of the
Phis section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignm-ents of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales. Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
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"Bntered at the Post Office at New Tork. N. Y., as second class ssatter.
Vol. C
No. 2586
New York, October 6, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
SEPT. 28, 29, OCT. 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Allen St. lY>-2, see Division, 106-8 on
map 108.
Ilayard st, 66 (1:201-32). ns, 93.8 e Mott.
23.6x100, 5-sty bk tnt & str & 6-sty bk
rear tnt; Nielk Realtv Co to Jayrose Real¬
tv Co, 66 Bayard: mtg $28,300; Sept24; Sept
28'17; A$16.000-32.000. nom
Bayard ai, 66; Jayrose Realty Co to
Adolph Voltter. ISOO 7 tiv; mtgr $24,000;
Sept27; Sept28'17. O C & lOo
Dayard st, 6S (1:201-33), ns, 93.8 e Mott.
runs n73,6 xw0.4xn 26.6 xw22.5xsl00 to
st xe22.7 to heg, 6-sty bk loft Sz str bid?:;
Nielk Realtv Co to Jayrose Realty Co, 66
Bavard; mt^- $24,000; Sept24; Sept28'17; A
$16,000-35,000. nom
Bayard st. 68 (1:201), ns, 93.8 e Mott.
runs n73.6xw0.4xn26.6xw22.5xsl00 to st xe
22.7 to beg"; Jayrose ReaUy Co to Adolph
Voltter. 1800 7 av; mtg $24,000; Sept27:
Sept2S'17. O C & 100
Beaver st. 81-3 (1:27-22-23), ns, 40.5 e
Hanover. 44x48.9x39.4x59.9, 2-4-sty bk loft
& str bldg-s; Lawrence S Greenbaum. ref.
to Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, plff;
FORECLOS Septl9; Oct2: Oct3'17; A$S5,-
Canal st, 336 (83) (1:211-39). sWe
Church (No 332). 25.7x46.8x25x41.6, 5-sty
bk loft it str bldg: John "W Cornish Con¬
stn Co. 4121 3 av, Bronx, to Anna M Jones.
2463 Valentine av. Bronx; mtg $27,500 &
AL; Octl; Oct2'17; A$19.000-25.000. nom
Canal st, r»26 (2:595-15), swc Washing¬
ton (No 472), 20x60, 4-sty bk tnt & strs;
Wm P Schoen. ref, to Asahel F Wood.
2n44 14th st NW. Wash, DC. plff; FORE¬
CLOS Mar23: Mar29'16; Octri7; A$14.000-
17.000. 15,000
Canal ai, 526, swc Washington (No 472);
Asabel F Wood, of Wash, DC, to Mary
Wallace. 3042 Bainbridge av; Mar29'16:
Octl'17. nom
Church st, 332, see Canal. 346.
Cliff at, 34 (1:75-47), sws. 8.11 sw Pulton,
22 8x102.3x22.4x103.11. 4-.'^ty bk loft & str
bide:: Abr M Clonney. 114 Gates av, Bklyn,
to Kate V K- Emilv N Goodwin. 91 Cam¬
bridge pl, Bklvn; E&S: mtg $30,000; Sept
27: Ortl'17: A$29.000-42,000. nom
Division st. 106-8 on map 108 (1:294-
19). nec Allen (Nos li/^ & 2). runs nlOO.lxe
27.7x.s83.4 to st xs or sw37 to beg. 6-sty bk
tnt Xz strs: Morris & Bertha Kulok to
Jacob Altmnrk. 1 Rutgers: H pt; AT; AL;
Sent25: Sent29'17: A$40,000-75.000. nom
Fast Broadway. 44 (1:281-20). ns. abt 360
e Cath. 25x69.7x25x69 6, 4-sty bk loft &
Ptr bldn: Chas Wi.lder & Rose, his wife, to
Tillip Wilder. 550 W 15S: AT; B&S; AL;
Sept2R; Oct4'17: A$23.000-30.000. nom
FliKaheth st, 153 (2:479-30). ws. abt 15 s
Kenmare. 25x94. 3-sty bk tnt & str Sz 3-sty
bk loft bide- in rear: Horace E Deming. ref.
to Jos T^ Molinari. 114 32d, Bklvn. one of
defts: PARTTTTON JulylS; Sept6; Sept29
•17: A$15.500-17.000. . 15,200
Fll7:n1ieth st. 153; Jos L Molinari. of
Bklvn. to Stephen Guardino 8222 19 av.
