.3
xlOl, New Lote..................................
Thomas M. Feeley agt John Doherty et al,;
att'y. A, Barrett..............................
Partition st, ns, 75 6 Van Brunt st. 18x80........I
Partition st, n s, 135 e Conover st, 20x100.........(
Catharine wife of John Whittan agt Catharine
Malone; att'y, A. Barrett...................... 19
Broadway, n e s, 17 s e ^'arearetta st, 17x80, John
B, Meyenberg, receiver, agt Letitia L. D. Nor¬
ton etal; att'y. J. H, Kemble................
Tompkins av, w a, 40 n Ellery st, 20x100, Charles
LoefQer agt John Kretzmar; att'y, Q, F.
Clason av, w s, 197.10 s Flushing av, 35 x the block
to Schenck st. George D. Herrick agt Edward
G. Se N, F. Griffith; att'y, J. B. Longley .,..
Myrtle av, n s, 316,11 e Tompkins av, 18,4x100.
American Swedenborg Frioting. &c., Soc. agt
Rebecca E, Williams; att'y. A, Smith..........
Sterling pl, s s, 835.5 w 6th av, 20x100. Mut. Li^.e
Ina, Co,, New York, agt George E. Archer et al.;
att'ys, H. C. Se G, I, Murphy ..........
Duffield st, w s, 137.8 a Concord st, 20x100.3. T. H.
Clowes, exr, J. Colea, agt Lydia A. Coles etal,;
att'y, C. C, Smith.............................
Wallabout st, late Biver at, s e cor Lee av, runs
east 240 x aouth 136.1 x northwest 7,5 x south¬
west 104.4 to Lee av. x north 138,8. The original
lis pendens in the partition suit of the Hall
eatate was published In Real Estate Record—
It tias now been amended hy Including above.
John T. Hall et al, agt Susan Hall et al,; parti¬
tion; att'ys. Miller, Peckham & Dixon........ 20
Madison st, n s, 450 w Frankhn av, 50x100, Mutual
Life Ins Co., New York, agt Rt-bt-cca Eastmond
etal.; att'ta,H, C, &G, I. Murphy..............
North 2d st, n s, aoutherly part lot 67 Loss map
of Williamsbure. 24.1x88. Patrick TalloD agt
Arthur Gallagher; att'ys, Clute & Cobb......
Sandsst Nos, 85, 87, 8Hand9l. Michael Fox agt
Mary Harkiu; action to declare fraudulent a
surrender of lease; att'y, John H. Clayton...... 21
NEW TORK. Per year
Attorney st. No, 166, slore, back rooms and
bakery. William Milleg to Louis Schoen-
thal; 5years, fromMay 1,1881.......... $480
Ann st, Nn, 88. William G, Shepard, exr. B,
S. Taylor, to Henry Heckman; 3 years,
from May 1, 18S3...................... 1,300
Chatham st, No. 152, store. William Smyer to
Dagmar Scharnikow; 5years, from May
1, 1883 ................................. 1,100
Coenties slip. No. 18, and No, 43Frontat, store
and cellar. Bridgett Mitchell, individ. and
guard, of children of J. H, Mitchell, to
George H, Engeman; 5 yeara, from Dec. 1,
1883........................................ 1,400
Same property. Assign, lease George H,
Engeman lo George D. Bader and Freder¬
ick C. Urnan........................ 1.000
Delancey at. No. 1E4, third floor. Peter Gran-
get to Josephine Kammerer.,free use of said floor
Duane st, No, 189 Josiah Conklin et al, to
Nelson Secor; 6years. from May !, 'tSi... 1.350
Greenwich st, No. 333 Helen M, Deniaon to
Thomas R. Harris; 5W years, from Jan, 1,
1884.................................. 8.000
Washington st. No, 489. front and rear build¬
ings, John B. GInochio, Jersey City, to
Dennis Crowley; 2 years, from May 1,1883
....................................500 and 800
Walker st. No. 131, front house, Chas, E.