Bklvn; AL: Sept2.S; Sept29'17. O C & 100
Flixalieth st, 1.'J5 (2:479-29). nws. at sws
TCenmare (Nos 30-40), runs nw94.2xsw23.4
xse93.1 to st xne8.9 to beg. vacant; Wm H
Long to Stephen Guardino. 8222 19 av,
Bklyn; Sept28: Sept29'17; A$17.000-17.000.
Flm st, .36-42. see Pearl. 534.
F'etrher si, 21-5, see Maiden la. 143-9.
Plotcher st, 21-5. see Maiden la. 143-9.
Franklin st. 47 (1:171-18), ss, 59 w La-
faypttp. 10.7x75.4x18.11x75.4. 2-sty bk tnt
Sz str. 1-sty'ext; Morris Wolf. .364 Front
St. Chicopee, Mass. & Jos S Wolf. 548 W
164. to Fredericka Cohen. 606 W 113, lega¬
tee Wm Wolf: QC: Septl7: Oct2'17; A$16.-
000-20.000. nom
Front st, 1.16-60, see Maiden la,. 143-9.
C.oorok sf, nwc Grand, see Grand. 574.
Tiranrt st. 574 (2:326-54). nwc Goerck, 25
x75. 4-stv fr bk ft tnt & strs & 4-stv bk tnt
X' strs; Phelan Beale. ref. to Celia Hvman.
20fi9 5 av: FORECLOS Augl6; Sept28: Sept
29'17: A$12,500-16,500. 12,ino
Hamilton ter. 34 (7:2050-74). ws, 368 n
141st. 19x100. 3-sty Sz h bk dwg; Wellesley
Realty Corpn, 280 Mad av, to Wm C Mott.
320 W 86. Sz Union Trust Co of N Y. 80
Bway. EXRS Robt A Scott; B&S; Sept27;
Sept2S'17; A$8.200-12.000. O C & 100
Henry st. 256 (1:268-57), ss, 102.6 e
Montgomery. 20.7x108, except part for st,
3-stv bk tnt: Henry A Friedman, ref, to
Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, plff; FORE¬
CLOS Sept28; Octl; Oct3'17; A$11,500-12.-
500. 10,000
Kenmare st. 30-40, see Elizabeth. 155.
Le-n-is st, 08 (2:329-50), sec Stanton (Nos
311-3), 25x75. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Israel
Cohen, 915 Intervale av, to Helene Galew¬
ski. 26 W 120; Chas Galewski. 216 W 94. &
David Galewski, at East Willi st on, LT.
ADMRS &c Bernard Galewski, office at 299
Bwav: mtg $30,000; Augll; Oct4'17; A$16.-
500-34,000. O C & 100
Ludlofv st, 110 (2:410-3 7), es, 100 n De¬
laneey, 25x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Chas
Wilder to Rose Wilder, his wife, 180 St
Nicholas av: AT; AL; Sept28: Oct3'lT: A
$19,000-33.000. nom
Ludlow st, 110; Tillie Wilder, individ. &
Saml N Freedman. EXRS &r Saml Wilder,
to Rose Wilder. 180 St Nicholas av; AT;
mtg $30,000 & AL; Sept2S: Oct3'17. nom
Macdou;;-al st. 110 (2:540-4). es, 150 n
Bleecker. runs el OOxwlOO to st xs25 to
beg. i)robable error, n course omitted. 6-
sty bk tnt & strs; F'annie Lifshutz of Bk¬
lvn. to Louis Lifshutz. 5 45 Bedford a v.
Bklvn; % pt; RT&I; AL; Julvl7: Oct2'17;
A$16.000-27.000. nom
Madison st. 01 (1:277-9), ns. abt 310 e
Cath. 25x100. 5-stv bk tnt: Arthur F Ma-
thi.'5. 356A 7th. Bklvn. to Louise B Chase.