Hartshorn to J, Wm. Rieke; 3 vears, from
May 1, 1850, $961 per year, and byafurther
Bgreement lease extendcl 6 years at $1,080
per year, after which itisassiened by J,
W. Rieke to Gottlob Stranger ........ nom
Wept Washington Market, Stand No, 414,
Stokem Fish Mark'-t, The Produce Bank,
City New York, to Andrew Spring; I year,
from May 1, 1882......................... 900
2d St. No. 313 E,, store and cellar. Maria Jung-
becker to Martin Krikava; 3 5-13 years,
from Dtc. 1, 1883.......................... 600
3d st. No. 325 S,, Suaan Crooks and John
Crawford to Jacob Kan; 1 5'12 yeara, from
Dec. 1,1883............................... 720
25th Bt, n a. 130 w 3d av, runs west 6'^ x north
98.8 X east 35 x north 28 x east 140 x aouth
126.8. Wiliiam and Robert Clark to Jamea
B Brewater; 5 years, from May 1, 1386,
..............................11,000 and 12.000
35th st, Nos. 433 and 425 W., shop in rear. Ellen
M, Hennesey to Sebaatianltan and August
Tafel; 5 years, from Dec. 1,18S3......... 500
64th st,n s. 355 w 2d av, 35x1011.5. Jacob G.
Banders to Wm, P, and Ambrose M. Par-
aooa; i^ years, from Aug. 1, 1881......... 3O0
Sameproperty, Assign, lease. Wm. P. and
A. M. Parsons to Messrs, Bloomingdale
Bros .................................... 1,400
Same property. Consent to assien. lease,
J. G Sanders to W. P, and A, M. Parsons. ' -----
82d st, No. 334 E„ stable and lot, Myron T.
Owens to Charles S. Hawley; 5 5-6 years,
from Dec, 1, 1883, taxes and Croton tax
and........................................ 400
111th st, n s, 160 e 3d av, two amall brick build¬
ings- Bertha R. Rice, admrx. of J. Jacob,
to George Ott, Jr.; 5 years, from Oct. 1,
1883 ...........................noOaDdl,000
114thst, No. 177, E. Mary Hoffman to August
Schmuts; 10^ years, from Nov. 1, 1883
............................7S0, 900 and 1,000
Av C, No. 136, store and part cellar, John B.
Smyth to John C. Luhrs; 4J^ years, from
Jan. 1,1684.................... SOO
Madiaon av, s e cor 26th st, 49.5x175. Leonard
W, Jerome to The University Club; 5}^
years, from Feb. 1, 1S84; from Feb. 1 to ' -
May S2,8i2, and then.......... ......... 22,600
lat av. No, 86, store and basement. Louia
ScliaSner to Edward Davis and Leopold
Strauss; Syears, from Dec. 1. 1883 ______ 1,080
1st av. No. 861, n w cor 43th st, store, Michael
Giblin and James W. Taylor to Christopher
Voo Glahn; 5ye.ars 4 months and 15 days.
from Dec. 15, 1883..............1,200 1,300 and 1,5C0
latav. No, 97^, store, back room'and part
cellar. Loreuz Weiher to Schmitt Se
Schwanenfluegel; 3 years 4 months and 15
daya, from Dec. 15,1883.................... 540
2dav, No, 930, Bernhard Kolb to John Roedel;
3 5-13 years, from Dec, 1.................... BOO
3d av. No. 1208, store, 2 rear rooms and part
cellar. Felix Connor and John Graham to
Schmitt & ESchwanenfluegel; 1 year 4
months and 15 days, from Dec 15, 1883___ 640
3d av. No. 1430, n w cor Slst st. Mary F, Bas¬
ker to Patrick J, Kennedy; 3]^ years, Irom
from Nov. 1, I£e3..................3,000 and 3,3iXI
3d av. No. 2306, all above drug store; Samuel
A. Hflls to W. L, Estabrooke; 5J^ years,-
from Nov. 1, I8a2,.,.................850and 900
Sameproperty, Assign, lease, William L,
Esterbrook to JamfS W, Turner........... nom
Kingsbridge to West Farms road, n s Wbeat-
ly's market, 34th Ward. t atharine F.
Meyer, Greenfield, Saratogo Co. N Y,, to
Randolph B. Wheatly; 1 year, from March
15,1884.................................... 30O
NoTB.—3^ arrangement of the Conveyances, Mort¬
gages and Judgments in these lists is as follows: the
first name in the Conveyances is the Orantor; in
Mortgages, th^ Mortgagor; in Judgments, the Judg¬
ment debtor.
Allen, E S—P McOaden, IHyrtle av.^S Orange... $S5
Ashbr. Thomaa and Qeorge—A E Whitehead, E
Orange....................................... 1