1040 SOth Bklvn, ^4 pt. & Edw Bohner. at
Hot Sprines. Va. M pt; mtg $28,000: Sept
28: Sept29'17; A$15.000-29,000. O C & 100
Maiden la, 14.3-9 (1:71-1-6-). nwc Front
CNos 156-60). 68.10x80.4 to ss Fletcher
(Nos 21-5) x76.ll to ws Front x79.S to
beg, 2-5 & 4-4-stv bk loft & str bldgs;
AVm F Devine, of Bklvn. to Smith Valley
Realtv Corpn. 17 Cedar; B&S; Oct3'17: A
$101,500-124,500. O C & 100
Maiden la. 14.3-9 (1:71-1-6). nwc Front
rNos 156-RO). runs w6 8.1 Oxn SO. 4 to ss
Fletcher (Nos 21-5) xe76.11 to ws Front
xs7n.8 to beg. 2-5 & 4-4-stv bk loft & str
bldsrs; Kennedv Estate Co (T>td). to Wm
F Devine. 108 Cumberland. Bklvn; B&S;
Sept5; Octl'17; A$89.500-110.500.
O C & 1.000
Monroe st, 134 (1:256-23). ss. 156.7 w
Jefferson. 14.10x100x14.11x100. 5-sty bk tnt
& str: Tjouis Foreman. 430 Grand, to Mor¬
ris Goldsmith. 34 E 105: '/^ pt; mtg $14,200:
Oct3: Oct4'17; A$8.500-1 2.500. O C & 100
Monroe st. 2.34 (1:261-57). ss. '150.5 e
Scammel, 27.5x95.3. 5-stv bk tnt & strs: A
$13,500-26.500: also MONROE ST. 236 (1:-
261-56). ss. 177.10 e Scammel. 27.4x95.4x
27.4x95.3. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; A$13.500-
26.500: Jacob Lew et al to Saml Lew, 55
W 116: B&S; Sept28: Oct4'17. "nom
Monroe st. 236, see Mnnroe. 234.
Xew st n:2S2-pt lot 50). es. ad.1 Man¬
hattan Bridere. 9.9 n East B^vav. runs n
59 3xe17,3xs56.8 to beg. 1-sty bk str: Chas
WildPr X- Rose, his wife, to Tillie Wilder.
550 W 158; AT; B&S; AL; Sept28: Oct4'17;
A$-------$-------. nom
Norfolk St. 150 (2:354-48). es. 100 s Stan¬
ton. 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm W
Ppllet, ref. to Lawvers Mtg Co. one of the
nlffs: FORECLOS Sept25: Octl; Oct3'17:
A $20,000-28.500. 22.000
Park St. 87 (1:161-35). ss. 108.6 w Mul-
berrv. 23.6x75.9 to Worth (No 173). x24.4
x7r..9 excent pt for opening Worth st. 2-
sty fr bk ft tnt & strs: Cecelia A Baven-
dam of Bklyn to Cecelia A McAvey. 142
Scbpnck av. Bklvn: mtg $11,500; Octl:
Oct2'17: A$15-000-15.500. nom
Pearl st, 92 (1:30-11), sps. abt 135 sw
William, bpsins at nc 90 Pearl, runs se45
^-npO 6xsp1S.1xnp20.6xnw63.9 to st xsw21
tn bpsr. 4-stv hk loft & str bldg; Auerust
Scbncht. of Bklvn. to Tonng & Griffin
rnffee Co. 97 Water: mte- $10,000 Sc AL:
Sept25: Octl'17: A$11.000-15.500. nom
Pearl st. 320-3 (1:106-17), ses, 57.2 ne
Peck sl, runs se74.10xnel6xsel7xne26.2xn
W97.4 to st XSW43.5 to beg, 5-sty bk loft
& str bldg; Robt B Lawrence of Flush¬
ing, B of Q, to Margt A Becker at Craig-
Gowan. Stamford, NY; mtg $45,000; Sept
22; Oct2'17; A$27,000-45.000. nom
Pearl st. 534 (1:157-21), nwc Elm (Nos
36-42), 25x100, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Eliz Q H Boyd of Lee, Mass, et al, to
Chas Barsotti, Sr, — River rd. Edgewater,
NJ; mtg $30,000 & AL; Sept29; Oct2'17; A
$55,000-67.000. O C & 100
Pine St. Sl (1:39-37), ss, 67.4 w Water.
30.6x40x30.9x40, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg;
also WATER ST. 128 (1:39), ws. 40.7 s
Pine. 23.2x65.8x23x69.8,7-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Hasco Building Co to Water-Pine
Corpn. 128 'Bway; mtg $50,000; OctS; Oct
4'17; A$40.000-75.000. O C & 100
Rldf^e St. 128-30 (2:344-48-49), es, 94 s
Stanton. 34x100. 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs &
2-3-stv bk rear tnts: John T Hogan. ref,
to City Real Estate Co. 176 Bway; FORE-
CT^OS Sept5; Sept26; Sept29'17; A$lS,noo-
26,000. 30.000
Ridge St. 139-43. see Stanton. 200.
South st, .-.9-60 (1:37-53), nec Wall (No
120), 30x39.10x30.2x38. 4-sty bk tnt & strs;
Warner M Van Norden lo Lawyers Realty
Co, 160 Bway: mtg $20,000 & AL; Oct3; Oct
4'17; A$37,000-40,000. nom
Stanton st, 200 (2:345-29), nwc Ridge
(Nos 139-43). 25x80, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Louis Daniels to Beckie Daniels, 928 Tif¬
fany; mtg $53,000; Janl2; Octl'17; A$22.-
000-42.000. nom
Stanton st, 311-3, see Lewis. 98.
Wall St. 120, see South. 59-60.
Washington st, 472, see Canal. 526.
AVater st, 58 (1:30-25). ns, 137.7 w Old
sl. 21.6x69.11x21.7x70.8, 5-sty bk storaere;
Marv L Coster to Young & Griffin Cotfee
Co. *97 Water: B&S & CaG; Sept27: Octl
'17; A$15.000-22,000. O C & 100
AVater st, 128. see Pine. 81.
Worth st, 173. see Park, 87.
5TH St. r,:iO K ^2:400-21), ss, 262 w Av
B. 19.4x96.10x19.4x96.2, 3-sty bk tnt; Al¬
fred H Townlev. ref. to Theresa R Spear,
920 Homo, plff: PORECLO'S Sept25: Oct
1'17: A$10,500-12.000. .lO.OOO
7TH St. 269 E (2:377-53), ns. 204.1 w Av
D. 22.2x97.6, 3-stv bk dwg; Anne S Seedorf
to Rose Wels. 26S E 7: mtg $15,000 & AL;
Sept26; Octl'17: A$12.500-14,000. O C & 100
9TH St. 17 W (2:573-53). ns. 282 8 w 5
av. 26.2x82.3, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Davann
Co to Manber Co, 41 Park row; mts: $20,--
000 & AL; Octl; Oct2'17; A$19.000-25,000.
9TH st, 73-5 W, see 6 av, 114.
IOTH .st, 196-204 F. spe 2 av. 156-15SV2.
IITH St. ,39 AV (2:575-69). ns. 471.10 e 6
av, 21.9x103,3. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Edw
Swann to Emma A Poster. 39 W 11: mtg
$61,000 & AL; OctS; Oct4'17; A$16,500-18.-
500. O C & 100
l.^TH st, 7 E (3:843-8). ns, 125 e 5 av, 75x
103.3. 5-sty bk Y W C A bldg: Young
Women's Christian Assn to Soc of the
Commonwealth Center. Inc, 140 E 19; B&S
& CaG; Aug28; Oct4'17; A exempt-exempt.
O C & 100
16TH st, 31 AV (3:819-18). ns. 575 w 5
av. 25x92. 4-stv & b bk dwg: Land Estates.
Inc. to Wilton Holdinsr Corpn. 135 Bway;
B&S; Oct2; Oct4'17; A$21,500-23.000.
O C & 100
16TH St. 407 AV (3:714-30). ns. 80 w 9
av. 20x26. 3-stv fr tnt & str; John Sin¬
nott to Thomas Rav. 118 10 av; AL; Octl;
Oct2'17: A$2.000-2.500. O C & 100
22n st, 27 E (3:851-24), ns, 325 w 4 av,
33.4x98.9. 10-stv bk office X- str bldg; Jos
T & Theo D McCaddon. EXRS &c Ruth L
Bailev. to Bailev Estates. Inc. at Mt Ver¬
non. 'NY; AL: Sept29; Oct4'17; A$70.000-
150.000. nom
22D st, 27 E; Jos T McCaddon. of Mt
Vernon. NY. et al, to same; QC; Sept29;
Oct4'17. nom
33D st, 240 E (3:903-39). Ss, 141.8 -w 2 av.
20.10x98.9. 4-sty & b bk dwg; Mark Owpns
to Marv R Owens, his wife, both at 452A
Hancock, Bklvn; Oct3; Oct4'17: A$18,500-
20.000. gift
24TH st, 240-2 E, see 2 av. 411-5.
26TH St. .3.39 AV, see 27th. 340 W.
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